scammer Non-fungible-token cheapskate nft scam entitled money stupid choosing beggar - 16139013

NFT Hype Bro Tries Paying Artist With Their Own Work, Gets Denied

Like any other new money-making opportunity, the world of Non-Fungible Tokens is filled with morons and scammers . For inspiration, just look at all the completely worthless digital coin options you can sink your money into and never get back. This opportunist took an extra step into the world of imaginary money by trying to convince an artist to give them their work, waving a magic wand over it, and then “giving” some of them back. Pretty neat stuff, dude. Very future. For another deluded idio…
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12 reddit text images aita for turning away guests after they arrive with dogs | thumbnail blue background with text "AITA for turning away guests who flew in for Christmas because they didn’t tell me they’d be bringing a dog? I told him I didn’t think “whole family” implied he was flying the pets down with him and I was sorry but I couldn’t have them in the house."

Man Invites Friend's Family For Holidays, Turns Them Away When They Arrive With Two Dogs

Holiday szn is winding down but the drama keeps coming
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bad horrible wtf signs relationships advice breakup red flag - 16130309

Glaring Red Flags That Made People Dip Out Of Relationships

Relationships are all about give and take. And that doesn't mean “I give them all my passwords and they take all my money.” These people had some pretty straightforward signs that the person they were seeing was untrustworthy, dangerous or straight up goofy, and made the right choice to run. There are better options than being miserable. For some more wild behavior, here are reasons people didn't go on a second date.
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16 mental health memes | thumbnail left simpsons meme "When you suffer from depression and somebody tells you to just cheer up.. intsocal butorlyX My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that ?" thumbnail right "My unhealthy coping mechanisms Me"

Mental Health Memes For A Necessary Serotonin Boost

Lil boost
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aita Reddit roommates flatting - 16117509

Food Thief Caught in the Act By Hidden Cameras as Roommates Have Major Falling Out

Ruthless but effective.
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jokes cringe Memes funny tweets tweet funny - 16118789

30 Terrible and Truly Tickling Tweets That Take You on a Trip

A collection of funny Tweets and moments from Twitter
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neighbors revenge petty revenge - 16115973

Neighbor Won't Control Their Dogs' Barking, This Guy Has Had Enough and Extracts Petty Revenge

Maybe this will fix the problem?
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26 bad haircut images | thumbnail left hair in shape of face on guy's head, thumbnail right mirror selfie bad hair

Questionable Haircuts That Warrant A Raising Of Eyebrows

Optimal stupidity in haircut form
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16 reddit text images | thumbnail light blue background "r/AskReddit u/AristonD • 118d 12 1 9 8 @7 10 1 If all animals were horse sized, which would be the most majestic to ride into battle? 4 29.2k 12.2k 1, Share Award, friskyfloaty · 118d 3 Awards Id say a skunk. Horse sized skunk. Armed and ready. Me riding into battle with a necklace of little tree air fresheners. Plus when they are threatened and stomp on the ground and stuff? Imagine that but in huge stinky scary size"

If All Animals Were Horse Sized, Which Would Be Best For Riding Into Battle (Ask Reddit)

A thought provoking question
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stairs wtf architecture design construction lol weird - 16114181

Interesting, Freaky And Weird Stairs To Look At Without Blinking

Stairs. They're always up to something. They get us places that are way up there. It's like flying with extra steps. Some stairs are beautiful while others are cruel. For stairs are statistically some of the most dangerous places in the home, and a few of these look like some real doozies. For some more junk, here are construction failures that went off the rails.
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twitter roasting julius caesar roast roasted funny - 16117253

Terrible 3D Render of Julius Caesar Gets Roasted on Twitter

The 'Ronaldo' statue all over again.
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coconut wtf golf australia crabs Damn Nature U Scary coconut crab weird - 107800065

Big Ol' Coconut Crab Has Run-In With Australian Golfers, Snips Club

For anyone who hasn't seen a coconut crab before, they're a bit of a sideways-walking nightmare. They like to walk on land and eat coconuts, which basically means they can find you anywhere and pinch super hard. These golfers met a particularly stubborn coconut crab who seemed really interested in a set of clubs, and they found out just how hard it can pinch.
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news FAIL lol truck lake boat mistake - 107184385

Truck Rolls Down Boat Launch Into Lake During News Broadcast

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13 reddit text images boss asks employee to change pants | thumbnail grey background text However yesterday my boss called me into her office and told me would no longer be allowed to wear the pants I normally wear to the office and would have to wear something "less revealing". Apparently, my "bulge" is inappropriate for the workplace. "

Boss Asks Employee To Change Pants, Claims They Are Too Revealing

Not cool, boss
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therapist interesting helpful advice mental health - 16114437

Therapist's Unconventional Answer Is Meaningful Motivation Advice

One common problem people often run into is a freezing kind of fear or complete lack of motivation when it comes to completing everyday tasks. It's easy to be discouraged when looking for a perfect solution, but being able to break those thinking habits can be crucial to doing the things you need to get done in your life. Here's a man's meaningful vulnerable thread about mental health.
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boss wtf employee job work lol story funny - 16114693

Job Tries To Call Guy In For Shift After 10 Years Of Not Working There

Many of us have had nightmares where we find ourselves working back at our older, worse jobs. It's not exactly fun to see those bad jobs clawing back from the past to interrupt our new reality. Redditor u/Bumwungle posted to the popular subreddit r/IDontWorkHereLady to tell their story of how this nightmare came true when an old, college-era fast-food gig called and asked them to come in for a New Year's Eve shift more than 10 years after they had quit. Fascinating that this is even possible, r…
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