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'I thought I would get a chuckle from the crowd': Extreme cringe ensues as man embarrasses his new GF at family wedding

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'I want a manager, I demand compensation!': Karen flips out on restaurant that forgot her rangoons

What’s the worst thing a person has said to you while on a date?

'Can we wrap this up? I have another date at 8': Redditors share the worst things people said on first dates

AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?

'I don't like when she's sitting in the same room as me': Guy asks 'AITA?' for making his GF get out of the house while he works

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'Do you support me marrying Derrick?': Young twentysomething gets engaged after 6 months, cuts off sister for voicing concerns

'It was hot foot juice': Tortured Flight Passenger Gets Petty Revenge on Their Stinky Neighbor Who Breached Plane Etiquette Exposing Smelly Feet and Dire Consequences

'It was hot foot juice': Tortured Flight Passenger Gets Petty Revenge on Their Stinky Neighbor Who Breached Plane Etiquette, Exposing Smelly Feet and Dealing Dire Consequences

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments and Happy Accidents For Your Enjoyment

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments and Happy Accidents

there is no "worst color*, your perception of every color and whether or not it looks good to you depends entirely on what colors it is surrounded by. this conversation is OVER

'How can you say this when cyan and hot pink exist?': 30+ Votes for the worst color ever, according to the internet

woman gets petty revenge years later on classmate who screwed her over while in shool

'Now you want a job? I don't think so:' Woman gets tricked by classmate in grad school and fails project, years later she gets satisfying revenge when nefarious peer applies to her company

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

what's a food combo you love that people think you're weird for?

'Fried eggs with strawberry jam': 25+ Weird food combinations from across the globe

20 Cringeworthy Dad Joke Fails for the Week (February 8, 2023)

20 Cringeworthy Dad Joke Fails for This Week (February 8, 2023)

The lady of the house insists

'I'm afraid that's no longer my problem, ma'am': Movers maliciously comply with rich Karen's impossible delivery demands

Dead dog wasn’t an acceptable excuse to miss work.

'My manager didn’t think it was an acceptable excuse': Employee not allowed to miss work after dog passed away

'I did this for the last 2 years and no one said a word': Company Fires a Warehouse Employee Without Warning for Taking Too Many Smoke Breaks, Claiming He Was a "Time Thief" and Owed Them $290 in Labor Losses

'I did this for the last 2 years and no one said a word': Company Fires a Warehouse Employee Without Warning for Taking Too Many Smoke Breaks, Claiming He Was a "Time Thief" and Owed Them $290 in Labor Losses

HOA Tried To Tow My Legally Permitted Vehicle Twice in One Day!

'I sent a Cease and Desist letter to the HOA': Nurse seeks advice after car is repeatedly targeted