AITA for going to get ice cream instead of going home after my flight landed? | He promised he would pick me up from the airport and we would spend time together but he sent his brother instead. I was upset even though my brother-in-law told me something came up which is why he was there instead.

'He sent his brother instead. I was upset...' Wife drags BIL along on involuntary 2-hour ice-cream excursion, wonders if she's wrong

There are some things on the internet that remind you that people never really change — even when they reach adulthood. The sheer amount of immaturity and general inability to reach logical conclusions that one witnesses as they go about their day is a testament to this fact — as is the existence of 'Disney Adults.' Cheap shots at adult fanatics of Walt's work aside — this AmItheA**hole thread is rife with poor decision-making and reads like a horror B movie script: with every issue being able…
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'I don't like the portrayal of lamps in this movie': 20+ Movie review fails that will have you throwing popcorn at the screen

'I don't like the portrayal of lamps in this movie': 20+ Movie review fails that will have you throwing popcorn at the screen

This year was an exceptionally great year for movies. It also saw the growth of movie reviews online, with the popularity of Letterboxd becoming a meme. Letterboxd is an app for rating and reviewing movies, from one to five stars, which you can share with your friends and followers. These reviews are often wonderful and enlightening, giving you additional insight into a movie before you head to the theater. Plus, you end up learning about new movies from across the globe that you may not have e…
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Male Karen "friend" who will not be getting a Happy Birthday from me

Attention-Seeking Male Karen Removes Friends Who Didn't Wish Him a Happy Birthday From Facebook

Dude, you just want attention!
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20+ Throwback Tech Fails for the Ill-equipped

20+ Throwback Tech Fails for the Nostalgic and the Ill-Equipped

Once upon a time, in an age before the iPhone...
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You want a smile policy? Let's make sure we're in compliance. |I worked at a casino years back as a slot host. We helped people with their machines, answered questions, paid jackpots, and were a huge customer impact point. It was a really fun job, despite the awful customers, and many years later I'm still friends with my old co-workers.

Casino implements 'Smiling Policy,' employees incessantly report each-other to overload system.

This Orwellian nightmare is brought to you by: Modern misinterpretation of people management. What do you do when your woefully unqualified-to-manage-people employer is combing through surveillance footage to assess whether or not you're giving good customer service based on whether or not they can make out a pixilated smile ? Well, smiling more seems like the obvious solution, but that's just playing into their Bezosian entrepreneurial wet dreams — that's why the more creative solution is the…
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"There is no such thing as a day off"

'There is no such thing as a day off': Hypocrite manager demands employee cover shift on day off, but won't discuss sick leave on their own day off

Some people are blindly ignorant to the irony of their own existence. How could anyone send those texts — in that order — and think to themself, “Gee, what a wonderfully competent and enlightened being I am.”
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Can't justify paying me? No problem.

'Never mess with my money': Technicians band together against corporate for 'glorious malicious compliance'

There's a happy ending for those who deserve one!
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Construction worker goes feral Boston on a Karen, epic justice served

‘I need to park here, get out...’ 'I live here, that's not how it works': Scowling Karen throws tantrum for parking spot, dude already parked there hilariously goes feral 'Boston' on her

It's not very often that you render a Karen speechless, but when it happens everything feels alright in the world. At least for that moment when the Karen looks at you shocked with utterly nothing to say. So epically satisfying. Recently, a construction worker from Boston had that moment and shared it online and it's truly making everyone's day. The construction worker, Tyler Dilisio was sitting in his van outside of his home before heading out to work. While he was sitting there minding his ow…
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'My wife snores like a water buffalo drowning in porridge': 30 Rare insults from roast-masters on the internet

'My wife snores like a water buffalo drowning in porridge': 30 Rare insults from roast-masters on the internet

Internet roasts hold a special place in our hearts, mainly for their unending creativity. IRL, no one would think to call someone a “warm toilet seat” or a “hate filled turnip”! Thankfully, hidden behind their keyboards , these merciless roast-masters are coming for everyone. They're lurking in the comments section , ready to pounce. Scroll down to check out these frankly jaw-dropping insults that are both funny and previously unheard of. Next, click here to see these fantastic Photoshop fails…
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30 Relatable Pie Chart Fails

'This is me': 30 Relatable Pie Chart Memes and Fails

There's nothing like a pie chart to represent the truth!
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'Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color:' 30 people who were proudly, confidently incorrect

'Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color:' 30 people who were proudly, confidently incorrect

Did you know that fake news tends to travel around the web significantly faster than true stories?
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My teacher still refuses to give 100%

Teacher on a Power Trip Refuses to Give College Student a Perfect Score

This teacher clearly has a chip on their shoulder.
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New Level Of Cringe: 20 Dad Jokes That Are So Bad They’re Actually Funny

New Level Of Cringe: 20 Dad Jokes That Are So Bad They’re Actually Funny

Our eyes hurt a little from all the cringe.
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I overcharged over 5,000 people.

'Basically out of state tuition for Reese Cups': Dude confesses to overcharging 5,000 people at snack stand

For most of us, the worst thing we ever did in high school was skip class or stay out too late on the weekends. For this guy, who shared this years-old secret on the r/Confession page, he did something apparently much worse, according to some commenters: he swindled thousands of people out of their pocket change as they bought snacks! The story goes that this dude was in charge of a snack table at his high school's sports games. But without any type of menu dictating prices of snacks , he took…
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When someone asks you to write Your Name so they can report you to corporate, DO THIS

'I'm going to report you!': Karen demands car rental guy write "your name" on a piece of paper so she can report him, he does exactly what she asked

To be fair… he did write “Your Name"… It's no secret that Karens are often oblivious to their own insanity; a life of misery and festering anger has left them with an innate desire to take out their (perceived) misfortunes on others. These people carry about their lives like an anthropomorphic wrecking ball, destroying all joy that dares to exist around them. When u/PUNKeM0N was confronted by a raging Karen customer, they approached the situation with a cool and level head. The angry customer i…
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AITA I don’t want to split the rebate I receive from being on the Board of Director’s of my HOA with my wife

'This has caused some of our worst fighting': Greedy husband refuses to split $400 rebate from HOA with his wife

This guy must hate his wife!
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