funniest tweets about how work sucks

Fresh 'Anti' Work Tweets for People Who Are Always on the Edge of Quitting

Society is ready to go back to the bartering system at this point.
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AITA for not caring that my coworker is allergic to dogs.

Annoying Coworker with Allergies Insists that Employee Give Away His Dog Entirely

This coworker is clearly trying to start drama!
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AITA for "overruling" my sister by approving my nephew's outfit for my wedding?

Aunt okays nephew's outrageous wedding outfit and overrules his mother's wishes

Can we still be an a-hole if our intent was well-meaning? Well, probably . That's the answer that Reddit gave this aunt after she approved her nephew's super-extra outfit for her wedding, which — it turns out, was a really bad idea. The big short of the situation is this: The super cool aunt and her fiancé are pretty artsy people; they wanted people to dress in whatever colors and manner they preferred, just as long as it was nice and a little bit “fancy." Her nephew really took to this idea an…
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Beggar Bride asks stranger to be bridesmaid because she gives expensive gifts - from wedding shaming FB page

'Are you serious?': Tone-deaf 'Beggar Bride' tries to cash in, asks woman she only met ONCE to be her bridesmaid

This bridesmaid did not hold back when she was asked a pretty awkward question by someone she literally just met.
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i "embarrassed" my boss after coming in “late” on my day off, and working 10 hours to appease one of his “good customers”

'Update: I am now being berated after coming in on my day off, working 10 hours, and cancelling an appointment': Boss ridicules employee after they work overtime on their day off to help boss's friend, employee quits

Imagine trading your day off, working a 10-hour shift, and canceling a vital appointment to help your boss's friend out — only to have your boss throw it back in your face by telling you how “embarrassed” he was that you weren't able to make it to a location, an hour away, at 7 am.
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comeback memes for your know-it-all besties

Best Memes to Send to Your Snooty Know-It-All Friends to Take Them Down a Peg

That feeling when you prove a know-it-all wrong? Priceless.
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Young Karen got me fired!

Young Karen in the Making Gets Her Boss Fired Because She’s Friends With the Hotel Owner’s Daughter

I smell nepotism!
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AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

It's often said that you should never make a deal with the devil — and the same goes for HOAs. If an HOA ever comes knocking, asking if you want to participate in a duel for a golden fiddle, you would do well to politely decline… before closing — and locking — your front door.
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Oh you’re gonna call cops bc 1/5th of my car is past the no parking sign, guess I’m gonna park there everyday now

'The last time I parked there, the lady [...] looked LIVID': Woman gets petty revenge on entitled neighbors by parking in their spot

This Karen neighbor does not own a public parking spot!
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movies, tv shows, reddit, askreddit

Reddit users share what movies and TV shows are REALLY messing up

Movies and television can be the perfect escape from reality. Turn on your favorite streaming service and suddenly you have hundreds of choices right at your fingertips. But sometimes that awesome show or movie might be a bit distracting when it's inaccurate. Redditors on r/AskReddit shared their personal pet peeves in movies, big and small. For some, just the details are distracting. I agree with one user who noted that they do not like when characters leave behind a hot breakfast that someone…
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mechanics are very confused when they find sour patch kids in car's air filter, goes viral

'Mechanics who have never seen anything like this before': Woman baffles servicemen and goes viral for having Sour Patch Kids in her car's air filter

“Can someone explain how this happened? They said it looked intentional? But why??”
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AITA for not letting my gf be removed from the lease?

'She's threatened to break up with me': Guy refuses to take girlfriend's name off lease after she moves in with her ailing grandmother

I smell the end of this relationship...
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Update! How I got revenge on my ex boyfriend and ex best friend.

Update! '[BF] has made multiple Facebook pages to message me': Woman gets revenge on cheating boyfriend and her best friend after she discovers their secret relationship

This woman exacted some seriously petty revenge on her boyfriend and best friend after she discovered the two were having a secret relationship behind her back. She then returned to the comment section to share how her petty revenge had sowed the seeds of discord between the new couple after her departure – which led to the couple breaking up. Yesterday we shared the original version of this story, in which the woman shared the story of her revenge to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. She then…
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Aunt shows up at my house, with all her stuff, **TELLS ME** she's going to be living with me for a while.

'My Aunt cut the lock off my front gate': Crazy Aunt Karen drives across the country, trespasses, and demands to stay in nephew's guest room

If you see a crazy Karen flailing about in the woods, you know whose aunt this is.
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AITA for telling my stepdaughter she’s lucky I treat her as my own?

"My stepdaughter has become a burden": Entitled stepmother wants to kick out "bonus daughter"

This stepmother is really earning the “Evil Stepmother” title…at least according to some commenters on this AITA post.
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Look at some of these questions I had to answer on an application to work the front desk at a Hampton Inn

'Most people today talk too much and work too little': Application for hotel front desk employee includes ridiculous survey

This job application is nuts!
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