Group Interview. Camera Required. None of the interviewers put their camera on.

'An interview is a two-way evaluation': Candidate has to turn camera on for interview but recruiters don't reciprocate, immediately turns down job

It's pretty simple at this point: if you can't live up to your own expectations, then you're less likely to fill the position.
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‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

Getting promoted usually involves some kind of a raise, but in this case, it did not. A woman took to Reddit, shaming her ex-boss, who gave her extra responsibilities, which included working longer hours — for a $2 pay cut. Does it make sense? Of course not. But companies are greedy, what else is new…At the time, the employee didn't question it, because she needed the money. So even though she would technically receive less, she would still be working longer hours, therefore resulting in a bigg…
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marriage revenge ex petty revenge marriage-drama relationships ex wife divorce dating relationship-stories - 19431685

Guy gets call from debt collector looking for his ex-wife, he leaves them 600 voicemails as revenge

Divorce, unfortunately, is almost never final… whether ongoing custody battles, financial disputes, or fending off repeated slights from a crazy ex—it's going to haunt you. That being said, there are those who have come to the end of their romantic relationship who somehow manage to make things work and still be friends. Surprising, I know, but it gives me hope that some people do have the capability to be decent and rational. Well, this guy, Redditor u/Nerd_Law, is continuing to be haunted by…
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dating drama relationships story aita relationship-drama relationship-stories - 19420933

'AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to stop f-ing eating?': Guy's outburst shuts down entitled indulgent girlfriend

Each and every one of us has a memory (or memories) from our childhood that we hold dear, a nostalgic high-water mark of the happiest moments of our lives. We could drive ourselves mad trying to attain this same sense of blissful wonderment—and indeed, some have. This girlfriend seems to be one of those people, choosing to forgo all rational thought and social decency to chase and ride the high of her youth. Who doesn't love dipping their finger in a baking work-in-progress? Reckless abandon pr…
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'This mission was not impossible': 20 Movie reviews from people who were thinking outside the (Letter)box

'This mission was not impossible': 20 Movie reviews from people who were thinking outside the (Letter)box

Does Monster's Inc. really have “too many monsters,” or is this person just writing a hilarious 1-star review?
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pro revenge jobs revenge interviews petty revenge workplace job interview terrible coworkers coworkers coworker - 19431429

'Not happening...': Terrible lazy coworker tries to get a reference from a frustrated former team member

We've all worked with that coworker who completely overestimates their competency, contribution, and capabilities. Whether or not they're blissfully and utterly unaware of their uselessness is never clear, but their work (or lack thereof) makes it plain to everyone else exactly how things are. Still, this person won't hesitate to tell you how to do your job as if it's their job to do so while doing seemingly everything possible to avoid doing any work of their own. I've experienced almost the e…
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‘How much is your cheapest cocktail?’ 40+ Broke Memes and Fails

‘How much is your cheapest cocktail?’ 40+ Broke Memes and Fails

This weekend broke me. No, literally. I’m as broke as it gets.
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boyfriend proposal girlfriend update breakup trip vacation - 19394565

Update! 'She thinks I'm being a jerk for making her pick between her friends and me': Guy suddenly ditches GF in the middle of vacation

This poor dude just wanted to have a romantic getaway with his GF… until she brought a bunch of her close friends along. Here's the latest update from u/Gradtattoo_9009, who originally wrote in to r/AmItheA******. In his first post, the OOP shared that he and his GF have been dating for quite some time, and he was ready to pop the question. The OOP planned a fun trip full of winter activities like snowboarding and skiing , and told his GF months in advance. The only problem is his GF just could…
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Breaking up with my GF because of being a fangirl

'It kept getting worse': Guy breaks up with girlfriend because she's too obsessed with KPOP boy band

In case you haven't noticed, fandoms have gotten a little out of control these days, and it's starting to affect relationships.
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authority malicious compliance principal revenge teachers teacher Horrible Bosses - 19420677

'We are not allowed to leave our room': Teachers get back at Principal through compliance to an authoritative demand

Sometimes, all you need to do to get rid of an authoritative policy is follow it—to the letter and as infuriatingly often as possible. These policies have usually only been thought out as far as giving the enforcing party a much-desired ego boost; as such, they won't hold any water when placed to the test and have light shed upon them. When these teachers found themselves faced with a ridiculous policy from an authoritative principal, they did their very best to follow that policy to the letter…
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‘He Couldn’t Fathom Why a Woman Was Interviewing Him in This Industry’ : Potential Employee Messes Up Job Interview Big Time for Discriminating Against Female Boss

‘He Couldn’t Fathom Why a Woman Was Interviewing Him in This Industry’ : Potential Employee Messes Up Job Interview Big Time for Discriminating Against Female Boss

Job interviews can be daunting. You know beforehand who is going to interview you, so normally you'd come in with some kind of prior research. But some folk are less… prepared. Usually, people make it a point to try to not insult the person who interviews them — AKA, their potential employer/boss. But alas, some are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Yes, you can find women in the manufacturing business. Shocker! You can also find them in construction, finance, agriculture, firefighting, and a…
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OOP’s asks if she’s an a****** for NOT getting a tattoo

Update: 'My friends said... I could always get [it] lasered off': Friend group pressures woman to get random tattoo, and the shop agrees with them

With friends like these, who needs enemies? In a satisfying update to her original post, this OOP shared the story of her and her friends trying to get tattoos and piercings together, only to get kicked out by the studio! This woman and her friends headed to a tattoo parlor . The OOP's friends encouraged her to try out a ball machine at the studio that randomly selects a tattoo for the user. However, what OOP didn't know was that after she chose a ball, she was apparently obligated to get a tat…
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Update: ‘I Quit and Already Got a New Job That Pays Double’ : Overworked Employee Abandons Understaffed Team Following Boss’s Terrible Management, Boss Tries Bribing Employee to Stay With 25-Cent Raise

Update: ‘I Quit and Already Got a New Job That Pays Double’ : Overworked Employee Abandons Understaffed Team Following Boss’s Terrible Management, Boss Tries Bribing Employee to Stay With 25-Cent Raise

If you're looking for a sign, this is it. Is your boss treating you as if you're easily disposable, adding additional work duties that are not technically a part of your job description? Maybe it's time you look for a place where you'll be appreciated — where you won't be taken for granted, a place that will properly compensate you for the amount of work you do. In an earlier post, you'll find I wrote about a tired employee, working on an understaffed team at a restaurant, who shared his ‘horri…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs hr toxic-workplace job human resources workplace job interview interview employment - 2004743

'Was I overreacting?': Worker takes a stand after finding themselves unexpectedly in a working interview

Working interviews are a thinly veiled scam intended to draw upon a new source of unwitting workers for free resources, ideas, and labor.
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"They will open" sure, boss!

'What do I do if they aren't home?': Landlord gives handyman unclear instructions when tenants won't answer the door, cue malicious compliance!

When the instructions are unclear, horrible bosses and managers have no one to blame but themselves.
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‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

If you don't believe in karma, you've got another thing coming… You can't just jump jobs burning bridges every time because those people you left in your chaos will come back to haunt you. Blue collar workers in trade know that has a GD fact. Recently, a construction worker took to Reddit to share their own satisfying story where they got to serve their very own piping hot plate of karma to a toxic ex-coworker. So this guy worked at a construction company and was fine until they brought one of…
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