My Employer Was Sold. We were all laid off and told we could re-apply for our jobs. Nobody Applied.

'No one single person has re-applied for their old job': New owners lay off entire staff and force workers to reapply for their job, no one does

When this (very profitable) small family-owned business was sold off, the new owners greedily rubbed their greasy hands together and contemplated how they were going to ruin it.
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I’m a full time, salaried employee. I’m never late. Can my employer force me to make up 8 minutes of time? This seems petty.

'This seems petty': Horrible boss demands their salaried employee make up 8 minutes of lateness

Pick and choose your battles, dude!
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china, chinese, marathon, runner, smoking, chain smoking, cigarettes, tobacco, cigarette, big tobacco, jiande, weibo, chinese runner, ultramarathon, long distance, crazy, impressive, this week, chain smoker, smoking kills, smoking

Chain Smoking Chinese Man Runs an Impressive 3:28 Marathon While Crushing a Pack of Cigarettes (November 15, 2022)

This man is sponsored by Big Tobacco
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The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The one time a government website is better than private sector…
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Leaf Wellington?! 30+ Gross food combinations by people who want to watch the world burn

Leaf Wellington?! 30+ Gross food combinations by people who want to watch the world burn

Welcome to the internet competition to see who can cook the worst! This ongoing competition is so absurd that you have to see it to believe it.
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29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

Some stereotypes were created for a reason.
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Free pumpkin pies for everyone!!

'What am I supposed to do with all these pies?': Horrible manager gives unclear baking instructions, now everyone takes home free pies

Sometimes, malicious compliance can have delicious results.
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20+ Sleep memes for people who are hitting the snooze button ten times

20+ Sleep memes for people who are hitting the snooze button ten times

Sometimes it seems like the better a dream is, the faster our brains forget it. Sometimes you're dreaming that you're walking around your middle school, which is also an endless grocery store, looking for your best friend from fourth grade. Dreams are super weird! Our brains make up wacky adventures for us as we rest. Some people find meaning in their dreams and what they could symbolize, while other think it's just random neurons firing as we rest. After all, sometimes dreams can feel so vivid…
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Karen straight up wants to call the cops because of a Facebook post 🙄

'You're scamming [...] I'll be contacting the police too': Facebook Karen gets upset that someone's post got more likes, threatens to report her

Is there anything more dangerous than a Karen on social media?
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funny tinder tinder top-tinder-moments relationships dating dating fails dating apps online dating - 18461189

'Too late, I already cheated': 20+ Top Tinder moments and fails from the wild world of online dating

It's a harsh and wild world out there… When you brave out into the wilderness that is the online dating lifestyle — you never know what you're going to find. There are so many people out there that haven't the slightest idea what they actually want or who they themselves even are that it's hard to imagine them ever finding a successful match. It's often said that in order to find someone, you need to focus and work on yourself first. All too many people see this as validation of their own narci…
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"We would not allow someone with your arrogance to join our company": Job recruiters who made these job-seekers facepalm

"We would not allow someone with your arrogance to join our company": Job recruiters who made these job-seekers facepalm

Trying to find a new job can be an enlightening experience, to say the least. These job-seekers discovered that first-hand when they tried to apply for jobs and got some odd results. Keep reading below to see how these worst-of-the-worst job recruiters failed at their jobs . To read more funny memes, click here .
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karens students teachers teacher entitled Terrible Teacher karen entitled people - 18447877

'Yes, her car was being towed!': Bad school administrator is rude to retail-working students and parks in handicapped spots, gets towed

This 'badministrator' is as bad as they come — imposing her entitled wrath on former students who she has deemed of being unworthy.
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'Can we get this check split 17 ways?': 30 memes and fails for frustrated servers

'Can we get this check split 17 ways?': 30 memes and fails for frustrated servers

Raise your hand if you've ever worked in the service industry!
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30+ Memes of people who utterly tried their hardest but still failed spectacularly

30+ Memes of people who utterly tried their hardest but still failed spectacularly

Adulting is hard. There's so much in life that you aren't prepared for - and some Redditors shared their best attempts at things to the r/funny subreddit. Trying to make a cute princess cake for your child? Way harder than it looks. Trying to take a family photo with multiple pets who don't want to be held? Also quite difficult! Keep scrolling to check out these people who really tried their hardest and made a good attempt …but didn't quite nail it. Click here to discover other quirky stories.
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Funniest Weekly Memes That Provide An Explanation For That Exasperating Feeling You Get With Your Coworkers

Funniest Weekly Memes That Provide An Explanation For That Exasperating Feeling You Get With Your Coworkers

Sifting through landfills to find one of the good ones.
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'Y'all the first people in the world to see": Viral trend shows uniquely weird objects to the whole internet

'Y'all the first people in the world to see': Viral trend shows uniquely weird objects to the whole internet

In the age of the internet, sometimes it can feel like you've already seen it all. Trends repeat, every few years the same fashion trends will reignite, and of course you can access almost any movie or show. So what is new on the internet? Well, some extra creative people have been making videos showing just that. The trend is simple: take a few random objects - as off the wall as possible - and combine them to show your viewers something brand new. The trend often involves weird food being pou…
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