'I have a roommate that says she only needs to brush her teeth once a week on Sunday': 30+ People who ratted out their worst roommates ever

'I have a roommate that says she only needs to brush her teeth once a week on Sunday': 30+ People who ratted out their worst roommates ever

You never really know a person's quirks and habits fully until you've lived with them. For these poor roommates , it's too late! They're already stuck living with a person who is convinced that they're doing everything right, and their roommate is the one interfering, actually. I've had wonderful luck with roommates in my own life, they all were normal and clean (great qualities in a cohabitator). The worst thing that ever happened was when my roommate put an egg in the microwave and as soon as…
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work, workplace, restaurant, employee, server, servers, memes, lol, relatable, hostess, menu, kitchen, cook, double, clopen, bartender, bartending, work life

Funniest Service Industry Memes for Sassy Restaurant Employees to Devour During Their 5 Minute Lunch Break

Nothing stings like the pain of looking at your schedule for next week and seeing a Saturday-Sunday 'CLOPEN'
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You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair.

'You want to make things fair? I'll show you fair': Neighbor demands half of bake sale earnings despite paying for none of the costs

Conflict emerged when this neighbor's kid demanded that he receive "half the money" from a bake sale when he decided he was bored and wanted to go home early. He wasn't even willing to stay the full duration and put in the work in order to earn his part of the cash. The other kid responded that this wasn't fair and that they should split the money earned for the duration that the neighbor's kid had worked. This prompted the neighbor to march over to this family's house, complaining that it wasn…
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"Go get another offer" - Okay!

'Go get another offer': Boss tells employee to get an offer elsewhere to justify their request for a raise, cue malicious compliance

This employee just did what they were told to do...
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father trying to pass out flyers about his new navigation app at a boating convention keeps geting ignored, this makes his daughter heartbroken so she posts a tiktok video asking for help, his business explodes in popularity and is now the #1 navigation app

'He's worked so hard on it': Daughter helps blow up her father's new business by posting a TikTok asking viewers to give her hardworking dad a chance

Argo Navigation is a free app for boaters for them to connect, share local boating knowledge, and discover/ get directions to new destinations. It was created by a lifelong boater, but you probably wouldn't have heard about any of this if you weren't already a very intense boater. You would have to be searching for this specific app to find it. Marketing is hard, however, this app creator had a secret marketing weapon he didn't even know he had. He had his Gen Z daughter. While at a boating con…
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customer service karens retail customers service workplace karen service industry - 19059717

Insane Karen demands refund when she orders the wrong size, ends up embarrassed and $0.07 richer

Working in customer service, retail, and the service industry is exhausting. Long hours spent almost entirely on your feet, with inconsistent scheduling and shift work being incredibly disruptive and making it hard to get a routine going in your personal life. Despite this, there's one thing that makes these jobs particularly hellish: people. People are why workers in these lines of work have such a problem with people, and there's really no explaining this to someone who hasn't experienced it.…
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25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

We've all had a terrible roommate, and if you haven't, it's because you probably are someone else's terrible roommate!
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Relatable Memes for Enthusiastic Quitters Who Have Already Given Up On Their New Year's Resolutions

Relatable Memes for Overly Enthusiastic Quitters Who Have Already Given Up On Their New Year's Resolutions

2023 has taught us that most people actually have no interest in self-improvement. In fact, if you've been guzzling disgusting green juice every morning, your muscles ache from pushups you did that one time, and you're getting really tired of dry January, you might have been a little overzealous with your New Year's Resolutions this year. Maybe it was the Christmas eggnog talking, but for some reason, in December, you thought you could change your life habits overnight just by saying that you w…
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'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? No matter how bad the gift you receive is, the polite thing to do is thank the person who gave it to you — after all, it's the thought that counts . That's the issue here, with this person's unhinged mother in law who put a decent amount of ill will behind this present. As the OOP tells it, her MIL gifted her a present that is impressively unusable! She asked the internet what exactly she should do with this gift card of bad omens. With this update, we…
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country memes only farmers, ranchers, blue collar, southerners, westerners, rodeo, cowboy, and cowgirls will get a laugh out of

The Most Rootinest and Tootinest YeeHaw Memes from this Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls in Need of a Laugh

Well spank our grandma and call us grits! If y'all are a cowboy or cowgirl who loves to hoot and holler with laughter, then we reckon you've come down to the right place. Howwwwdy, meowwwdy, yeet-haw, and haw yee? We love to share our favorite rodeo going-fields working-horse riding memes with fellow hardworking country folk out there. You ever watch the sunrise over a beautiful field of crops during the height of the season? There ain't nothin' like it. Ever ride a horse and just knew you were…
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He gave me roaches and didn't pay rent, I gave him bedbugs

'His stuff was infested': Guy accidentally brings roaches into apartment, Roommate gets revenge by purposely giving him bedbugs

Roaches and bedbugs and landlords, oh my!
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funny-workplace-story boss employee malicious compliance funny story revenge coworkers funny reddit Horrible Bosses coworker funny employment - 19026693

Micromanaging manger tries to ban yoga pants, big hairy dude makes them part of his daily wear

If you're going to try and strictly enforce a rule, you'd better make sure that that rule is actually a rule first — otherwise, you're just opening a door that you might wish you had left closed. In this case, that door is a big hairy man rocking a tight pair of yoga pants. When this new manager joined the company, they made an immediate target out of the employee's uniforms; the original poster writes that they made a particular target out of the girls' yoga pants. This caring coworker thought…
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malicious compliance petty revenge bad-neighbors funny entitled HOA fines penalties board-members vice president relatable smart long-game expensive green-lawn neighborhood foreclosure

‘You Messed With the Wrong Neighbor’ : HOA Penalize Man With Unfair Fines, He Plays Ultimate Long Game in Revenge, Leads to Foreclosure on Vice President's Home for Unpaid Fines Amounting to $10,000

Some housing communities have something called a homeowner association, and oftentimes, its purpose is to act as a little parasite, bugging people to no end with ridiculous notions such as 'Making sure your lawn is green enough' — in February , no less. This man was fined for exactly that, as well as for the fact that his trash cans were 1 foot away from where they were 'supposed to be', and he found it utterly ludicrous. He refused to accept this reality, so he came up with a plan. What ensued…
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‘The Greedy Pigs are Stealing, and the Worst Part Is It’s Legal’ : Former Employees Reveal Shady Company Fails and Secrets

‘The Greedy Pigs are Stealing, and the Worst Part Is It’s Legal’ : Former Employees Reveal Shady Company Fails and Secrets

It's surprising how colossal secrets are kept for so long within companies themselves, but more so when you think about how many employees have since left said company, and kept their mouths shut. Perhaps they signed an NDA, or they're afraid that they'll be sued regardless. Maybe they don't care, or they think others won't. Either way, it is of paramount importance for the world to find out about certain (bad) things, so that individuals can work together to put a stop to them. We all play an…
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Hit me with your cart I’m hitting you back.

'EXCUSE YOU': Karen 1 hits Karen 2 with her shopping cart, Karen 2 hits her right back

Two Karens walk into a supermarket and the rest is history!
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'Sorry I had feelings': 20 Memes, Tweets, and FAILS from Major Oversharers

'Sorry I had feelings': 20 Memes, Tweets, and FAILS from Major Oversharers

We've all been the person who overshares and the person who someone overshares to...neither position is a great place to be.
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