AITBF for ending a friendship over recording a woman without her consent?

Creepy Dude Gets Caught Spying on His Girlfriend While She Watches His Apartment

Just because his girlfriend forgave him doesn't mean his friend has to!
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Top Trending Laughable Work Moments This Week (October 5, 2022)

Top Trending Laughable Work Moments This Week (October 6, 2022)

Corporations will never stop being painfully annoying!
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Vaping Karen gets called out during plane ride, later drops her luggage on a woman.

Entitled Karen Gets Called Out for Vaping on a Plane, Cue Karen Tantrum

This Karen knew exactly what she was doing and got exactly what she deserved.
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Well then... | "Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles." the notice reads. "Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area out front. You can no longer be in the parking lot during work time without permission from your Supervisor. "

'Failure to comply [...] will result in disciplinary action': Viral thread shows workplace limiting employee's breaks to 'approved areas'

This image went viral today after it was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork community. The photo shows a notice that was posted in an apparent break room notifying workers of changes to policy regarding worker breaks. The changes prohibit workers from taking their breaks in their vehicles and require workers to instead take their breaks in “approved areas”. “Breaks and lunches will no longer be allowed to be taken in your vehicles.” the notice reads. “Approved areas are the breakroom and picnic area…
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"I'm a freelance artist and get some weirdos sometimes..." | Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate

Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate For Art Commission, Freaks Out When Told 'No'

Nothing in this world is free, if you want something you're going to have to pay for it. Somehow, in some way. Except, this isn't how the entitled folk of our planet see things - The world is theirs for the taking. And the rest of us? Well, we're just paid actors. This is how the stage is set whenever we see these entitled “choosing beggars” trying to stupidly brute force their way into getting something that they haven't earned. Unfortunately, freelance artists and other contractors often have…
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AITA because I slammed the door in my uncle's face and laughing at him when he tried to get me to watch my cousins.

'I slammed the door in my uncle's face': Homophobic uncle asks for gay nephew to watch his kid, gets what he deserves

The homophobes always come back when they need something, huh?
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"Corgi puppy runs over to her and the woman SHRIEKS and runs inside. Husband comes out later without puppy, and she cusses him out, screams at him, he tries to apologize, but she keeps screaming."

Karen Calls Animal Control on Corgi, Owner Sends Glitter Bomb, Karen Calls Cops

You don't know fear until you've stared down the feral fury of an untamed beast. That's the kind of fear this Karen experienced facing this truly fearsome corgi puppy. If you asked her, she would tell you that the experience was like encountering an enraged mother grizzly while hiking in the woods with a rack of barbecued ribs in your pack.
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facebook, drama, karen, public freakout, freakout, karen story, storytime, boomer, inappropriate, dress, outfit, catholic, catholic church, bad taste

Catholic Karen Lashes Out at 'Revealing' Photos of a Woman Posing in Her Gala Dress

Her entire knee is showing
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10 Pickup Lines That May Be Cringe But Mostly Worked

10 Pickup Lines That May Be Cringe But Mostly Worked

They say first impressions matter...better make 'em count!
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What a comparison! Do you guys think s***posting can get better than this?

LinkedIn User Makes Idiotic Comparison Between His Arranged Marriage and His Unemployment

Is this satire or a genuine thought? We'll never know...
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Content creator breaks down exactly why millennials are considered immature

'Millennials are stuck in time': Content creator breaks down exactly why millennials are considered immature

You can tell this content creator's mind was blown by this concept.
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"[A]m I attention seeking a tad too much?" | 11 Wild Tinder Moments

11 Wild Tinder Moments From the Savage World of Online Dating

It's a wild world out there in the unforgiving landscape that is the arena of online dating. Sure, some people find great success on the platform and achieve their endgame goals; For different people, that might look like an entirely different thing, ranging from hookups, casual dating, or a long-term partner. One this is certain, though: No matter your aim, you will have to wade through a bog of bots, trolls, scammers, and generally unfavorable persons to get there. Enjoy perusing this collect…
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karens entitled parents mother karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 18092037

Entitled Mother Brings Her Kids to a "No Children Allowed" Live Audio Recording, Thinks She's the Exception

“I am the exception.” the core thinking of any good entitled person's philosophy
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AITA for not including my group member's name on the sheet I gave to my teacher?

'I don't consider him a member of my group': High school student removes classmate's name from group project

This student really fulfilled every type A person's fantasy!
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Now YOU get to be HOA president! |So my dad, with a beatific grin, said he would be the HOA president of our single suburban street. He and the two neighbors drafted the bylaws of their own HOA in strict accordance with the planned neighborhood. But they added a special provision that the President of the HOA could name a successor

Weird HOA Monarchy Gets Passed Down By Succession, Ends Up in the Hands of Wild Karen

When this couple built their home on the edge of a growing metropolis, they established their own HOA to avoid being a part of a larger HOA entity. They established themselves as president and set the hilariously bizarre rule in the bylaws that the President of the HOA was to name their successor. I feel like this HOA story has more in common with GRRM's telling of the history of the Targaryen dynasty in Fire and Blood than it reasonably should. The idea of an HOA monarchy being handed down to…
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Fresh Work Memes for This Fall's Overworked Employees

Fresh Work Memes for This Fall's Overworked Employees

As the weather gets colder, the work memes get darker.
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