aita marriage relationships wedding family dating - 17245957

Brother-In-Law Starts Wedding Drama Over His Friendship With Groom's Ex-Girlfriend

Maybe he shouldn't be at the wedding.
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times risks ended in answers that were worse than no

People Share Times "The Worst They Could Say Is No" Was Worse Than "No"

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marriage relationships - 17245701

Wife Invites Mother to Anniversary Getaway, Husband is Put Out

A romantic vacation for you, me... and your mother.
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new teacher says bangs disrespectful, student reveals missing eye

New Teacher Demands Student Fix Her Bangs, Reveals Her Missing Eye

That's what you wanted, right?
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"Not my job" fails

25 "Not My Job" Moments of Professional Mediocrity

Very okay!
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antiwork toxic-workplace workplace - 17238021

Company Tries to Force Workers to Sign Illegal Confidentiality Agreement Against Discussing Wages

There's no way this is legal.
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barista coffee karen - 17245445

Coffee Shop Karen Gets Exactly What She Wanted

Don't ask for things you don't actually want.
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dumb coworker stories

People Share The Dumbest Mistakes They've Seen Incompetent Coworkers Make

Call a meeting.
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Creepy Neighbors Out Themselves as Peepers When They Call the Cops on a Woman for “Indecent Exposure” While She's in Her Own Home

Creepy Neighbors Out Themselves as Peepers When They Call the Cops on a Woman for “Indecent Exposure” While She's in Her Own Home

So it's illegal to be naked in our own home now?
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Yard Work Season: Dads Kick Off This Father's Day by Showing Off Their Lawns & Mowers

Yard Work Season: Dads Kick Off This Father's Day by Showing Off Their Lawns & Mowers

The grass is always greener on the other side and that lawn is probably taken care of by a dad.
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woman walks around in underwear and family freaks out about it

Woman Walks Around In Underwear, Sister-In-Law Absolutely Freaks Out, Battle Lines Are Drawn

Was any of this necessary?
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entitled people

Terrifically Entitled People Who Made The World An "Exciting" Place

Absolutely amazing.
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old-school-runescape runescape 2007scape Memes - 17237253

Old School Runescape Memes to Fill Your Bones With Nostalgia

Every afternoon when I got home from school I'd rush through the door, scattering my things on the floor, and pound down the stairs to the basement on a beeline towards the family computer. After five minutes of the dial-up modem doing its thing and another fifteen minutes to load into the game, I had a whole new world at my fingertips. Time was of the essence as every moment I spent in Gielinor was a moment that my mother couldn't spend on the phone talking to her sisters. Due to the obscene l…
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things that are surprisingly dangerous

Things That People Don't Realize Can Seriously Mess Them Up

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aita drama siblings family stepsister - 17245189

Wicked Stepsister Threatens to Wear White to Wedding, Surprised When Not Invited

That's one way to ensure you aren't invited.
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hr malicious compliance workplace karen - 17237765

HR Karen Rewrites Dress Code, Hairy Dude Maliciously Complies

That mental image is going to stick with us.
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