Top Dating App Pickup Lines of the Week (May 29, 2023)

Top Dating App Pickup Lines of the Week (May 29, 2023)

'Kate never did show up': College professor finds absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

'Kate never did show up': College professor faces off with absentee student who insists she's showing up to class

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

coworkers Horrible Bosses viral videos workplace i quit quit quitting worker bad bosses antiwork in-the-workplace stories-from-the-workplace - 20699397

'Where are you?': Worker quits, boss schedules them anyways and accuses them of 'no showing'

work-story antiwork toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace coworkers i quit new job quit old job supervisor workplace stories-from-the-workplace quitting employment - 20687365

'My boss could barely look at me': Boss begs worker to stay and train supervisor just before their final day after they fail to replicate their work

'You are impossible to underestimate': 30+ Backhanded compliments

'You are impossible to underestimate': 30+ Backhanded compliments and insults in disguise

'I’m resigning Tuesday after Memorial Day and going on vacation': Dude regrets leaving $78k job for $90k WFH job, opts to be unemployed instead

'I’m resigning Tuesday after Memorial Day and going on vacation': Dude regrets leaving comfortable $78k office job for discombobulated $90k WFH job

workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee working-life toxic-workplace employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workers story employment toxic-work-environment - 20526085

'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work quit toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 20685317

'My director [...] is going absolutely nuts': Engineer transitions out of the company, boss finally discovers how doomed they are

Top 28 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

Top 28 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

customer service hotel toxic-workplace customers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20674053

Top Tales From the Front Desk (May 28, 2023)

'She told me I could have first dibs on what gift to get her': Wedding planner discovers his sister wants an extra wedding present

'She told me I could have first dibs on what gift to get her': Wedding planner discovers his ungrateful sister wants an extra wedding present

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20681477

'I was never paid': Employee quits after one week, ex-boss refuses to pay despite having submitted a W4 form

'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

boss antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace workplace-story manager job coworkers employment-stories sad story workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment - 20686853

'My manager collected donations for me but kept it all': Boss collects donations from coworkers under the guise of helping with a personal tragedy, dips with all the money