AITA for not wanting to be involved in my brother's divorce?

'She said a lot of stuff...but I, well, just don't care?': Woman asked to financially support her brother's ex-wife despite barely knowing her

They're only kind to you when they need something...
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"All of my roommates knew that these sandwich bags in the fridge were my dog food.  One day, I come home, and my last 3 bags are gone. Like I didn’t misplace them. They were there this morning, gone. I had to make an emergency grocery run, and everybody denied eating it."

Weird Roommate Steals and Eats Dog Food, Gets Revenge With Petty Prank

Alright, just going to clear the elephant in the room here right off the bat. Why in the Hugh Heck-ner was this person eating their roommate's dog food? Like, you just see some mashed food shoved into little sandwich baggies, and your first thought to yourself is “Oh, gosh that looks positively succulent . I simply cannot wait to consume each and every one of these.” It's not uncommon these days for pet owners to prep their own food mixes from ‘human food’. We'd often make my dog his favorite a…
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elon musk, elon, musk, tesla, russia, ukraine, invasion, politics, geopolitical, polisci, political science, fail, twitter, tweet, drama, dumb russian, russians, putin, news

Elon Musk Supports Russia's Invasion of the Ukraine With Outdated Evidence, Gets Called Out By Experts and Enraged Commenters

Survey data from 10 years ago isn't exactly relevant
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AITA For begging my boyfriend not to being Heinz Ketchup to Omakase?

'He's only going if he can bring a bottle of Heinz ketchup': Immature boyfriend insists on bringing ketchup to fancy sushi dinner

Ketchup and sushi go together about as well as this couple does!
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AITA for how I responded when my co worker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size? | I stayed quiet til he brought up my promotion and then flatout said "that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size" I was shocked I almost dropped my cup

'Coworker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size': Guy can't handle woman's response after making inappropriate workplace comments

There are just some things that should never be uttered out loud; heck, even thinking them is bad karma. Passing comments on any stranger's physical traits is one of these things that should never be done, especially if that person is someone who you have a professional relationship with… and ESPECIALLY if those comments have a sexual connotation. If you somehow manage to make all these mistakes at once, you're practically begging for a conversation with HR followed by a swift escort from the b…
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

The wild wild West
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The Most Bizarre Sign Fails This Week (October 7, 2022)

The Most Bizarre Sign Fails This Week (October 7, 2022)

As long as there are signs, there will always be fails
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rootin' tootin' memes for farmers, cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers, and all you yee-haw folks out there!

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for All the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls Out There (October 7, 2022)

Well yee-haw my grits and call me gravy!
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funny tweets and fails or twitter

Top 25 Funniest Tweets of the Week That Had Us Fail at Getting Any Work Done

People be tweeting like Twitter is the Wild Wild West of the Internet.
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My brother is bringing his pregnant mistress to Thanksgiving dinner on Monday

Cheating Dude Brings Pregnant Young Mistress to Thanksgiving, His Daughter Refuses to Come

There's no way this dinner will end well.
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babysitter needed asap | I need someone to watch my 4 kids

'This job pays $200 a week': Hilarious viral babysitter ad requires a Master's Degree among other insane things

There's nothing that guarantees failure like setting unrealistic expectations. Anytime you expect too much of anything you're dooming yourself to be unhappy with whatever the outcome is.
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AITA for kicking my mother out of my wedding? | My mom has never liked my relationship with my wife (Helena), she thinks I moved on ''too fast'' and refuses to believe/admit that my love for my Helena is bigger and truer that the one I had for my late wife.”

'My mom loved her as a daughter': Son bans grieving mother from wedding to new bride after she asks him to invite his late wife's parents

This guy is something else. It's clear that this mother has been having trouble moving on from the death of her beloved daughter-in-law, the two of them had a close connection, and she had truly "loved her as her own daughter." It's completely understandable to hang on to the memory of loved ones who have been lost -not that her son seems to be. The cold and callous way in which he refers to his deceased bride is startling and the first thing that stood out to me in this post. Sure, maybe the m…
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My entitled dad throws coffee at waiter and demands he gets fired

Male Karen Throws Coffee in Waiter's Face and Demands That They Fire This 'Ignorant Useless Server'

This entitled dad is lucky the waiter didn't press charges!
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TIFU by getting scammed for $2k | So I'm a truck driver and last night I got scammed for $2000 dollars. It happened at the Terribles Gas Station right before Las Vegas. I parked there to go to sleep and shut down for the night, I went down from my truck to walk around and stretch my legs. As I was walking around, a black SUV pulled up next to me and a Rich looking Middle Eastern guy rolled down his window in a panic, he looked desperate and his wife was in the backseat crying with her 2 kids.

Truck Driver Gets Scammed Out of $2000 By Fake Rich Guy in Vegas, Shares Their Story

This is one of those lessons that is incredibly brutal to learn firsthand. It's almost biblical in a way; a wary and weary traveler is hailed by a stranger who claims to have suffered some misfortune. Will they help out? Will they give them the shirt off their own back? Except in this story, the stranger doesn't magically transform into a beautiful woman or a bearded old man and bestow riches upon them for their heart of gold. Nah, this is Vegas, baby - that stranger is going to strangle you wi…
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Funniest Blue Collar Worker Memes

Funniest Blue Collar Memes From This Week That Are So Spot-On Only Real Blue Collar Workers Can See the OSHA Violations (October 6, 2022)

Are you watching the safety videos or are the safety videos watching you?...
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Super Mario Bros. Movie Teaser Trailer Released | "who would have thought that chris pratt's big secret voice in the mario movie would be his normal speaking voice"

Twitter Thread: Nintendo Drops the First Look at 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie' Here Some of the First Takes (October 7, 2022)

In case you missed it, in the last hour, Nintendo has finally slid the curtain back on the Super Mario Bros. Movie by releasing a teaser trailer that totaled 2:29 in length. This small glimpse has (predictably) caused an explosion of reactions on Twitter, where the movie has been hotly anticipated. There has been much debate on the platform surrounding the direction the movie will take, which took a worrying turn when the movie's eclectic voice-acting cast was unveiled. Fans were concerned with…
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