'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

'Malicious Power Trip': HR Manager Tries To Put Exiting Employee on Blast Until the Internet Tears Their Story Apart

We've probably uttered this same phrase hundreds of times, but it's important to reiterate: "HR departments aren't there to help you… They're to help the company manage YOU , the ‘human resource.’ Awareness of this brutal truth has led workers to be weary of anything posted online from the perspective of an HR worker.
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Coworker waited hours for my shift to end so I would drive her home, even after I said no.

'It took everything in me not to yell': Needy coworker keeps asking for a ride home, becomes borderline stalker

Melanie needs to learn something about boundaries!
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'Nobody wanted to go': Pregnant woman wonders if she's the AH for ruining the entire family's dinner reservations with her pizza craving

'Nobody wanted to go': Pregnant woman wonders if she's the AH for ruining the entire family's dinner reservations with her pizza craving

Pregnancy cravings are usually a hall pass for what would otherwise be problematic, antisocial, or just plain old strange food-based behavior. Suppose any other person started aggressively demanding that you get them a pizza from a specific corner store in Brooklyn an hour away, topped with an entire jar of pickles and mustard. You'd probably think that person was certifiably insane . But when the requester is, instead, a person who is growing an entire new person inside of them, we tend to jus…
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Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 17, 2023)

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 17, 2023)

What's more mildly infuriating than people? The things that people do!
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20+ Searingly specific memes about emotional damage that hit too close to home

20+ Searingly specific memes about emotional damage that hit too close to home

A popular trend that goes around is people sharing their “emotional damage,” you know, from that viral song that went around the internet.
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You want to prank call me about my missing dog? Enjoy getting ALL THE telemarketing phone calls my guy.

Cruel prankster tries to prank call number on a poster for lost dog, gets signed up to every service imaginable

A good prank can have great results and bring a lot of hearty laughs to everyone involved. They can add levity to a situation while testing the relationships and bonds of all those involved, generally making them stronger and relieving tension and stress.
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HR lady asked me to pay £650 for training and became very rude when told I can't afford it.

Update: 'This is a scam!': Recruiter demands upfront payment from new hire for training, gets upset when they refuse

Everywhere you look, there's another person trying to turn another thing into a dishonest way of wresting cash away from the unsuspecting. If these people put as much work into a legitimate enterprise as they did into their grifts, they might find themselves to be quite successful.
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The vibes are bad! 20 Cursed (and possibly haunted) rooms that will give you goosebumps

The vibes are bad! 20 Cursed (and possibly haunted) rooms that will give you goosebumps

The bad vibes are coming from inside the house ! The shivers, the creeps, the ick — there are many ways to talk about that weird feeling you get when you see a place with bad vibes. It's a feeling of repulsion and disgust; the strange feeling that the place is not quite right. Maybe it's even haunted! Some sort of sixth sense is screaming at you to get out of that room. On that ominous note, check out these rooms with the ultimate bad vibes down below. Be honest, which room could you actually n…
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‘Did You Block Me?’ : 16 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘I Was Catfished’ : 16 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

Tinder is a wasteland filled with terrestrial piranhas.
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20 Antisocial Memes and Fails for Folks Who Stayed in This Weekend

20 Antisocial Memes and Fails for Folks Who Stayed in This Weekend

Why be social when you can avoid everyone?
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'You will NEVER complete a project with a single visit to a home store': Homeowner shares the unfortunate 'unwritten rules' of house ownership that no one talks about

'You will NEVER complete a project with a single visit to a home store': Homeowner shares the unfortunate 'unwritten rules' of house ownership that no one talks about

Homeowners had some sage advice to offer to the Reddit community about what it's like dealing with nosy neighbors, property issues, and going to the hardware store 857 times for a single project. For many people, switching from renting to owning a home can seem like a major upgrade . You have more space, maybe you have a lawn and some friendly neighbors , and you can have parties and barbecues whenever you feel like it. What's the catch? Well, owning a home means you have to care for the house…
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"You need to get your numbers up ASAP! No exceptions!"

'Get your numbers up ASAP!': Boss Demands That Non-Sales Tech Guy Sell More Stuff, So Guy Sells Boss' Dad a Bunch of Stuff He Doesn't Need

It's not every day that you get a chance like this thrust upon you—a chance for everything wrong in your life to suddenly sing to the symphonic rhythm of poetic justice. Well, this tech guy got exactly that chance when their boss told them that they needed to increase their sales with “No Exceptions.” This tech guy was working for an internet service provider as tech support when, one day, their boss came in and bizarrely told them that they needed to get their sales figures up. The tech guy wa…
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Want to put my kid in detention for farting. You can pay for the cost of getting him home

'What compelled her to think that flatulence in class was worth so much punishment?': Teacher keeps giving kid detention for farting

This teacher was on quite the power trip!
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‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

When you work in the service industry, you really get to see a different face of mankind, and it ain't pretty. The entire human population should work at least one week in customer service, in the hopes that it would influence them (AKA drive them crazy) enough that in the future, they treat people with kindness and respect. Alas, a lot of dude/ttes treat others miserably regardless of how rich and famous they are, because the fact of the matter is, people suck. If we're to talk about the custo…
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Entitled Parent Ruins Christmas By Stealing My Son's Nintendo Switch

'She stormed off screaming': Disastrous sister-in-law steals child's new Nintendo Switch that they just received for Christmas

We usually spend our childhood years with a certain expectation that all adults will have good critical thinking and rationality; it becomes unfortunately clear to us as we age that a lot of adults are as incompetent as an overgrown version of the child that we once were. Maturity doesn't just come with age; it's something that has to be consciously worked towards, but a lot of people just… don't. It takes a certain special kind of person to try and steal another child's present to give to thei…
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A Candidly Witty Collection of Unorthodox Conversations Held in the Unstable Part of Courthouses

A Candidly Witty Collection of Unorthodox Conversations Held in the Unstable Part of Courthouses

Criminally hilarious.
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