Funniest memes for cowboys and cowgirls, yeehaw and howdy

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (September 30, 2022)

I wish all of y'all a very pleasant yee-haw.
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Lady with coupons in self checkout

'No, I'm stupid': Entitled Karen causes problems scanning coupons at self-checkout

People who make scenes at self-checkout should not be allowed to shop
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Pay Your Tattoo Artists. | "It takes several sessions across weeks. She repeatedly has to postpone payment, but he's chill, family friend, Yada Yada. Until it comes to the last session, when it slips that she still doesn't have the money, and more importantly, WON'T have the money. Like, ever."

'Right up her spine this idiot now has a massive veiny appendage': Tattoo artist gets revenge on client when they learn they have no intention of paying

This entitled ignorant idiot had no intention of paying for a massive tattoo that needed to be completed across multiple sessions. Each session, they had some excuse as to why they weren't able to pay, and this carried on until the last session. Just before the start of the last session, they accidentally let slip their intentions to skip without paying the bill, seeing the writing on the wall and their labor already lost… The artist decided to exact some incredibly suited revenge. I feel like…
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Memes for People Who Have Some Serious Beef With Henry Ford for Inventing the 5 Day Work Week

Memes for People Who Have Some Serious Beef With Henry Ford for Inventing the 5 Day Work Week

Not cool, Tommy
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Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Cue Beavis and Butthead laugher
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AITA for saying my father needs to stop having kids?

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

You know it's a problem when your own daughter tells you to stop procreating.
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Top Tinder Moments

Top 10 Tinder Moments of the Week (September 29, 2022)

Welcome to this week's ‘Top Tinder Moments’, a collection of some of the hottest trending images from the wild world of online dating this week.
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The Best Memes and Tweets for Your Corporate America Woes

The Best Memes and Tweets for Your Corporate America Woes

If you're having one of those "what am I doing with my life?" moments, you're very much not alone.
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AITA for firing an employee returning from maternity leave?

'I had to do right by the team': Horrible boss fails to justify firing new single mother after she returns to work

Just when you thought horrible bosses couldn't get any worse...
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aita marriage marriage-issue relationships Cats dating pets pet - 18045701

'He kept complaining about how the cat was annoying him': Husband secretly sells wife's cat and gets kicked out

When you adopt a pet, you sign a moral agreement to love it unconditionally and take care of it to the very best of your capability and ability. It's no small thing, taking on responsibility for another living thing. That's why it's something that is best not done lightly, lest you find yourself unprepared and incapable of taking care of the said living thing. It sometimes happens despite careful research and preparation, circumstances change, and we find ourselves needing desperately to re-hom…
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Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

This is my 20th interview, of course I have experience
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Encounter with a wild Karen

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

There's nothing like a Karen going after someone, only to learn she's messing with another Karen
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"I got a job offer with a competitor, and with salary, commission, and bonuses, it works out to over 100k.  I handed in my resignation, and he had the audacity to call the CEO where within 10 minutes they offered me a 70k base, with a 30k bonus."

Worker Refused Raise, Gets New Job, Boss Counter Offers With Double Current Salary

It's often said that no one appreciates the work that you do until you're gone. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is take a vacation to prove your worth. Although, a toxic workplace will probably just find some way to blame you for not “leaving things in a good place” before you go on leave. In a similar fashion, your employer will never appreciate you for what you're worth until they are forced to face continuing on without you. Then you will even find yourself to be surprised at how mu…
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We've Seen This Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We've Seen This Week

Download, Cringe, Delete, Repeat
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Strange couple get tattooed together | turns out to actually be the weirdest couples story ever

'Couples who get tattooed are weird': Tattoo artist shares the grossest and most traumatizing stories from tattooing couples

One couple threw a bizarre plot twist to their “relationship” story and another couple didn't know there was going to be bl00d, so up came their meal from earlier that day… It's probably time to re-think that tattoo date.
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gay couple get revenge on homophobic neighbor by becoming their landlord and evicting them

'So I bought their home and I evicted them': Homophobic neighbor who constantly shouts slurs gets served serious karma from their gay neighbor

The gay couple waved a poetic goodbye on their new front porch as the homophobic now-ex-neighbors all of a sudden realized what had just happened to them: Karma.
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