AITA for 'selling out' on my Grandma's secret recipe? Update!

Update: 'I refused': Cousin demands Grandma's secret cake recipe after woman's success selling it, gets denied, ends wholesomely

All's well that ends well — right? This internet user returned over a year later to provide an update on the family conflict that they had asked for the internet for advice on. The user is a baker who inherited her grandmother's secret spice cake recipe. The grandmother had left an open invitation to any member of the family who wanted to learn the recipe; all they had to do was join grandma for a baking session. To the poor dying grandmother's dismay, the poster of the thread (OP) was the only…
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Wife accidentally CC’d on email of her upcoming termination

HR Discusses Employee's Upcoming Termination with Business Owner, Accidentally CC's the Employee

Give me a minute while I pick my jaw up from the floor!
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yass, yassified, parents, parent, dad, dads, daddy, look alike, twins, twinning, family, genetics, looks, looks like, totally, fail, crazy, crazy video, lol, insane, trend, trending, viral, tiktok

"Apparently we're all just yassified versions of our dads": Daughters Everywhere Are Reminding Us How Genetics Work in This Viral Trend

Genetic code just got lazy and did a copy/paste on their faces
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20+ Bizarre Photoshop fails that aren't fooling anyone

20+ Bizarre Photoshop fails that aren't fooling anyone

How did we ever live without Photoshop, one of the coolest inventions of these modern times. Before Photoshop, if someone had red-eye in a photo, a real person would go in with an actual paintbrush and paint their eye color on the film to correct it. That was skilled work back in the day, and Photoshopping professionally today takes lots of practice. But also, thanks to the internet, any fool can shop their photos with hardly any effort. The internet has provided us with some hilarious examples…
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'I am not stable': 20 relatable memes and fails that unfortunately are "me IRL"

'I am not stable': 20 relatable memes and fails that unfortunately are "me IRL"

Look, it's not like we want to see ourselves in these memes, but we just do!
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So controversial yet so brave: 20 mildly questionable opinions

So controversial yet so brave: 20 mildly questionable opinions

“Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?” asked comedian Eric Andre. After he uttered the question on a 2016 episode of his show, a meme was born. And on this internet, there are plenty of hilarious opinions that people are excited to share with everyone.
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'Extra Black Olives': Another Pizza Related Malicious Compliance Story

Entitled Customers Demand Extra Black Olives on Their Pizza, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Be careful what you wish for!
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$2.13 an hour. No wonder they're looking for help.

'Is this even legal': Job advertisement for server in USA the sparks international debate online over outrageously low wage

The thought of being paid less than the legal minimum wage sounds outrageous to some people, especially to those outside of the US, but that's just how the bizarre nature of the US tipping culture works.
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HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

Neighborhood HOAs do not have a good track record these days. They used to be more like an HR department for neighbors to work through conflicts and disagreements in their community. Now, they just yell at you for your property not looking a certain way they want it to look . For example, god forbid you have a few weeds growing on your lawn. Recently, a girl named Mae online posted about an HOA violation she received about the weeds on her lawn. The email was caddy and entitled and nit picky. T…
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New Job Bait and Switch | I worked for a national home improvement store (the blue one). When I interviewed, I applied for the sales position in plumbing (no longer exists). It was Monday - Friday, 9-5, with a commission program. Since I had years of plumbing experience, I was offered the job. The day I started I was told the sales job went to an internal promotion, only thing they could offer me was 'part time'. Lower hourly rate, n

'New job bait and switch': Home improvement store hires electrician to plumbing department over actual plumber, this goes exactly as expected

There are certain things in life that just make sense: Like hiring a plumber to help in your plumbing department and an electrician for the electrical department. Well, this mysteriously nameless “home improvement store” got their wires crossed when this manager decided to nepotistically appoint an electrician to the full-time plumbing department that they had just hired a plumber to work in. When the plumber came to start their full-time job… they were told by the manager that they actually ha…
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'I've had the same conversation 6 times': Infuriating customer service bots provide 'worst customer service ever,' customer stuck in endless loop

'I've had the same conversation 6 times': Infuriating customer service bots provide 'worst customer service ever,' customer stuck in endless loop

Trying to get to the airport for a flight is truly one of the most stressful things in the world. No matter how well you plan, how far in advance or how organized you try to be, issues will arise. This poster on Imgur shared their outrageous experience with one of the worst customer service chat bots ever, like maybe in the history of chat bots. It's genuinely cringeworthy to see the repeated attempts of this poor person to get some help!
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‘These Dogs Are Not to Be Treated as Pets, They Are Workers’ : Boyfriend Threatens to Kick Girlfriend Out for Being Nice to His Farm Dogs

‘These Dogs Are Not to Be Treated as Pets, They Are Workers’ : Boyfriend Threatens to Kick Girlfriend Out for Being Nice to His Farm Dogs

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You blamed me for all of your IT troubles. So I made your entire department redundant.

Karen scapegoats IT Guy for her stupid nonexistent problems, he makes her entire department redundant

Sometimes in life… the low road is the right one. This Karen brought a metaphorical knife to an actual nuclear arms race when she decided to go toe to toe with this IT guy and blamed him for all of her stupid nonexistent troubles. As readers have pointed out in the comments: It's never a good idea to pick a fight with the guy who writes code when your job is easily replaced by a single line of it — that's just begging for the unfortunate outcome that has occurred for Karen here. After the repea…
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Boss demands fauxductivity

'I have been reprimanded for productivity issues': Employee gets shamed by company for being too efficient

Why should any of this matter if the work gets done well?
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20+ Memes about New Jersey for Taylor ham stans and people who don't pump gas, ever

20+ Memes about New Jersey for Taylor ham stans and people who don't pump gas, ever

Ah, New Jersey. A complex state on the east coast. Basically everyone low-key hates it there, first and foremost the people who live there! But for some reason, they all stay in dirty Jerz. Is it the location - close to the cheesesteaks of Philadelphia and the beaches of Atlantic City? Is it the sprawling suburbs, or the I-95 that draws folks in? Maybe it's rooting for only Philly teams (GO EAGLES!) and our favorite mascots (that would be Gritty, obviously). I grew up there, so I know enough ab…
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girlfriend thinks boyfriend is cheating on her, turns out to be much worse

'Can't we just start calling you Jessica? That would be easier': Girlfriend is called wrong name by boyfriend's entire family, thinks he's cheating, turns out to be much worse

“Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought you were being cheated on and then you find out what's actually happening, and then you just wish you were being cheated on?”
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