'She's now moved me from the nice room to put her other two bridesmaids in there': Divisive bridezilla splits family up over expensive rooms

'She's now moved me from the nice room to put her other two bridesmaids in there': Divisive bridezilla splits family up over expensive rooms

No one ever said planning a wedding was a stress-free walk in the park, but some brides and grooms just cannot remember to be kind to people as they plan their big day. On the r/Bridezillas subreddit, people constantly post about the biggest bridezillas in their lives, and ask for advice on how to handle delicate situations. This person's relationship with the bride has devolved so much that the OP doesn't even know if they should show up to the wedding at all. As the OP writes, first, the brid…
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'Our horoscopes didn't match': 20+ crazy reasons why people were dumped

'Our horoscopes did not match': 20+ crazy reasons why people were dumped

Raise your hand if you have ever been dumped!
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McDonald's Accidentally Hands Guy $5,000 Instead of His Food Order, Valiantly Returns It, Goes Insanely Viral and Doesn't Know What to Do

McDonald's Accidentally Hands Guy $5,000 Instead of His Food Order, Valiantly Returns It, Goes Insanely Viral and Doesn't Know What to Do

This man was thrust into major local popularity and he has no idea what to do with it, and that is somehow making him even more popular! Josiah Vargas recently went insanely viral overnight after posting a TikTok video of a McDonald's incident where he ended up being the hero. Some employee, who must haven been overworked, exhausted, or something, handed Vargas a McDonald's bag, thinking it was his drive-thru order. However, after he drove away and looked inside the bag, he found wads and wads…
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'You weren't willing to pay the extra £40... Do you remember now?' Hotel clerk gets satisfying revenge against entitled guest by telling on him

'You weren't willing to pay the extra £40... Do you remember now?' Hotel clerk gets satisfying revenge against entitled guest by telling on him

While traveling, picking the proper hotel room for your visit doesn't seem like the most important detail… until it's time to rest and unwind on the first night of your stay. One fed-up hotel clerk shared their story to r/Talesfromthefrontdesk. As they recall, this husband made room reservations at this hotel, but he chose a busy weekend to stay. When choosing between two rooms, one large and one small, he hastily chose the small one. But later on, his wife was furious with the arrangement. The…
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'We got a pre-paid debit card with my dog's name on it': Puzzling mystery ensues after woman keeps getting mail addressed to her dog Skipper

'We got a pre-paid debit card with my dog's name on it': Puzzling mystery ensues after woman keeps getting mail addressed to her dog Skipper

It all started a month after a couple moved into a new home with their dog. They had hardly been in their new place for more than a month when they started getting mail that was not addressed to them. Usually, people will get mail from the previous tenants or something like that. But this couple was getting mail addressed to their dog. At first it was funny, the dog's first piece of mail was a Jiffy packet of recipes. It was addressed to their dog's first name Skipper and one of the couple's la…
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Housing association wants me to pay my late aunties debt? No, pay me the money I overpaid instead.

'I don’t owe this money but in fact they owed me': HOA tries to trick tenant into paying aunt's debts, tenant fights back

Your daily reminder that HOAs are the worst!
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family drama aita baby baby names sisters am i the a hole family sister - 19105029

'AITA for insulting my sister’s wacky baby names?': Woman disagrees with sister's "stripper" baby names and causes dispute

If you think your unborn child represents what is going to be your “redemption” then oh boy do I feel bad for that child. There's nothing like having the weight of perfection poured onto you before you're even born to create a future adult with “gifted child burnout” or severe entitlement issues — depending on how things play out. And that's before you even get to the name; commenters here have it right: if you desperately want to express your individuality by naming your child something extrav…
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customer support customer service entitled parents malicious compliance revenge customers petty revenge entitled family entitled people - 19104773

Entitled Family Demands Medical Assistance, Embarrassed by Over-the-Top Emergency Medical Response

Be careful what you wish for! If what you desire is urgent medical assistance (for a non-urgent injury) from someone who isn't qualified or even capable of providing that assistance. The real truth of the matter is that this family felt entitled to receive attention from this customer service representative simply because they were a customer service representative — and that's what they're there for, right? To justify your need to feel important. I don't know if I can really stand by this coll…
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Under the sea: 20+ Marine biology fails for maritime memers

Under the sea: 20+ Marine biology fails for maritime memers

Dive off the deep end into some shrimply incredible fish memes. Most of the ocean has still never been discovered, even by the mid 2020's! Somehow, humans have visited outer space and explored vast amounts of dry land on Earth, but the ocean is still the Wild West of undiscovered fishies. Roughly 80% of our oceans have never been seen by human eyes. Who knows what's actually down there? Only about 5% of the ocean has been properly documented by scientists , so your guess is as good as anyone's.…
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‘What’s the Worst Part of Having a Kid?’ : Funniest Relatable Parenting Confessions for the Crowd That Never Sleeps

‘What’s the Worst Part of Having a Kid?’ : Funniest Relatable Parenting Confessions for the Crowd That Never Sleeps

Were you one of those people who were warned beforehand about the struggles of being responsible for another human being? Or did you glide into the abyss, blissfully ignorant? Either way, they don't just sit there and look cute, as I'm sure you're well aware of now. They are little gluesticks, literally and figuratively. First, because they waddle around you constantly, just always… there . Secondly, they use actual glue and smear it on your couch, in the name of art. They sure are little monst…
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pro revenge workplace-stories revenge work coworkers client workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses theft employment - 19087877

Bad Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Loses Client and Pays Hefty Price

I wish I could say that this story ends with the partner being kicked out of their own firm and having to pay back the $10,000 worth of tickets they stole from their poor worker — alas, that's not always the way the world works. I love a good over-the-top revenge story as much as the rest of you — the kind of story that feels like it would be right at home in the pages of a classic Detective Comics comic book; complete with exclamations “Bang!.. Pow!" as the boss is getting their behind handed…
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No, you don't understand. I REALLY wouldn't do that, if I were you....

'Jackie was in some serious, serious s***': Suspended employee refuses to take steward's advice, gets herself fired

It seems like Jackie fully got herself in this mess.
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reviews karens business roasted karen - 16209669

Karen Leaves 1-Star Review For Tattoo and Piercing Studio, Owner Claps Back

This tattoo and piercing studio isn't going to put up with Karen's nonsense.
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20+ Hilariously honest memes about the funniest parts of long term relationships

20+ Hilariously honest memes about the funniest parts of long term relationships

When you first start dating someone, you can never imagine how your lives will look together a decade later. But by the time that rolls around, you know all of each others' habits, quirks, likes, and dislikes. When you're in love, flaws don't seem to matter. That's probably why married people write so many funny tweets about their married life — you suddenly start noticing all the little habits that you hadn't picked up on previously! Adding kids or pets to the mix certainly changes up the dyna…
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family drama aita adoption drama families brother sister-in-law family sister little sister - 19088133

'AITA for screwing up my brother's adoption on purpose?' Sister derails 'insanely predatory' brother and SIL's baby snatching plot

When your adoption plays out like a Team Rocket attempt to capture Ash's Pikachu — you might need to go home and rethink your life. Now, I'm not knocking those who would seek to adopt children; largely, these people are doing one of the greatest goods you could imagine — however, privately approaching, no — stalking — a desperate young woman on Facebook and convincing her that her only option is to give her unborn baby to you is nefarious , in a mustache-twirling, cat-stroking, monocle-adjustin…
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Party Fails For Folks Who Are Still Recovering From the Weekend

Party Fails For Folks Who Are Still Recovering From a Lit Weekend

It may be Monday, but we're already gearing up for the weekend!
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