A collection of giveaways that people are clearly pretending to be rich people.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

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attorney demands dashcam footage and lawyer sends a different tape, then sues a wins case

Lawyer Pulls Dash Cam Switcheroo On Rigid Insurance Attorney

Alright, law is weird.
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funny and absurd times things got singled out

Humorously Absurd Times People and Things Got Singled Out

Sometimes the universe just has it out for one person in particular.
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ex manager tries to get ex employee to serve Karen at store

Useless Ex-Manager Tries To Get Ex-Employee To Serve Karen Customer

Yeah, no.
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skillfully made creations of bad and weird taste

Impressive Creations of Absurd Taste

Totally normal, not weird things.
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unethical things bosses asked employees to do

Unethical Things People's Bosses Asked Them To Do

Uh, what if I don't do that?
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ask reddit sad pablo - 15840005

People Share the Things That We Really Need to Stop Romanticizing as a Society

You know. Maybe that was a bad call... by us.
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construction building failures

Construction Failures That Sorta Went Off The Rails

That's a lot of pipes.
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Tumblr thread story of college kid who drank too much caffeine | korrakun: my favorite college experience is had 7am class and kid next literally poured monster energy drink into his coffee said going die" and drank whole thing knew guy who brewed his instant coffee with monster instead water. three cups two hours think he ascended astral realm survivability human race never ceases amaze TABI ANECDOTE

Tumblr Thread: Super Coffee Is Not A Great Idea

"If caffeine makes me awake, more caffeine will make me the most awake. Right"
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Tumblr takes apart young adult dystopian fiction

Tumblr Breaks Down Young Adult Dystopian Fiction

Alright, so it is kind of a formula.
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funny and embarrassing times people missed obvious signals

Embarrassing Times People Missed Obvious Hints

Swing and a miss!
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company changes vacation policy, one crucial employee leaves and debilitates company

New Owners Get Rid of Vacation Policy, Crucial Employee Debilitates Company

Good on Jimmy.
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gaming tifu Skyrim - 15839237

College Student Dies of Shame and Embarrassment When He Accidentally Submits an 'Adult Skyrim Mod Guide’ Instead of His Essay, Fellow Gamers Predictably Ask for Said Guide

Destruction 100. One Handed 100.
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funny mistaken people who missed jokes

Clueless People Who Missed The Joke By Miles

Are you serious?
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revenge petty revenge college malicious compliance - 15813381

Clever College Chick Gets Revenge After Being Told to "Stop Walking Around Braless" in Her Dorm

She sure 'breasted' her opponent here.
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wedding FAILS FAIL - 15827973

Ridiculous Wedding FAILs That Were Brought About By Poor Choices

Weddings. Events designed for debauchery and poor decision making.
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