funny and incompetent moments of jobs not being done correctly | tree growing in the middle of a concrete road | running faucet that doesn't reach the sink but floods the counter instead

Skillfully Unprofessional "Not My Job" Moments

Looks good.
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Couple ends up getting divorced over a parking spot | r/ProRevenge Join u/CharGamerYT 300d Parking Spot Causes Divorce Ok so this isn't story about This is about my neighbor. This is exactly he told this story and witnessed portions myself. Back Story: My neigbor, who will call David(not real name and my other neighbor, who will call Karen(not real name) often got into arguements about who owns part property. They live right next eachother so this is understandable. Karen known being Karen so th

Bickering Couple Gets Divorced Over Parking Spot

What a scene.
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Nasty father-in-law gets defeated in high-stakes game of Tetris | r/ProRevenge u/leader556 3h Join 2 1 1 3 2 game Tetris ended years bullying my father--law wish were challenge sentence has echoed my father--law's house months now, and even saying word "Tetris" around him causes him turn into ball rage theme song game makes his eyes bulge, and any oddly colored boxes stacked random order seems give him PTSD-like gaze would give nam vet run their money.

Disapproving Father-In-Law Gets Humbled In High-Stakes Tetris

That's how it's done.
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Tumblr thread recreates very small funny animation error in Scooby Doo | scoobydoomistakes Follow Probably Happened Bob animator Ok, so, there's gonna be broken piece sign says KL’ on Can draw Frank animator Yeah, sure s this look KL

Tumblr Thread: Recreating a Scooby Doo Inconsistency

Zoinks! An extremely small error!
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Terrified man encounters giant house centipede | r/tifu Join u/skankybutstuff 5d 1 1 3 F 2 TIFU by meeting Satan's centipede M My hands are still shaking, but have tell someone horrors just experienced fairly active guy, and got few those sleeveless shirts wear working out. But with lockdown and few life events s been about 1, 2 months since had strict workout schedule. These sleeveless shirts have been hanging together back my closet since then, just chillin.

Traumatized Man Encounters Satan's Centipede

That's a big nope.
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Customer stages a fake freakout for free food, and the employee ends up quitting | r/TalesFromYourServer u/Queen_Bri 1y Join Fake outrage free food can have consequences servers ultimately quit because customers lie. Long newbie had hosted 2 years at this point but finally got job as server at semi-corporate place so very excited loved serving and even busiest nights never bothered Attention detail is important and instantly GM liked because well did as rookie. She notorious being crazy and stri

Mean Customer Fakes Outrage For Free Food, Server Quits

What a mean human being.
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Landlord threatens court but tenant goes anyway and wins | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/bripotato 20 hours ago Ex-landlord says he'll "see court take him court instead and win. oC L Tldr; basically title. Brief backstory couple years ago an apartment with my friend and younger sister. My sister violent towards my friend and and ended up having get restraining order against her. She brought dog without permission, which caused some damage unit informed my landlord incidences violence and dam

Landlord Threatens Court so Tenant Takes Him to Court

This was a bad time to bluff.
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A collection of clever comebacks that just nailed it | There is guy front with Iraq veteran Plate frame so yell out my window thank YOU service. He yells back at thank paying taxes and putting through college. Not expecting hear.

Clever Comebacks From Spicy Silvertongues

Ouch indeed.
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Funny car wash edited crash video

The Time a Car Wash Turned A Customer Crash into an Ad

The music really puts it on another level.
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Boss continues to insult employee, so employee takes a pro revenge | r/ProRevenge u/Divine_Squire 1y Join Revenge boss hell. 30k+ payable thanks. Greetings posed this story once before days past but deleted fear legal reasons revised and feel more comfortable sharing title story something like "Creamfilled karma ending boss" or something along those lines enjoy heck out this sub along with malicious compliance and petty revenge can tell as long time lurker this story is worth read most deserved

Boss Continually Insults Employee, Employee Takes Revenge

Boss got humbled big time.
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A pyramid scheme scammer ends up paying big time in the end | r/ProRevenge u/Drunken_Black_Belt 3y Join 3 Pyramid Scheme scammer ends up paying end! About 6 or 7 years ago trying enlist into military ended up not joining but 's story another time. At this point led believe about 4 months away leaving Boot camp running out savings, and needing part time job some spending cash while waited around.

Pyramid Scheme Scammer Ends Up Paying In The End

Tough luck, David.
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A quick Tumblr thread pokes fun at how adorable humans are | satanbird E floretsilva teaboot Humans are adorable. Supporting evidence: 1. Humans say 'ow even if they haven't actually been hurt s just thing they say they think they might have been hurt, but aren't sure yet. 2. Humans collect shiny things and decorate their bodies and nests with them shinier better, although each individual has unique taste style and colouring 3. Humans are not an aquatic or even amphibious species, but they flock

Quick Tumblr Thread On Humans Being Adorable

Humans are just so dang cute.
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Boss tries to steal employee's work, and ends up getting fired | r/ProRevenge Join u/Unhappy_Taste 2d 1 E 1 Taught lesson my idiot boss who tried get credit and promotion softwarel made and fired over working finance company last year. One day propose my manager since have computer programming background know manual job XYZ, automation can be done using some new tech and 'll reduce 500 man hours per week. He also has some tech background, so he says hasn't been done because can't be done and beh

Boss Tries To Steal Employee's Work, Gets Fired

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A funny Tumblr thread about a guy's hilarious burrito eating experience | BEANS CHEESE GALAMOLE MEAT RKE SOUR CREAM LETTUCE CILAUTRO SALSA Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito: Lucky Shirt Comedy Cormer Intruding Have ever been earth? On earth use word "burrito describe

Tumblr Thread: Man Unleashes Fiery Rant About Burrito

He really let himself go.
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Conversation of guy who doesn't know about fishing trying to borrow boat | Today at 1:29 PM don't care if 's birthday not letting borrow my truck, tow my boat, try back up, and probably break something Today at 1:30 PM dude fuck know im reasponsible Today at 1:31 PM Naw ever since started date girl been slipping Like even happened car farily new Today at 1:31 PM minor fender bender but thats besides point wasnt even my fault

Dude Doesn't Know How to Fish, Tries to Borrow Boat

Yeah man, totally, just take it.
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A collection of nostalgic images that will take people back | GREY POUPON DIJON MUSTARD KID I THOUGHT THIS EPITOME WEALTH AND SOPHISTICATION.

Fiercely Nostalgic Images From Back In The Day

Throwing it back.
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