What baby name immediately makes you lose all respect for the parents and why?

'I've met a baby named Felonee and that takes the cake': 20+ Cringeworthy Baby Names

Remember when we thought Apple was a bad baby name?
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35+ Extra specific Spotify playlists to capture 'every possible mood in the human psyche'

35+ Extra specific Spotify playlists to capture 'every possible mood in the human psyche'

It's that time of year again…not just the holidays and the new year approaching. But it's time for everybody and their mother to start posting their Spotify Wrapped playlist on their socials! As the likes and comments roll in on each post telling you how great your taste in music is, we can see that everyone's playlist is uniquely theirs. Spotify is a fun place for creative people to make their own playlists, too! These folks below really went the extra mile to create playlists for the most uni…
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My new coworker hates that I'm good at my job, so he's trying to harass me into quitting.

'He's a major legal liability': Bigoted coworker lashes out at fast food restaurant

It's shocking that this guy hasn't been fired yet!
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(Update) to my nephews stealing cans from my shed. My eldest nephew went mental on my house

Update! 'There was broken glass everywhere': Can-stealing delinquent nephew gets arrested after trashing uncle's home

What do you do when you've been caught and punished for your delinquent actions? Apologize and learn from the experience, improving your life and outlook? No! Double down on your mistakes — of course! That was the illogical reasoning that led us to this update in a post that was shared on Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit. This one escalates and gets pretty wild. I was kind of on the fence about sharing this one because it takes a sharp left turn out of the “fun zone.” after the nephew is arr…
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egotistical end inexperienced manager put in her place by the hostess

'With all due respect, you've never even worked in a restaurant before:' Hostess claps back at egotistical new manager who has never even worked a day in the service industry before

"Don't come in and act like you already know everything when you're a new comer to not only the job, but [also] the whole industry.”
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'Tired And Broke' : Best Memes Of The Week To Show Your Coworkers

'Tired And Broke' : Best Memes Of The Week To Show Your Coworkers

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
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Lawn Karen | An hour later Karen calls my company (me) to complain about the work done. Apparently “they” blew leaves into the corner of her property and left them. Well, that’s complete

'The leaves in question were already in the back corner': Lawn maintenance guy gets locked in left leaf battle with local Karen when she makes baseless complaints about alleged leaf leaving

Who knew that someone could get so twisted up about allegedly left leaves? Well, this Karen is incredibly particular when it comes to how she gets her yard work done. She's out there with a magnifying like Sherlock Holmes or Blue from Blue's Clues trying to solve the damned mystery of the missing blade of grass. When this lawn maintenance guy, who owns his own landscaping company, received a formal complaint from a client about the work that had been performed on her yard. She was outrageously…
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You want me away from guests at all times so they don’t see me doing normal things? No problem!

'I was told it looks unprofessional': Front desk employee at hotel not allowed to use same bathroom as guests, cue malicious compliance

God forbid the guests realize the employees are human!
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Funniest Liver King Memes That Will Make You Roid Rage and Go Primal

Funniest Liver King Memes That Will Make You Roid Rage and Go Primal

Do you hear the ancestral lifestyle calling?
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Snow Worries: A wintery mix of 20 icy fails to shiver your timbers

Snow Worries: A wintery mix of 20 icy fails to shiver your timbers

These people got snowed in - and then got quite creative! Building things out of snow can be so much fun, and some people make some really impressive snow creations (looking at you, snow car guys!) As for house pets , they're not fans of the cold stuff, and they let their owners know it. Keep scrolling to see these fine icy photos, then click here to check out this utterly ridiculous way one person makes their Mac n' cheese.
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Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

People once believed the dumbest things.
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'I dont have a bowl this big': Mac 'n' cheese prepped in kitchen sink divides the internet

'I dont have a bowl this big': Mac 'n' cheese prepped in kitchen sink divides the internet

Today, we are taking a visit to the weird side of the internet to see an impossibly strange way of making Mac n' cheese.
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AITA for losing my temper at a massage

'Babe, the most relaxing bit of this is definitely you two chatting loudly': Guy explodes at girlfriend and massage therapist for talking

This would have been hilarious to witness...
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Owner prohibits drive through employees from wearing jackets during cold winter months

Viral Thread: 'We look sloppy': Employer forbids employees from wearing coats while working drive through window, doesn't consider just providing coats as uniform

Those working in retail and service are no strangers to discomfort and, often times it can seem like employer's make it intentionally so.
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the funniest memes for hardworking farmers and ranchers

Most Rootinest and Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes from this Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (December 2, 2022)

Well yee-haw and call me BBQ sauce! (Or something like that...)
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The customer explained that they wouldn’t pay, and understood now why it costs so much when “your staff aren’t working during the week and only working at the weekends so they can get double pay”

Angry client demands IT Guys work during week instead of weekend, ends up with the business disruption they were trying to avoid in the first place

There are times in your life when you go out of your way to accommodate someone only to have them throw it back in your face and blame you for their stupid unrelated problems. It's like planning your birthday gathering at your favorite restaurant only to have that entitled friend complain that you're excluding them because they don't like that restaurant or have devised one of the dozens of other reasons to make your birthday about them. So, you let them pick the location for your birthday, onl…
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