karens neighbors gardening neighbor-stories neighborhood garden neighborhood-drama petty revenge gardens Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 19846661

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

employee toxic-workplace job mildly infuriating reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 19838981

'I do not schedule interviews for candidates who are currently employed': HR shows true colors with bogus hiring policy, internet reacts

people on the internet debate about a barn cat being near a snake

Video of Barn Cat Intrigued by a Rattlesnake Sparks Debate Between Crazy-Cat People and Farmers

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Neurotic Woman Smacks a Deer With Her Purse Then Gets Attacked, Sparking Debate in the Comments

lower-raise toxic-coworkers toxic-management work-review mechanic introverts Reddit unfair-management introvert problems - 19868677

‘Jobs these days [hate] on introverts even when they actually do their job well’ : Mechanic with outstanding workmanship gets poor review due to being an introvert, which causes his raise to be cut

Boss breaks a promise? Welcome to the bare minimum.

'Welcome to the bare minimum': Sneaky supervisor lies about shift change, so employee decides to act their wage

hoa malicious compliance petty revenge petty social media reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19840005

'She blushed a color I'd never seen before': Nosy HOA busybody keeps pestering lady about her social media profile, lady gives petty response

Cheezburger Image 19840773

'AITA for telling my boss I don't trust him anymore?': Boss hits interns car, then gets majorly upset when intern won't park near him anymore

boss workplace-stories work stories Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19836421

'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

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'If I see them, I bin them': Coworker brings personal dishes in from home to make coworkers wash them, they end up in the trash

We helped bad boss create his own downfall

'Bad boss create[s] his own downfall': Employees stop helping manager, then tell higher-ups what he actually does all day

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss gets snubbed when he ends up needing 4 weeks medical leave

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss at fault gets snubbed

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'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

boss work-story workplace-stories manager workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 19834373

'Expect surprise visits from me': Boss enforces strict no phone policy filled with ridiculous typos

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30 YeeHaw-ing Memes for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh This Week