Teacher Shares the Realities of Getting Roasted Daily by His Gen Z Students, Gets Bullied for Not Drinking a Beverage With His Lunch

Teacher Shares the Realities of Getting Roasted Daily by His Gen Z Students, Gets Bullied for Not Drinking a Beverage With His Lunch

It's not easy dealing with this generation
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pool, summer project, summer, summertime, diy, things to do this summer, swimming pool, swim, home improvement

Turning a Trampoline into a Pool Goes Viral and for Once, This TikToker Isn't Very Happy About It

She was just tired of giving the unwashed masses their pound of flesh
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Restaurant Employee Gets Trapped in Stockroom, Coworkers Don't Notice for Over an Hour, Manager Gives Her a Small Chocolate Cake as an Apology

Restaurant Employee Gets Trapped in Stockroom, Coworkers Don't Notice for Over an Hour, Manager Gives Her a Small Chocolate Cake as an Apology

At least she was able to cry on the company's dime…
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Woman Vows to Send Increasingly Weird Sign-Offs on Emails to her Boss until he Notices

Woman Vows to Send Increasingly Weird Sign-Offs on Emails to Her Boss Until He Notices

With palpable vibes
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stupid things people brag about

30 People Share The Dumbest Things That People Brag About

"Oh I love that for you."
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creepy sister-in-law copies woman

Creepy Sister-In-Law Won't Stop Copying Woman, Demands To Know What Shampoo She Uses

Oh hell no.
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funny tweets

A Delectable Dose of Funny Tweets From the Twitterverse

Behold, the internet.
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antiwork job interview interview - 17251845

Recruiter Approaches Candidate and Asks For Expected Salary, Angered By Honest Response

That's a red flag.
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aita antiwork workplace Horrible Bosses - 17252101

Worker Cries to CEO Husband Over Unfair Treatment, He Oversteps and Now Everything is a Mess

This worker was getting a pretty hard time from her supervisor. The post lends one to believe that there were discriminatory motivations behind the supervisor's actions. However, as some commenters have pointed out, if the poster got her position in the first place because of nepotism then it wouldn't be completely unlikely that she has been getting a hard time because she is unqualified for her position. Whatever the reason there's a lesson here somewhere… And it's probably that companies have…
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funny tinder tinder top-tinder-moments toptindermoments online dating dating - 17252357

The Top Tinder Moments of the Week (June 21st, 2022)

Another week, another list of Tinder Moments. I sincerely hope that this week has treated you kindly and you're coming off a burner of a long weekend. From this week I'm going to start including some of the top comments and reactions from the posts. Just shake things up a little bit and add a little more context and color. So welcome again to this week's Top Tinder Moments, a collection of the hottest trending Tinder memes, profiles, and conversations that have been floating around online over…
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weird rules at friends houses

People Share Weird Rules They Had To Follow At Friend's Houses

Uh, cool?
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lawyer charges company for using his work sample on real case

Lawyer Applies To Scam Job, They Use His Work, He Successfully Charges Them For It

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relationships girlfriend dating - 17246213

"Tired Girl" Girlfriend Mad That She Got Ditched While Oversleeping

Where them "Tired Girls" at?
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dating fails tinder relationships funny dating - 17251589

Guy Gets Absolutely Eviscerated By Tinder Girl After Terrible Pickup Lines Fail Epically

There's no coming back from that.
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large sister in law destroys chair, won't pay for it after she destroys it

Large Sister-In-Law Knowingly Destroys Expensive Chair, Refuses To Pay For It

The internet presides.
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funny tweets

Funny Tweets to Stave Off the Creeping Dullness of Life Itself

Here comes the internet.
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