malicious compliance revenge public transportation petty revenge petty entitled public transport entitled people karens karens in the wild karen - 20545541

'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner won't to lend his vehicle to neighbor, neighborhood turns on him

'I feel taken advantage of': Car owner refuses to lend his vehicle to single mom after she dents it, neighborhood turns on him

FAILS cooking server waiter server memes bartender service industry - 20638213

15+ Memes for Restaurant Workers, Bartenders, and Cooks

Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

customer service revenge customers petty revenge reddit thread Reddit entitled people DMV - 20634629

'You don't have to make [the DMV] any worse': Rude customer berates DMV worker, she gets petty revenge by giving him the worst license plate number

'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story manager coworkers horrible-management workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20661253

'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

'I decided to quit once the schedule went up': Entire workplace receives employees' personal writeup note on their schedule

'I decided to quit once the schedule went up': Entire workplace receives employees' personal writeup note on their schedule

'You’re laying ME off? That’s embarrassing for you…': Guy normalizes shaming the company for firing you instead of feeling embarrassed by sharing hilarious Gen Z POV

'You’re laying ME off? That’s embarrassing for you…': Guy normalizes shaming the company for firing you instead of feeling embarrassed by sharing hilarious Gen Z POV

pro revenge boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance bosses revenge petty revenge ceo toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses Tech - 20660997

'I got a nice bonus': Dude automates both boss's and boss's boss's job, they get fired

workplace-stories employee work stories malicious compliance work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20637701

'Let's see how that goes over': Worker told submitted report wasn't detailed enough, sends 30+ page document, bosses regret their request

'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

'Am I really being neglectful?': Man discovers grandfather's dooms day bunker and turns it into his man cave, pregnant wife threatens to seal it

20+ Relatable parenting moments

20+ Relatable parenting moments for frazzled parents with crazy kids

Babies entitled parents revenge petty revenge family reddit thread Reddit parents - 20636421

'My son would have a similar name': Sister not permitted to see her nephew, gets revenge on brother when naming her son

surprising unexpected expectation vs reality - 20604933

Expectation vs. Reality: 25+ Surprising times people didn't get exactly what they ordered

boss toxic-workplace work ceo coffee reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment petty revenge - 20602373

'There would be no coffee': CEO enforces 'no free coffee' rule for interviewees, employee gives him a taste of his own decaf medicine