malicious compliance clever loophole solution - 16133637

Professor's Appointment Gets Cancelled When He Shows Up 5 Minutes Late, Devises Clever Loophole

Maybe just show up on time next time?
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assigned-seat public transportation story entitled ticket seat mom train - 16131333

Entitled Mom Takes Stranger's Reserved Seat, Doesn't Understand Why He's Upset

A simple rule of ticketed transportation is to sit where you actually have a reserved ticket to sit at. People don't always follow that rule, and that's not even a big deal as long as they recognize they're in the wrong place when someone does actually arrive to sit in their designated seat and move. Unfortunately, sometimes people don't, like this Redditor u/Trainnightmare. This user posted to r/AmITheAsshole to ask whether they were in the wrong for sitting in reserved seats with her two chil…
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customer service oddly specific doordash uber fast food choosing beggar - 16134149

Entitled Demanding Dunce Details Ridiculously Specific DoorDash Request

The whip cream in a cup was one step too far.
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farts flatulence Memes lol dumb funny stupid fart - 16131845

Fart Memes To Let Loose Upon The Unsuspecting Public

If you don't think farts are funny, you're untrustworthy. Think about it. It's one of the only sources of humor that's completely universal and no one gets hurt permanently. There's absolutely no downside. So if you're out here saying this is childish, moronic, and only idiots could find this funny, you are right and you need to find some different company. Now here's a waffle maker that also makes farts.
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funny tinder tinder relationships dating - 16133381

Tall Guy Fed Up With Answering “That” Question, Changes His Tinder Bio to Clear Things Up

Do we stand with Jason on this? 6'3.
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Lord of the Rings Frodo Baggins gandalf lotr memes Memes lol perfect silly funny - 16133125

Lord Of The Rings Memes That Are More Fire Than A Balrog

What is it that we love so much about the Lord of The Rings trilogy? Could it be the perfect world-building? Perhaps it's the fact that the movie adaptations were cast excellently and made us feel like we were really there in Middle Earth? Or maybe it's literally every other aspect of this completely perfect story? Let's just settle on “everything except the way Denethor eats that tomato.”
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Cheezburger Image 437767

People Play Loud Music and Litter at Popular Outdoor Hangout Spot in New Zealand, Fellow Kiwis Are Seething

Why can't we just enjoy the silence? ______ It is amazing what technology has contributed to our experience outdoors. The advancement of lithium-ion batteries has increased our ability to enjoy and interact with nature, and do it with relative assured safety.
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18 images of architectural fails | thumbnail left building with pole through it, thumbnail right building Window - OLLEGE ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING

Architectural Fails That Are Far From Structurally Sound

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Stephanie Matto sold fart jars, then almost had a heart attack, now she sells fart jar NFTs.

TikTok Influencer Steph Matto Who Made $200k Selling Her Farts In a Jar Is Hospitalized Due to Her Fart-Inducing Diet

Too much farting apparently equals heart attack symptoms…
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cops sign language hearing story deaf funny asl police traffic - 16130821

Power-Tripping Cop Demands Driver Take Earbuds Out, They Are Hearing Aids

This person was minding their own business, just driving along when an officer decided to get in their day a little. Being an upstanding citizen, this driver went full malicious compliance and followed his instructions to the letter. Seems like the ensuing awkwardness got this person out of a totally BS ticket. For a strange one, here's the Karen who tried to steal a woman's mobility scooter and got caught in a slow speed chase.
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spoof news birds-aren-t-real morning news conspiracy trolling parody morning dumb funny stupid - 107803137

"Birds Aren't Real" Founder Trolls Chicago Morning News

“Birds Aren't Real” is a parody conspiracy movement with the express goal of getting the word out that the government has replaced every bird with a robotic replica. Given the opportunity to talk about his cause in the high stakes world of Chicago morning news, Peter McIndoe did this.
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Music 20th century fox pepperoni dumb hotdogs funny Video stupid - 107802881

20th Century Fox Jingle Played On Hot Dogs And Pepperoni

Life is all about those little things that just work. Like when you learn how to play “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with a dial tone or figure out that a calculator can say “BOOBIES." And this is very much one of those moments. Ladies and Gentlemen, 20th Century Fox on forcemeat.
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sign FAIL signs funny funny signs - 16133893

A Sizeably Sufficient Sack of Shocking Signs That Should Not Exist

Prepare to be confused.
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manager cringe workplace tifu interview funny - 16118277

Woman Suffers Massive Brain Freeze During Interview and Locks Arms With the CEO of the Company Like They're BFFs

One of those moments that will keep you awake at night for the rest of your life.
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scammer Non-fungible-token cheapskate nft scam entitled money stupid choosing beggar - 16139013

NFT Hype Bro Tries Paying Artist With Their Own Work, Gets Denied

Like any other new money-making opportunity, the world of Non-Fungible Tokens is filled with morons and scammers . For inspiration, just look at all the completely worthless digital coin options you can sink your money into and never get back. This opportunist took an extra step into the world of imaginary money by trying to convince an artist to give them their work, waving a magic wand over it, and then “giving” some of them back. Pretty neat stuff, dude. Very future. For another deluded idio…
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12 reddit text images aita for turning away guests after they arrive with dogs | thumbnail blue background with text "AITA for turning away guests who flew in for Christmas because they didn’t tell me they’d be bringing a dog? I told him I didn’t think “whole family” implied he was flying the pets down with him and I was sorry but I couldn’t have them in the house."

Man Invites Friend's Family For Holidays, Turns Them Away When They Arrive With Two Dogs

Holiday szn is winding down but the drama keeps coming
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