Ghosting FAILS: Cringeworthy Tweets About Getting Ghosted in This Day and Age

Ghosting FAILS: Cringeworthy Tweets About Getting Ghosted in This Day and Age

Who hasn't been ghosted at this point?
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Imagine getting mad at an EUROPEAN product for being “anti American” — a product that is only being sold in America to address a critical formula shortage

'The description and instructions are anti-American': Insane Karen leaves stupid 1-star review for 'Anti-American' imported baby formula that uses metric measurements, gets blasted in viral thread

There's always going to be that thing that we are so fiercely protective and vocal about that we're willing to take a stand; die on that hill; and draw a big, bold line in the sand. For some people, that thing is — apparently — standing up to the communistic and anti-American existence of the metric system.
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‘I’m Just Saying What Everyone Else Was Thinking’ : 25 Shower Thoughts for the Curious Soul

‘I’m Just Saying What Everyone Else Was Thinking’ : 25 Shower Thoughts for the Curious Soul

There must be many humans in the world, simultaneously thinking the same thing, but never knowing that their thoughts were parallel.
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Elon Musk fired developer via Twitter | I have spent ~6yrs working on Twitter for Android and can say this is wrong.

Viral Twitter Thread: 'He's fired': Elon Musk fires developer via tweet for publicly correcting him on Twitter in viral exchange

As the Twitter meltdown continues to unfold, Elon Musk has just excused a Staff Software Engineer — who dared to speak out against his rhetoric — via Twitter.
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Viral: Man creates insane Snack Food Tomb for Hot Cheetos

Viral Video: Man creates massive snack food tomb for bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos

In 2022, one man undertook a project that will forever change how future civilizations see us. Well, maybe - if they dig up his carefully preserved bag of Hot Cheetos.
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18 Dumb Fails Where High Expectations Did Not Honor The Dull Reality

18 Dumb Fails Where High Expectations Did Not Honor The Dull Reality

Expect nothing and you will still be disappointed.
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30 Relatable anxiety memes for people who can't stop overthinking

'Aren't you, like, worried?': 30 Relatable anxiety memes for people who can't stop overthinking

There's thinking, and then there's overthinking …When you're anxious about something, it can feel impossible to relax . So take some deep breaths, have a mug of warm tea, and relax with this collection of 30 all-too-relatable memes about others who were also going through this struggle . To check out some additional funny memes, click here .
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20 People who were completely blissfully unaware of what's going on around them

20 People who were completely blissfully unaware of what's going on around them

Everyone has experienced being that person at some point: you're blissfully unaware of a situation , while everyone around you is paying attention. Sometimes it's hard not to zone out in a conversation, or to completely misinterpret a text! Keep scrolling below to see a bunch of people (and animals) who were truly just kind of oblivious. To check out another fascinating article, click here .
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90s Throwback Parody Calls Millennials Out on Ridiculous Trends

90s Throwback Parody Calls Millennials Out on Ridiculous Trends

Did people actually dress like this?
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20+ Adulting Memes, Tweets, and Fails to Make Your Miserable Mondays Slightly Less Miserable

20+ Memes, Tweets, and FAILs to Make Your Miserable Mondays Slightly Less Miserable

We get it, Mondays suck.
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ask reddit karens neighbors drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor - 18412037

'He showed up at my house threatening to burn it down': 20+ Insane neighbors who took neighborly disputes to another level

The existence of other people can be — well — kind of a downer. Nothing spoils the enjoyment of the pleasant dawning sun, with a hot cup of coffee in hand and pleasant birdsong in the air, like being reminded that other people exist. Barking dogs, honking cars, or yelling neighbors puncture tranquil morning thoughts and pull you right back into a bleak and bitter reality of continuance. But a barking dog, honking car, or occasional dispute is far from the worst thing one can experience when liv…
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30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

When you visit New York City, the subway is one of the best ways to get around. Even if you have a furry friend in tow.
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Block my driveway? I don't know where your car went. | This JUST happened. In fact I am still a little pumped of adrenaline (Off such a little act, WHAT a rush).

'He looked incredibly confused': Guy parks van in dudes driveway, dude makes van disappear

“I am going to make this van… — disappear!” If you could describe this story with a single movie title, it would be: “Gone in 60 seconds"; because that's just about how long it took to orchestrate this genius act of towing revenge
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guy fakes a fire during a work zoom

'Zoom gone wrong': Co-workers watch in horror as man's house goes up in flames during Zoom meeting, turns out to be horrible prank

“Love the zoom call offering advice in the same tone they would use to read a meeting agenda…”
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moose, meese, mooses, moose attack, wild moose, hiker, hiking, hiking accident, dangerous, crazy video, dog, dogs, dog video, australian shepherd, aussie, cute dogs, herding dogs

Australian Shepherd Herds an Enormous Wild Moose onto the Hiking Path, Spooking and Nearly Stomping His Owner

The moose is so offended
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I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time

Hanlon's razor urges us to “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity," — yet I can't help but shake the thought that Hanlon might have underestimated the malfeasant tactics that would be employed by 21st-century hustlers to get ahead. For sure, there is still plenty of stupid involved in these strategies but, in a world were insider trading goes unpunished, NFTs
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