strange double-take causing confusing images | optical illusion girl's head in a spoon | dog with multiple legs that are actually puppies nursing

Intriguing Images of Eye-Defying Double-Takery

Good try, brain.
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A collection of funny Scottish tweets that don't make complete sense | hey duggee fangirl @PygmyLoris GIRLS years, my very glaswegian husband thought words were wean manger" and this will never stop being funny 9:59 PM 12/21/18 Twitter iPhone

Delightful Heap Of Scottish Tweets

Our favorite kind of tweets.
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Man invents invention that makes a rude hand gesture.

Dude Follows Heart and Creates Terrific Invention

It's all about staying true to yourself.
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People describe the most uncomfortable questions they've ever heard asked | wsb_roulette 2d 1 Award once had stranger tell saw And like "saw were checking out girl honestly had no clue he talking about because seriously wasn't checking out anyone but he kept insisting and should stop denying dude like 40 fuck his problem. Fucking embarrassing man. Reply 8.8k

Most Uncomfortable Questions To Ask People

Let's make it awkward.
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A collection of cooking fails that were just plain terrible | washing carrots in a washing machine | stove burner ring embedded into a melted plastic cutting board and the phrase sorry honey written on it

Cooking Fails Of Disastrous Proportions

They're not doing it right, at all.
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Movie theater employee gets called out for messing with customer's order | work at movie theater and skinny bitches order diet coke, I give them regular. Wahahahaha theforcekeepers DO NOT DO THIS. This makes so angry | If work movie theater and do this have no respect My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic go movie theater always get intolerant but because stomach ulcers are still healing couple years ago went Starbucks right after my classes with some friends and asked green tea latte with soy

Tumblr Thread: Importance Of Giving Customers What They Ask For

Just do the right thing.
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Zach Galifanakis KlND OF A FUNNY STORY

Zach Galifanakis Uncomfortably Interviewed

What an interview.
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lawyer goes through dwi checkpoint

Attorney/Uber Driver Tutorial on DWI Checkpoints

Could be helpful to know.
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Parent hires a private investigator to look into children's nanny | AITA hiring private investigator check into our nanny have nanny (late 20s) who comes watch our 3 year old and 1 year old our work schedules overlap or have go out together whatever reason. She's watching kids between 10-20 hours week. Recently came back and time pay her, but she middle bathing kids so said "Can just put my purse said no problem went downstairs and found her purse but little cluttered so put her wallet her purse

Parent Hires Private Investigator To Check Out Nanny

Might've been overstepping just a bit.
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Antivaxxer being stupid in text conversation | and 's truth bro sheep sheeple can be so blind Imfao 's zionists and gates' okay 's truth are blind where do get proof facebook s obvious got vaccinated right? no and don't have autism don't think jesus christ Delivered doesn't cause autism 100 time iMessage 4.

Anti-Vaxxer's "Reasoning" is as Incoherent as One Would Expect

It's like a Thanksgiving conversation all over again.
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Interesting Twitter thread on the history behind Cleopatra | Anne Thériault O. 05/02/2018 Cleopatra: looks like had twins Cleopatra named them after two great world leaders Mark Antony love too, babe Cleopatra: no mean after 200 Alexander Great and also O 29 271146 4 030 1 Anne Thériault O. 05/02/2018 Cleopatra: one them has middle name Sun and other one has middle name moon Mark Antony s bit Cleopatra: welcome Ancient Egypt Land Being Extra 27174 1 507 1

Twitter Thread: Fascinating History On Cleopatra

This was a lot of fun.
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Fails. messes, mistakes and chaos | spilled white paint bucket that splashed all over a black car | multiple bird footprints tracks in fresh concrete

Misfortune Monday: All Kinds of Bummers

Taste the many flavors of chaos.
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A powerful Tumblr thread shines light on various anxiety disorders | all T-Mobile LTE 8:27 PM 83% norma1-people-sxare group rough looking boys walked past today and all heard their conversation he's got anxiety disorder bro so went with him so he'd be more comfortable" and made realise world isn't all bad fitzefitcher #this is team skull its-just--phage

Tumblr Thread: Shining Light On Anxiety Disorders

All the good feels.
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An AskReddit thread on various survival tips that people should know | Fried_Dace 19h Every part dandelion flower stem root, is edible. Reply 4.0k

Surprisingly Unknown Survival Facts People Should Know

These might come in handy at some point.
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Samurai sword master reacting to hollywood sword fights INSIDER how real is it

Samurai Sword Master Analyzes Sword Fights In Movies

The movies getting carried away as usual.
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Things that look like food but aren't food | yellow snake wrapped around a bowl of bananas | mushrooms that look like pancakes with maple syrup

Stuff that Looks like Food but Isn't

What a delectable, uh, snake?
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