He had put a rule in place that nobody was allowed to recycle a broken laptop other than himself.

IT Supervisor "Dave" demands all to-be-recycled computers pass across his desk, ends up with a giant mountain broken computers

We all have a “Dave” in our life. The thing is — Dave can sometimes be wound a little too tight…
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AITA for not adding a third bathroom to our house?

'The girls were pissed': Parents add new gym to their home but make their four daughters share a bathroom

There's nothing like clueless, arrogant parents!
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Angry Kevin gets himself banned from Gas Station

'I want to make a complaint:' Aggressive Kevin berates gas station manager until she bans him

In one small town, there is drama going on at the local gas pump — but not for the reason you might think. As one poster on r/IDOWORKHERELADY wrote, his mother has some pretty wacky customers at her job as a petrol station manager. This one stubborn Kevin really tested her patience as he demanded to speak to the manager. But luckily, this manager got a handle on the situation and she really had the final revenge ! Next up, read about this family who declared their Thanksgiving meal was BYOC - b…
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40 Hilariously weird shirts to drive your relatives crazy at Thanksgiving dinner

40 Hilariously weird shirts to drive your relatives crazy at Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving is a time for many American families to gather together and have a pleasant meal and maybe play some football in the yard. As you settle in to eat some turkey and mashed potatoes, the whole family gets to talking. And then suddenly you're arguing politics with your crazy aunt while your uncle hands out slices of pumpkin pie . It seems like there is always some kind of disagreement between families when they gather for the holidays - a mix of different generations and traditions can…
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Karen complaining about the TV station interrupting her programs to cover news about… the station's own news helicopter crashing, k*lling two colleagues. I feel sorry for the social media manager having to deal with stuff like this while mourning two friends

'IT'S AT THE APEX OF A STORYLINE': Insensitive Karen enraged when soap operas are paused for a breaking news event

She was watching her programs!
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Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

This vindictive a-hole of a boss saw fit to mandate surprise overtime when they came to the conclusion that their employees had missed too much work. Sure, it's understandable that they were feeling some stress and pressure while looking at the loss of man-hours for the week. There were probably some slumping numbers and unfinished tasks that were contributing to their impulse to pick up the phone. But, as adults and professionals, it's important that we control our impulses; there will always…
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'I'm Fine! Totally Fine' 20+ Memes for Anxious Brains That Go a Mile a Minute

'I'm Fine! Totally Fine' 20+ Memes for Anxious Brains That Go a Mile a Minute

Buh-bye, logic.
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One day the field rep called because he didn’t like how we’d answered an email. Not that we hadn’t answered it, just that he didn’t like the manner in which it had been answered. After decades of dealing with this shipper, being micromanaged to that level was not something that we were interested in.

'You should fire us!.. Ok.': Freight company follows through on client's empty threat, calls their bluff and stops servicing them

There's a prevalent school of thought that prevails when it comes to client servicing: Do anything (and everything) possible to keep them happy and contracted; having worked in these sectors in the past, upper management never likes seeing a contract cancellation notice pass across their desk, even if that contract was costing the business money.
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What I bought vs. What I got: 30+ People who immediately facepalmed over these terrible online items

What I bought vs. What I got: 30+ People who immediately facepalmed over terrible online purchases

Online shopping is really a “best of times/worst of times” situation. You have to be really, really careful about where you order from.
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‘Hey, We Don’t Push People’ Mother Reprimands Another Woman’s Kid for Pushing Her Baby, Gets Shouted At

‘Hey, We Don’t Push People’ Mother Reprimands Another Woman’s Kid for Pushing Her Baby, Gets Shouted At

'If you have a problem with my kid, come to me!' says the woman who left her kid unsupervised.
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'What's wrong with your dog?': 20+ Puppers who glitched and stopped working

'What's wrong with your dog?': 20+ Puppers who glitched and stopped working

Not only are dogs our best friends , companions, and tiny little babies who need to wear sweaters when it's cold outside, they're also hilarious! Dogs just love us and want to be around us all the time. And they don't care if they look a little derpy while keeping us company! Keep scrolling to view 20+ pupperonis from the r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog subreddit who just glitched and had a hard reset, just some derpy little four-legged friends . Next up, click here to read about this outrageous family…
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'All superheroes are villains if you're a construction worker': 20 Shower thoughts by true geniuses r/showerthoughts

'All superheroes are villains if you're a construction worker': 20 Shower thoughts by true geniuses

Showering is warm and cozy, and once you get in, you might not want to get out. You can stand in the hot water and just think about nothing at all. Apparently lots of people try to create arguments in their head and try to win them, while others spend their shower time singing. Or, if you're like these big-brained commenters , you can share your shower thoughts with the world from the r/ShowerThoughts subreddit. These thoughts are really and truly random - the kind of thought your mind whips up…
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Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (November 27, 2022)

Why are so many things infuriating?
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Roasted by Wendy's: 20 Times Twitter brands clapped back at their own fans and other companies

Roasted by Wendy's: 20 Times Twitter brands clapped back at their own fans and other companies

Since the dawn of time (around 2006), has been a place for people to gather and talk. Then, when companies realized there was marketing potential, they joined Twitter, too. Twitter discourse has certainly advanced over the years, but in the back in the early 2010s, brands began roasting each other - and their customers. It was hilarious! Wendy's - the burger place - especially became the place to go if you wanted to be burnt to a crisp by their hardcore roasts. But that's not the on…
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relationship good-guy-coworker workplace-stories marriage coworkers relationships workplace coworker - 18471173

'If anyone had to walk down the hall [...] they'd grab the pedometer': Overbearing wife insists husband, 'Bob,' engage in unhealthy amount of exercise, good guy coworkers pitch in to help out

Those who love us often want what's best for us, but sometimes they can overstep and cause us further grief — just ask this guy whose mother called his boss to ask why he wasn't home on time. Their well-meaning intentions can manifest into something that really isn't good for us — usually in a metaphorical sense; In the case of Bob and his wife, her overbearing insistence that he get plenty of exercise might have actually killed him. This is why we need to help those in our lives who need it an…
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Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

According to HR, they're out 'sick' at least 100 times per year
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