guy gets his favorite manager fired all because he wasn't getting attention, now he regrets it and is feeling the karma

'I got rid of my boss to make my life better, but instead made it worse': Guy has Epiphany That He's a Backstabbing Employee After Getting His Favorite Manager Fired, Karma Comes for Him with Vengeance

Finding a good manager, one that isn't a toxic leader who gives you work-PTSD, isn't easy. When you find a place with a boss that treats everybody with respect and helps elevate everybody, then you hold onto them tight. Unfortunately, that is not what this employee did and when he realized what he did, he knew karma was coming for him. This guy took to Reddit to confess his horrible actions. He has been working at his place of establishment for almost a decade. He got a new boss right before th…
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aita bicycle cycling reddit story am i the a hole story Reddit - 19146501

'AITA?' Cyclist wonders if they're wrong for blocking traffic in snowy conditions and drawing the rage of drivers

This cyclist posted to Reddit's AITA subreddit in order to see whether or not they were in the wrong for riding in the road instead of in a snowy cycle lane. Now, it's no secret that cyclists are not popular amongst most other motorists and road users, drawing a disproportionate amount of hate and rage in online discussions for the number of them there actually are. There's just something about being mildly inconvenienced while driving that provokes unbridled rage in our minds; it's really diff…
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'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. I hated it so much that I wanted to cry': 35 Terrible movies that people regret seeing in theaters

'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. I hated it so much that I wanted to cry': 35 Terrible movies that people regret seeing in theaters

What's the worst movie you've ever paid to see in a theater? One poster in the r/Movies subreddit asked this burning question, and people had some incredible answers! A lot of people seemed to see “Epic Movie" in theaters, which is understandable, because if you're a teen, you might think that movie sounded cool. But the people who paid money to see “Highlander 2” and “Holmes and Watson” in theaters, WYD? I'm so sorry to those people who paid to see those on the big screen. Someone else said th…
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20 School Fails That Prove Teachers Are Human Too

20 School Fails That Prove Teachers Are Human Too

This one goes out to all the teachers out there!
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'He bought me a beautiful pendant... unfortunately I'm allergic to nickel': 30+ People share the most unromantic gestures they've ever experienced

'He bought me a beautiful pendant... unfortunately I'm allergic to nickel': 30+ People share the most unromantic gestures they've ever experienced

Creating memorable romantic gestures is a skill that not everyone has, according to the people who shared these hilariously bad romantic missteps. The OP asked r/AskWomen to tell the story of the “worst well-intended romantic gesture a SO ever did for you," with the added bonus of sharing their reaction. People shared a lot of really terrible presents, along with some situations that just seemed like mistakes.
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AITA for forbidding my sister to meet my child and telling my wife to butt out of the situation?

'You all sound unhappy and miserable': Guy discovers his wife has been communicating with his estranged sister, now threatens divorce

Send all these people to therapy!
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family drama aita family stories drama reddit story story family Reddit - 19132421

'AITA for not letting my sister's boyfriend use hot sauce?': Boyfriend storms out when Italian family forbids usage of hot sauce

People can get weirdly cult-like over the way they like their food, and it's one of the smallest hills people are consistently willing to die on; there are so many people that have overly strong opinions about and will gatekeep what topping or sauce you should or shouldn't eat on any given food. So what if you like ketchup on eggs? Or hot sauce on Italian food? If you wanna pile mayonnaise and dijon mustard on your linguine, then you go right ahead. I certainly won't be joining you or partaking…
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this week's funniest memes for cowboys and cowgirls

The Top Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Most Rootinest and Tootinest of Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls (January 28, 2022)

When we say “yee,” you say "haw." It's just the cowboy way. But you know that. You can't just scroll on by without saying howdy or meowdy. We work hard to bring you the most rootinest and tootinest memes that bless our feed from the week. Heck, we'd even lasso these funny bad boys in for you if we lost a limb in a tractor accident. It's always meme hunting season for us, and you don't wear an orange vest. We go out there in the wild wild internet and come back with a sack full of the funnies to…
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'I felt like the queen of petty': Waitress shares her politely shady method of salvaging her coworkers' tips

'I felt like the queen of petty': Waitress shares her politely shady method of salvaging her coworkers' tips

Waiters and waitresses work so hard to provide fast and friendly service, but some people just don't want to tip, no matter how good the service is. This waitress shared her story of the time she refused to let her coworkers get stiffed on their tip, and it's an awesome tale of pettiness succeeding! As the OP shared to r/Talesfromyourserver, it was a slow day at her restaurant, so it already wasn't the best day for earning tips. At the end of the night, the OP encountered one couple on a date.…
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'I'm A Genius!' : Top 20 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds We've Seen This Week

'I'm A Genius!' : Top 20 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds We've Seen This Week

Good ideas are never born when you're on the brink of a mental breakdown or having a panic attack at work. I am convinced that the best ideas actually come to mind when you're simply chilling. We can take Isaac Newton as an example, as it has historically been suggested that he came up with the law of universal gravitation after an apple plopped onto his head, while he was resting under a tree. There is no actual evidence to support the theory, but the myth has not been entirely dispelled, so w…
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pro revenge scammer revenge cars scammers petty revenge - 19134213

'I won over $5,000': Guy turns the tables on scammer, gets paid for a car accident that they caused

It's not often that being at fault in an accident actually gets you money, but when a scammer tries to extort you for fake repair costs, it can end up working out in your favor. When u/bigcapper69 accidentally ran into someone else's vehicle in a parking lot, they immediately apologized profusely and offered to pay for the damages. They describe that the scammer, who they refer to as 'Brent', initially came across as very cool. Brent seemed to be taking everything in stride and was quite happy…
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AITA for missing an actual emergency because I turned off my phone to avoid my wife's unnecessary contact attempts during my tech-free weekend?

'Some people might not think it was purely platonic': Married guy goes off the grid once a year with his friend, wife gets enraged

This guy tried to paint his wife as annoying, but the truth came out in the comments.
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Funniest Service Industry Memes for Servers and Bartenders Who Never Thought They'd Be Here This Long

The Best Service Industry Memes of the Week for Servers and Bartenders Who Never Thought They'd Be Here This Long (January 27, 2022)

My customer service voice is not a reflection of who I am as a person.
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customer service server-stories fired server servers waiter waiting server life workplace service-industry-stories service industry - 19105285

'What are my options?': Restaurant owner fires server and holds $2000 for ransom to force signing of illegal NDA

Working in the service industry is often stressful and traumatic for a number of reasons. On the one hand, you're often treated poorly by clientele, who mostly regard you as subhuman because of your line of work. On the other hand, you're at the mercy of the unrealistic expectations and unethical practices of the small business owner who owns the place, and—let's be honest—these people often shouldn't be allowed to operate a business or have responsibility over the livelihood of others. These o…
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30+ Funny moments of failure that people actually shared publicly for everyone to see

30+ Funny moments of failure that people actually shared publicly for everyone to see

Oh, you did something awkward? Time to share it with your 8000 closest friends on social media! These people below are unashamed, thriving, living their most embarrassing lives right out in public. It's easy enough to shoot off a quick Snap story to your friends or followers. I feel bad for the guy who accidentally sliced off half his hair just in time for his very first day of class. That's not quite the right impression you want to give! I also feel for the woman who was shaving her legs and…
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couple who work together get pushed to the brink of divorce after boss has the husband secretly help push his own wife out of a huge company deal, wife deliberates quitting and divorcing

'She's been utterly betrayed by her entire office and her husband:' Entitled boss brings married employees to the brink of quitting and divorcing after getting husband to secretly push wife out of huge company deal

Dating a co-worker has never worked in the system. If you have experienced this, then you know, it always tends to get messy. But when you are married, working with your hubby doesn't seem too bad. As long as you aren't driving each other nut in the office, then it could work. Until it doesn't. A happily married couple that are also coworkers are now on the bring of divorce because of the actions of their boss. Both the hubby and wifey work in upper management and felt confident in their jobs.…
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