TV and movie villains who people sympathized with | JackwhitesLiteBrite 12.2k points 15 hours ago Doc Ock not saying sooner rob bank than beg grant money, but get where he's coming .

Villains Who People Sympathized With

Imagine landing a sweet new security guard gig just as James Bond strolls into town.
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Lessons that non-USA students learned about America | bulletbender911 21h India, all they taught about USA USA discovered search India by Christopher Columbus" Reply 608

Lessons Non-USA Students Learn About America

Not as much as one might think.
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Entitled parent doesn't like school's bus policy and gets a response | 2 years ago This school is pretty new and lack organization. Also school is very inconsiderate their students safety feel as if having protest better bus transportation. SMH school Transportation director insist on picking my 6 yr old up mornings across street busy intersection near plaza parking lot. instead putting her up front my apartment complex entrance. No one showed any concern or care about situation Share

Entitled Parent Thinks School Bus is a Private Chauffeur

Who knew you could review a school.
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Story of Karen who thought guy mowing his lawn was a kid at a lawn mowing service | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/Alyksandur 6 days ago not lawn mowing service. XL (First time poster and usually listen these on YouTube don't have clue formatting works. Also, this may not be perfect sub this story, but still has right kind vibe This one actually happened last year, but short enough still remember pretty clearly live very small town where everybody can more or less recognize everybody else by si

Karen asks Grown Man to Mow Her Lawn for $10

She just walked up to a dude mowing his own lawn.
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ridiculous entitled people and their demands | Hi Just wanted let know loved cleaning last week and wondering if could come back every month Also wondering if could give us discount next time saw refilling water bottle our sink seems not big deal but our water bill is high specially with our new pool looking forward seeing again! Thank

Entitled Folks and Their Frustrating Demands

It must feel freeing to have no shame.
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Funny Tumblr thread on spider bogs | dombinic why do they always show cranberries thos big pits n its implied its wet and possibly swimmable. do cranberries really grow like wh thetaobella never heard Bog? heartachedreamboy th

Tumblr Thread: Wolf Spiders Run The Cranberry Bogs

No thank you.
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A Tumblr thread about catching a bus is legendary | ainaraoftime bus drivers who re-open their doors they see someone running towards stop are neutral good. any other kind bus driver is automatically lawful evil soaringsparrows chaotic evil bus driver who saw running stop and waited until at door close and drive away

Tumblr Thread: A Legendary Bus Catching Story

Never give up.
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Passive aggressive bridezilla calls her friends out over their wedding gifts | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/makeupandjustice 23h AITA calling friends out not bringing card or gift my post- elopement wedding reception? Asshole Amidst significant family drama, my husband and decided elope and then host 35 person garden-party wedding reception at our home reception on same date as our original wedding had been planned and tbh cost just as

Passive Aggressive Bridezilla Complains About Friends' Gifts

Oh, come on.
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A collection of moments that made us facepalm | Snee ee Thusds Jewant il Here is schedule hey think have wrong number Then is number because have 51 is my number Read 11:36 AM Ok then why did say have wrong number because not person trying text | Friend has been complaining about finding an avocado on his lawn every day weeks now. Why would someone keep throwing avocados his yard? Who would do guys he just realized he has an avocado tree 8:51 PM 8/22/19 Twitter iPhone 2,213 Retweets 22.9K Likes

Facepalm Moments From The Dimmest Bulbs

Silence is golden sometimes.
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Tumblr thread about hypothetical superhero named Crime Man | charlesoberonn Follow New superhero: Crime Man. He stops crimes exclusively by comitting crimes. He out-crimes criminals. soft-riddler Follow Punisher does this and crime is murder charlesoberonn Follow Punisher doesn't stop crime, he punishes criminals. Big difference. OCrime Man is more proactive than soft-riddler Follow So really mean is like totalitarian government profiles people and arrests them before they commit crimes (which i

Tumblr Thread: Crime Man Saves The Day With Crime

Crime Man's not the average superhero.
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Hilarious Twitter thread about a man's eucalyptus fail in the shower | Owner an Amulet @solomonmissouri bought some eucalyptus oil cause spiritual girls said would "help with intention"

Twitter Thread: Man's Eucalyptus Experience Results In Disaster

Help with "intention."
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Qualified Hospital employee gives patient care, she thinks he's the garbage man | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Truthislife13 22 hours ago Medical care provided by garage man oc M finished my PhD middle terrible recession, and having hard time finding permanent job stayed afloat financially by adjunct teaching (low pay, no benefits) and by doing whatever odd jobs could find volunteer EMT at time, and friend able get night shift job local hospital as an IV technician. Strictly speaking should

IV Tech Lets Absurd Patient Think He's the Janitor

Ah, hospital shenanigans.
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Fastest moving manmade object could've torn a hole in a planet | RE tilthat TIL unconfirmed record fastest moving manmade object is manhole cover propelled by nuclear detonation high-speed camera trained on lid caught only one frame moving upward before vanished-which means moving about 125,000 miles per hour via

Tumblr Thread: Fastest Manmade Object Went Full Send

We went full send with that manhole cover.
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Stuff that looks like faces and other things | slice of banana with a shape resembling the face of a dog | woman wearing a headband and sunglasses over her head looking down so that her head looks like a muppet's face

Things that Happen to Look like Other Things

Good work, brain.
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Tumblr thread about judging historical figures in modern fashion | unpretty ROYALTY_NOW_ julius caesar as just Some Dude is tripping out facial reconstruction from a bust

Tumblr Thread: Reconstructed Historical Figures and How They'd Be

Caligula still looks like he'd do a Caligula.
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A collection of clever comebacks that silenced their recipients | hcrld +21 Queue is just Q followed by 4 silent letters. v Robot_Spider +62 They aren't silent. They're waiting their turn. weallheartonedirection: Internet at its finest

Remarkable Retorts That Wrecked People

No coming back from these.
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