AITA For walking out in the middle of my shift?

'I didn't receive a paycheck and my boss cut my pay': College student walks out of shift after bosses try to manipulate her

This college student's close relationship with her bosses backfired when they crossed a line.
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I got written up for "not meeting company standards" one week after coming back from a miscarriage leave | Fast forward to this week and I'm getting told I didn't do my job fast enough when I was put in that shift last week so now I am going to get written up. With the stress of everything else, I just wanted to cry or scream.

'I'm still tired, fatigued both mentally and physically.': Woman written up for underperforming following miscarriage, turns to online community for support

This woman was written up by her employer for not doing her job fast enough after she returned to work following a miscarriage.
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The cashier instantly starts yelling at me that I am being a Karen and they weren't going to do anything for me. I said look that is over half my hourly pay and I just want my money back. She starts doing the clap with every word. You're a ignorant B and we are no longer going to serve you.

'Cashier instantly starts yelling at me': Crazy cashier curses out customer, caller her a 'Karen' after messing up her order

We often talk about Karens unleashing their wrath upon underserving workers who are just trying to make rent this month, but what happens when that shoe is on the other foot? What about the stories where the customer is just trying to make a reasonable request and gets verbally body-slammed by the employee? It's always important to remember that both can happen and that there are two sides to every story; The truth is (usually) wedged somewhere in between. If we'd seen the cashier telling this…
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I was laid off today. This is the letter I have for the CEO.

Former Insurance Company Employee Gets Fired After 22 Years, Then Confronts the CEO

Standing up for yourself will never overrated
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Karens accost a child referee and two kids running a lemonade stand.

20 Entitled 'Karens' Imposing Their Stupid Wrath Upon the World

There's no shortage of ‘Karens’ out there in the world today. It seems like everywhere you turn, anywhere you go, or every time you boot up a social app, there's some older woman with cropped hair giving some poor random person or employee the “What-for.” Why? Has it always been like this? Have they always been there and smartphones have finally just exposed them? Or, are there really just an increasing number of entitled a-holes out there?
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Funniest Craigslist Fails We've Seen This Week

Most Delusional People this Week on Craigslist : Ask For Deliriously Funny Amounts of Money for Old, Weird or Crazy Items

Either people are just that stupid, or these are an illusion
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AITA for reporting my son's therapist for sharing private information with his stepdad?

'He showed me texts between him and my son's therapist': 14-year-old's therapist sends private info to evil stepdad

Imagine your own therapist texting private info to your stepdad behind your back...
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AITA for calling my stepmother delusional for thinking I would change my mind on her adopting me?

Stepmom Refuses To Admit That Her Stepson Does Not Want Her To Adopt Him

You would think at a certain point this woman would get the picture!
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Crappy Bosses  | "A few weeks go by, and when I come in one day, there are expensive boss cars parked all along the loading dock. My workmate says something big is going down. All the managers have been summoned"

'He's got a pay stub for about 15 paychecks': Manager takes down company that is shorting his workers on overtime

It's startling how many people out there are unaware of the legalities surrounding operating a business, both workers and owners alike. One tends to imagine, idealistically, that in order to run, operate, or manage a business you'd have to have some awareness of what the regulations and laws of employment are. Unfortunately, when you get out into the workforce, it soon becomes brutally clear that the managers and regional managers aren't actually being selected based on their business acumen, s…
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Funniest Starter Packs We've Identified On Reddit This Week

Funniest Random Starter Packs From This Week on Reddit That Actually Make Sense

Stereotypes can be funny, don't judge me.
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bartender puts entitled customers in place just realize she was in the wrong

Comedian recounts story of when she was a bartender and epically shutdown some entitled customers, just to shamefully realize they were in the right

As a bartender, it is your right—nah, your duty!—to put entitled customers back in their place and not play their frustrating immature game. However, you should always be SURE that they are truly just being privileged spoiled folk and haven't actually been the victim of a real mistake you've made…
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AITA for not wanting to be involved in my brother's divorce?

'She said a lot of stuff...but I, well, just don't care?': Woman asked to financially support her brother's ex-wife despite barely knowing her

They're only kind to you when they need something...
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"All of my roommates knew that these sandwich bags in the fridge were my dog food.  One day, I come home, and my last 3 bags are gone. Like I didn’t misplace them. They were there this morning, gone. I had to make an emergency grocery run, and everybody denied eating it."

Weird Roommate Steals and Eats Dog Food, Gets Revenge With Petty Prank

Alright, just going to clear the elephant in the room here right off the bat. Why in the Hugh Heck-ner was this person eating their roommate's dog food? Like, you just see some mashed food shoved into little sandwich baggies, and your first thought to yourself is “Oh, gosh that looks positively succulent . I simply cannot wait to consume each and every one of these.” It's not uncommon these days for pet owners to prep their own food mixes from ‘human food’. We'd often make my dog his favorite a…
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elon musk, elon, musk, tesla, russia, ukraine, invasion, politics, geopolitical, polisci, political science, fail, twitter, tweet, drama, dumb russian, russians, putin, news

Elon Musk Supports Russia's Invasion of the Ukraine With Outdated Evidence, Gets Called Out By Experts and Enraged Commenters

Survey data from 10 years ago isn't exactly relevant
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AITA For begging my boyfriend not to being Heinz Ketchup to Omakase?

'He's only going if he can bring a bottle of Heinz ketchup': Immature boyfriend insists on bringing ketchup to fancy sushi dinner

Ketchup and sushi go together about as well as this couple does!
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AITA for how I responded when my co worker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size? | I stayed quiet til he brought up my promotion and then flatout said "that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size" I was shocked I almost dropped my cup

'Coworker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size': Guy can't handle woman's response after making inappropriate workplace comments

There are just some things that should never be uttered out loud; heck, even thinking them is bad karma. Passing comments on any stranger's physical traits is one of these things that should never be done, especially if that person is someone who you have a professional relationship with… and ESPECIALLY if those comments have a sexual connotation. If you somehow manage to make all these mistakes at once, you're practically begging for a conversation with HR followed by a swift escort from the b…
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