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'How this email finds me...': Top Email Fails of the Week (January 27, 2023)

There is nothing worse than receiving an unwanted email at work.
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'Restaurants like that don't deserve to work': Worker claims to be wrongly fired, reports restaurant to the feds

'Restaurants like that don't deserve to work': Worker claims to be wrongly fired, reports restaurant to the feds

A young person in the food industry experienced poor treatment from their boss, and took some extreme measures to ensure it wouldn't happen again. As they shared to r/pettyrevenge, this worker shared that they were a 19 year old working in a pizza place. After a while of working in a nice environment with coworkers they liked, the place changed management, and that's when the s*** hit the fan. The OP says they trained the new people, yet the new management still made some inflammatory remarks a…
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tell me how to stack products? ok! let me redo all the work halfway through!

'If I messed up it was on his head': Coworker Bob bosses employee around, cue malicious compliance

We all have a Bob in our lives...
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hoa land-owner homeowner neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama home-owners-association lawsuit Legal

Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

What are you to do when you purchase something only to have the terms of sale retroactively changed by a governing association? Oh, and that governing association is controlled by the organization that sold you the thing in the first place. Well, lawyer up and hit them with a strongly worded email letting them know just angry you are. After a three-year hiatus, this landowner returned to share the grippingly realistic tale of how they managed to defeat a land developer and HOA who had changed t…
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Top 25 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 27, 2023)

Top 25 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 27, 2023)

Bad landlords, careless delivery drivers, and wrong labels on food — these are just a smattering of random things that got on people's last nerve this week. R/Mildlyinfuriating is constantly updated with irritations big and small, submitted by folks around the world. There are a few interesting trends this week. For one, several people have posted receipts with mysterious new charges. One had an ‘economic recovery fee,' which is bold way of begging for coins, I suppose. On a slightly larger sca…
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idiot coworker coworkers entitled coworker terrible-coworker workplace-stories fired malicious compliance revenge story - 19119877

'Why are you talking?': Incompetent idiot coworker left helpless after rude response, gets fired

If you're going to go around being obscenely rude to other people, there are bound to be consequences—somewhere, sometime… at some point. You can't go about spreading the same toxic negativity and not expect the universe to throw it back in your face at some point. After all, you reap the seeds that you sow. Well, this terrible coworker was known for their rude responses, hot takes, and general know-it-all attitude; they landed themselves in hot water after rudely refusing assistance from their…
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AITA for screaming at my sil for eating my pregnancy craving and then being pissed she didn’t replace it

'Who eats 7 slices and the rest of the breadsticks?': Woman erupts at sister-in-law for eating her pregnancy craving

There's an important lesson here: never mess with someone's pregnancy craving!
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utah woman cousin family marriage fail married children cousins third cousin awkward story inbred mormon insane story relatives related confession oversharing

'I accidentally married my cousin': Pregnant Utah woman and her husband discover that they're actually related, while searching for familial baby names online

We know the Utah community is pretty tight knit, but we didn't know they were THIS close. Marcela Hill, an American content creator recently revealed a confession that she has been hiding for decades– she accidentally married her third cousin. For most people, that would be a pretty haunting and creepy fact to admit to your immediate family and close friends, but Marcela shared this intimate detail about her life to over 3 million followers on TikTok. She even jauntily added in her video, "when…
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nsane entitled parents mother terrible-parrent parenting entitled Parenting Fail entitled people parenting-stories

'Get a better job': Terrible mother borrows car from son and shames him when he wants to drive it to work

The support of your parents can be extremely determinant of your own success—the trade-off being that their support in raising you out of diapers will be repaid when they return to them. It's a fair trade—when the parents uphold their end of the deal and aren't depraved and selfish narcissists—or otherwise toxic and destructive to be around. Now, we're all complicated people, and none of us are without our flaws, but some people are better off far away… and out of your life. Take this delightfu…
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'Then the ENTIRE board quit': A tale of pro-level HOA revenge spanning years

'Then the ENTIRE board quit': A tale of pro-level HOA revenge spanning years

One former HOA president had had enough of the group's threats and random rules — so they tore the organization to the ground. In a dramatic story spanning decades, one person did the legal heavy lifting to demolish this HOA. I have never seen someone bring an organization to their knees quite like this guy did… I actually don't know how they could ever come back from it. After being an HOA president and being involved in the organization over quite a while, the OP shared that they switched to…
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Top Trending Pickup Lines of the Week (January 27th, 2023)

Top Trending Pickup Lines of the Week (January 26, 2023) up?
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'It's a huge red flag and you know it': First date gives man the creeps after she spills her invasive 'research'

'It's a huge red flag and you know it': First date gives man the creeps after she spills her invasive 'research'

One guy took to the r/ask subreddit with a burning question after a first date took a strange turn. Is this how dating works in the modern age? As he explained, he went on a first date with a woman, and it seemed to be going well. But after the date — and spending the night at her place — he realized that she had spilled a little too much information about him. She had researched him beforehand, and just rattled off all this personal information. At the time, the OP thought it was really weird,…
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trashy, travel, travel hacks, motel, hotel, bathroom, trash, hacks, cooking, hotel cooking, unsanitary, gross, viral, chef, weird, crazy, insane, fail

'Why you living like this bro?': Trashy budget chef makes crazy elaborate recipes using nothing but motel bathroom supplies

Eating food that has touched unsanitary surfaces is revolting for some people and, as far as gross environments go, motel bathrooms are arguably the most disgusting communal areas known to man. Motel bathrooms are basically a receptacle for all human excretions and it's not always cleaned (or nuked?) appropriately. However, for one non-discriminating foodie has combined the horrors of motel bathrooms with the culinary arts, building his entire social media platform on creating elaborate recipes…
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Don't deviate from the flowchart? OK, if you insist

'Ok then, no more using our brains': Management insists workers use inferior process flowchart, the predictable occurs

The ability to listen and follow directions is often important when it comes to your performance in the workplace. The last thing an employer wants is someone who is going to go rogue and take matters and process into their own hands. Of course, if your job is to be creative and think of new ideas, you'll usually be encouraged to do so, but I'm willing to bet there are still processes and guidelines to follow. The problem is that process is never ironclad unless you're building something like a…
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'Can I get 20 creams and 10 sugars?': 25 Coffee drinks so strong and sugary that they could propel you into outer space

'Can I get 20 creams and 10 sugars?': 25 Coffee drinks so strong and sugary that they could propel you into outer space

Once you work at a restaurant that serves coffee, you realize just how weirdly people take their morning beverage — loaded up with creamer, sugar, and flavoring. When I worked at a restaurant, I always was weirded out by people who would order a small coffee, and then add 10 sugars, 15 creams, and 5 pumps of flavor. It would cost extra money , and there would be literally a tablespoon of coffee in the drink after adding all that other stuff. But there were regulars who ordered their drinks like…
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swindler, scammer, justice served, revenge, petty revenge, entitled, bad dealership, entitled, malicious compliance, funny

'Scammers Scammed By Uncle and Granny' : Backyard Dealership Scams Two Innocent Old Ladies with Defunct Cars, Uncle Takes the Ultimate Revenge and Tricks Swindler Into Taking the Loss On $10,000

Some people think there are only two types of people on the world: Scammers and suckers. The scammers do the scamming and take advantage of everybody and anybody, that especially includes your elderly grandma who is just trying to buy a car. However, that is a horrible way to look at like and if you do that, you are going to get some instant karma in some way—perhaps in some ultimate epic petty revenge. A Redditor recently shared a story of their elderly grandma getting scammed and then his unc…
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