"This crazy lady started to recorded us bc we were “in her space” at a public airport so we did the same. Leading up to this… get this lady some help."

'She went and hid behind the pole': Racist Karen squatting at an airport baggage claim gets epically told off by multiracial mom and daughter team, Internet applauds

What are the laws when it comes to taking up space in a public airport? People are obviously not allowed to just live in one, but there are some who get stranded due to flight cancellations or whatever for several days and end up sleeping on the benches inside. How do you decipher between someone who is simply stuck waiting for the next possible flight to catch, and someone who is squatting in the baggage claim? One thing is for sure, if you are trying to hide out as long as you can in an airpo…
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AITA because I told my father if he wants to live with me he needs to get a job and help around the house?

'I gave most of my money to him from 14-18': Self-made daughter gets bullied by father and brothers who want to move in with her

When they only hit you up for money...
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karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 18082821

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

These entitled idiots and “choosing beggars” either wanted something for nothing or were determined to inflict their stupid arrogance upon others.
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“I’m in touch with somebody else that works here, I don’t need your help” “OK” | He was just too good for me to talk to him. He thought he was better than me. So I decided not to ever look at him or deal with him again.

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

It's important not to succumb to the sweet nectar of hubris. When we begin to think too much of ourselves, we invite the certainty that we will be made fool of.
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AITA for lying to my gf about how the pizza I made was gluten free?

'I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't gluten free': Horrible guy lies to dieting girlfriend about the pizza he made for dinner

Never lie about what's in someone's food!
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“If you find that “job” take it! Goodbye!” - Okay, I will and take the department with me. |  So I decided to ask the question “How do you plan to retain talent when there are other companies offering 2x the money with half of the workload?” The CEO decided this question was hilarious and read it aloud laughing and responded “if you find that job (with finger quotes as if it wasn't real), you better take it, goodbye!”

CEO Laughs off Worker's Request for Raise and Tells Them To Find Another Job, They Do and Find Their Whole Department New Jobs Too

On this earth, it often seems like things happen for no reason, just a roving mess of random occurrences, happenstance tragedies, and chance meetings that have little to no meaning. Regardless of all the things that are happening out of our control, occasionally, with enough influence and intention, we can become the authors of our destinies and shape the path that lies before us. Ironically, that's exactly what this CEO was doing when they jokingly responded to a frustrated worker's question r…
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Top Tier Workplace Memes for Anyone Who Could Severely Use a Vacation

Top Tier Workplace Memes for Anyone Who Could Severely Use a Vacation

What is a work/life balance?
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It's the First Week of October and the Halloween Memes and Tweets Have Arrived

It's the First Week of October and the Halloween Memes and Tweets Have Arrived

It's Spooky Season, Hocus Pocus 2 is streaming now, and all is right in the world!
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AITA for telling my daughter that her grades are more important than her pain right now?

'Her grades matter more than her pain': Mom dismisses daughter's injuries from a car accident as justification for low grades

Mothers and daughters, am I right?
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AITA for what I did when my friend's husband wanted us to have dinner "alone" together?

'His face turned red': Married dude embarrassed after trying to cheat with his wife's best friend

Is this man actually trying to cheat with his wife's BFF after two months of marriage?
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Call the police on my kid for watching a movie? No afternoon nap for you! | So I just read a story on here that reminded me of my dad’s personal petty revenge story.  I was around 10-12 when this happened.  Our old next door neighbour was a nosy, lazy SAHM. She liked to complain about almost everything.

Unreasonable Elderly Neighbor Phones Police Over Teen Movie Marathon, Has Her Nap-time Cancelled

There's nothing worse than a noisy neighbor, but there's also nothing worse than a nosy neighbor who has absolutely zero damn tolerance for people just trying to live out a normal, uneventful existence. There's no reason why a few teenagers watching a movie should result in a call to the police… Unless that movie is incessantly loud and extends into unreasonable hours through a shared wall or other close proximity living. That being said…With every passing year, I find myself becoming more and…
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I just can't with this one | Employer posts sign in window blaming lazy community for their struggle to find workers

'Get off your butt!': Restaurant blames lazy community for their own struggle to find workers

The “Great Resignation” has turned the workforce on its head. The experience of the waning pandemic gave a lot of workers the time and headspace to reflect on their individual working situations and reevaluate if it was what they wanted or if they wanted to seek greener pastures.
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Make my coworkers cry I will help karma turn your life upside down.

'I am not quite finished with him yet': Hotel employee gets massive revenge on entitled guest

This hotel employee concocted the most elaborate revenge plot on an awful, entitled guest!
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AITA for serving my boyfriend's parents pizza for dinner? | Hi. so this happened last night. I'm still hella confused by this whole thing.  So, I f28 have been dating my boyfriend m31 for 7 months. His family are of italian origins and they take a lot of pride in it.

Boyfriend's Parents Lose Their Minds, Offended Over Being Served Pizza After Dropping by For Dinner Unannounced

What in the pepperoni gorgonzola is this?
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Funniest Construction Memes and Fails This Week

Tragically Funny Fails And Funny Moments We've Seen In Construction This Week

Why is it so easy to relate
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Here is a fresh batch of relatable memes to cure you of your "Sunday Scaries!"

Funniest Memes For Your "Sunday Scaries"

Nothing like a fresh batch of relatable memes to cure you of your "Sunday Scaries!"
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