malicious compliance revenge petty revenge funny revenge-stories funny story builder

'You sure mate? It's a lotta sand': Australian Builder rudely refuses to notify contacts of his new number, ends up with a whole lotta sand where he doesn't want it

When you change your phone number you should probably do your due diligence and let people who are likely to contact you know that there is a new way to do so. Otherwise, whatever poor sod ends up with your old number is just going to be inundated with requests to reach you. This is especially true if you're operating a business or doing something that fields a high volume of phone calls. But, if you ended up with my old number, it would never even be an issue; I don't stay in contact with anyo…
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30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

Whether you grew up with an Italian family, or just went to Olive Garden once in your life, here are some hilarious memes all about the country of Italy. Growing up Italian has all sorts of traditions and values that come along with it. And of course, Italian food is front and center. The stereotypical examples are pizza, spaghetti, cannolis, and lots of cheese. Check out these delightful memes below. Then, read up on the most mildly infuriating moments of the week.
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‘Felix Felicis’ : Ultimate Malfunctions That Failed to Flop for Your Lucky Average Jo

‘Felix Felicis’ : Ultimate Malfunctions That Failed to Flop for Your Lucky Average Jo

We all know someone who is practical to the extent that they don't believe in miracles of any kind. This Reddit thread is proof (well, proof-ish, considering it's the internet so obviously we've gotta take everything with a grain of salt) that they exist — in the form of a fail, no less. Sometimes you just luck out, and it's kind of unexplainable. Call it a flux, coincidence, or fate — either way, the facts that stare you in the face are undeniable. The great thing about all this is that this s…
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workplace workplace-stories story work employee malicious compliance

'I should be getting overtime each time I pick up the phone': Employee demands to be paid for any calls they take outside of work hours

You can tell the hypocrisy of a management decision by how quickly it gets swept under the rug when someone calls them out. A similar phenomenon happens when a bad decision is made; everyone tells them that it is bad. They don't listen until it's too late and then pretend that nothing happened when the inevitable fallout occurs. The phenomenally named Reddit user u/juicybuttfarts, had the former scenario occur when they were told they would have to start paying for their personal phone calls on…
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'She decided to drop her threat to change companies': Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

Difficult customer severs ties with company, comes back begging for service

Never mess with the companies that provide you with essential services!
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'By 9AM, I'm on my 18th glass of sweet tea': Texan explains the daily routine for rootin' tootin' cowboys, which includes practicing yeehaws, gargling beers, and jacking up yer pickup truck

'By 9AM, I'm on my 18th glass of sweet tea': Texan explains the daily routine for rootin' tootin' cowboys, which includes practicing yeehaws, gargling beers, and jacking up yer pickup truck

Cowboys and cowgirls are giddyupping faster than the world can follow, chugging sweet tea, room temperature beers, and yeehawing all the way to the Whataburger. Southern American lifestyle is an enigma to the rest of the world. The only thing more American than a standardized mayonaise-midwesterner is a true, pure bred Texan. The Lone Star State has an insane vibe that the rest of the country just can't match. Their blood is pickle juice , their trucks are tall, and they will always– ALWAYS– re…
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'I doubt I’ll ever collab with an influencer again': Small business burned by influencer refuses to share photos

'I doubt I’ll ever collab with an influencer again': Small business burned by influencer who refuses to share photos

This bakery owner learned a difficult and expensive lesson after working with an influencer who didn't hold up her end of the bargain. As the OP shared to r/ChoosingBeggars, she decided to collaborate with an influencer who was the wife of a local musician. She gave this influencer a box of cookies, and received a 6-second video clip highlighting the products. Sounds great, but would it actually draw any paying customers? As the OP continued on with the story, they shared that they did gain a f…
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What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I have no interest working for you': 30+ entitled people getting their much-deserved comeuppance

Is there anything more satisfying than bearing witness to an entitled person facing the fact that they have absolutely no power?
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aita stealing milk roommates theft - 19147269

'So then you’re the one who’s been stealing?': One guy's devious plan to catch his roommate stealing

This guy hatched a plan to get his roommate to admit he was stealing, but did he go about it in the right way? The guy posted to r/AmItheA****** to ask for a verdict on if he went too far, or if he his roommate was actually the jerk in this situation. As the OP shared, he has two other roommates who he lives with, sharing costs, but not the cost of groceries. That didn't stop one of the OP's roommates from stealing his milk and drinking it, then completely lying about the situation and denying…
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My kids haven’t cleaned their bathroom like they were supposed to. I decided to leave a note under a rag they left on the floor. Let’s see if they find it. It’s been a week already.

'If you're reading this, you've won $50': Parents bribe kids to clean bathroom but make an ultimatum

Whatever it takes to get your kids to clean up after themselves!
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terrible coworkers antiwork employee coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker employment workplace-stories choosing beggars entitled entitled people choosing beggar

Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

What is it about the workplace that causes grown-ass adults to lose all common sense? Sure, they probably don't want to be there—but none of us do either, and we're not going around making life more intolerable than it already has to be. The similarities between what you experience in the workplace and middle school classroom are just a testament to the fact that most people never mature; instead, living their lives in the same perpetual state of petty behavior and hatred as they did when they…
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aita reddit story story entitled red flags stories red flag entitled people - 19122437

20+ People Share the Subtle Signs That Someone is an A-Hole

If someone is snapping their fingers at waitstaff, shouting down a customer service rep, or abusing a stranger—they're an a-hole—absolutely no question about it; by acting in this way, they have broadcast their character loud and clear to the rest of us. But not all a-holes are quite so blatant; some do an incredible job of disguising themselves as a well-meaning person—a wolf in sheep's clothing—if you will. These people can go undetected for long periods of time, only exposing themselves in s…
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stolen employee manager stories-about-kevin longread fridge kevin grocery store - 19143941

'He thinks he will catch a lunch thief. Of course, he ends up flashbanging himself': Kevin manager goes on rampage to find out who stole his sandwich

Tuna sandwich thieves, your days are numbered once this bumbling manager finds you! This is the story of “Kevin: The Last Grocery Emperor,”
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workplace-stories entitled parents drama workplace workplace drama karen entitled people employment - 19149573

Entitled Karen coworker insists woman's out of work commitments are less important than her children, sparks office drama

Is your personal time less important than your coworkers just because you don't have children? This woman was asked by her Karen coworker to cover an evening call for her. Karen's son had a soccer game that she wanted to attend, and she was getting desperate. The woman, who has since deleted the post, so we are unable to get her username, responded that she was unable to cover the call for Karen as she had plans already. She had a volleyball game to attend that she was partaking in. Further, sh…
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AITA for refusing to carpool with my coworker

'Smelling bad is genuinely the worst insult someone can receive': Guy tells smelly coworker he can't drive him to work anymore

No one would want to be on either side of this conflict.
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road rage tailgate tailgating driving driver wreckless passing speed limit police ticket speeding fail instant karma cruise control rural backroads highway sketchy dangerous

'Instant karma!': Impatient driver gets what he deserves after harassing and tailgating a local man on a dangerous, rural highway

Road rage is a slippery slope that a lot of people have fallen victim to. For some reason, the anonymity behind the wheel gives people a false sense of power and safety, prompting them to do things and act in ways they wouldn't if they were just walking on the street. However, behind the wheel of a 2 ton iron box on wheels, people get irritable, impatient, and fired up. One man, u/iceariina , dealt with the brunt of classic road rage on the dark, midnight streets of a rural highway along his co…
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