AITA for buying my girlfriends sister a car?

'Afterwards I told my girlfriend about it and she got furious at me': BF contacts GF's estranged sister to buy her an extremely expensive present

After one guy went behind his GF's back, and his big purchase began tearing this couple apart. When it comes to pushing boundaries in a relationship, this dude majorly messed up. In a post to r/AmItheA*****, u/throwaway84200t wrote that his GF doesn't speak to her sister . She hasn't told him exactly why, but they had not talked in four years. Then the OP began talking to her sister — apparently under the guise of trying to get the two sisters back in touch. But then this post goes off the rail…
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Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Karens never fail to make a scene in increasingly bizarre situations!
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Salaried (exempt) employees have to punch a time card now? Ok. It would sure be a shame if someone notified the labor board about your illegal PTO practices, though

'I approached HR. They looked at me like I had two heads': Employee ignored by HR, so they contact the labor board instead

This HR department just wouldn't listen to their employees. U/bolshe-viks-vaporub shared this story of malicious compliance against their own employer. As the OP writes, their company got traded to a DoD contracting company, leading to changes in company policy . For the OP, a hard worker who often worked way more than 40 hours per week, things just weren't adding up. They tried repeatedly to contact the company's HR department about the mistake, but were continually ignored. Finally, they deci…
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aita marriage proposal friends reddit story am i the asshole proposal relationships dating - 19397381

Woman wants to save her friend from an unideal proposal, internet intervenes

We want the best for those that we care about—this can sometimes present a moral quandary… Is it ethical to do something that would be otherwise unethical if it saves said loved one from certain disaster? This can be incredibly difficult to get your head around, providing a much more difficult philosophical dilemma than whether or not someone is wrong for stealing their roommate's cat. The idea of doing harm to prevent a greater one brings a certain trolley problem to mind: Is it wrong to do so…
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No, I won't vacate my seat halfway through my meal when I was here first

'They’re carrying on about how selfish I’m being': Entitled women demand cafe seating, but they messed with the wrong person

These entitled women have apparently never heard of coffee shop etiquette! U/InbhirNis shared this great tale of petty revenge , which all started at a cafe they frequent near their work. The OP writes that there is communal seating, so they scooted to the end of the table, and were just minding their business before a few women showed up . These women wanted to sit at the communal table , which the OP agreed to. But then the pair started demanding even more seating, and the OP's plan for the p…
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‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

A boss with an imperious attitude… what else is new? If you've ever been reprimanded unfairly by upper management, join the club. To think we're all humans at the end of the day who have their own issues, go to the bathroom and cringe at the lack of toilet paper, drink one too many beers, cry over an ex… it's crazy how authority can make you forget all that, leading to unjust actions toward an employee. This employee in particular was a model worker — so he was a little more than surprised when…
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employee fired malicious compliance work coworkers layoff dickhead co-workers employees workplace employment - 19365381

New Management Wants to Train Random Dude to Replace Essential Programmers, It Backfires

Management doesn't have any idea what you do; let's just get that out of the way. Sure good managers might be great at that higher level of planning, business relationship, and organizational-navigating junk… but when it comes to the actual production? When it comes to what you do ? It's all just numbers and words on a spreadsheet. And let's be real; it doesn't matter— nothing really matters in a modern company, so long as the money machine goes brrrr, that line on the chart goes up and investo…
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AITA for letting my roommate’s ex-girlfriend, who keeps showing up at our apartment, come inside because she was drunk?

Ex-Girlfriend Keeps Showing Up at Apartment Every Night, Roommate Lets Her In Causing Major Fight

This one had people totally split in the comments as to who was in the right.
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employee gets unfairly skipped on a promotion he planned on getting after working hard for years to a nepo-baby who got hired because he has political connections in the compant

'Don’t fall into the middle manager trap like I did': Senior Employee Trained for Specific Promotion Gets Burned by Company When They Hire Inexperienced Nepo-Baby Instead

Working your way up in a company usually means ending up in a middle management position at least for a good little while. Starting from the bottom of the pyramid means you have a longer way to work up, but it isn't impossible. So you work hard and harder until it would be absolutely bonkers for you not to make your way to the top of the pyramid. However, some people skip some steps in a very unfair way because of nepotism. If you don't know what nepotism is, it's basically when people get hire…
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AITA for showering when my roommate was going to?

'They are trying to control you in your own house and they don't even pay rent': Entitled roommates insist on strict schedule

A group of grad students decided to move in together, but their tight schedules are causing a major rift in their friendship.
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AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

This must be the plot of either a screwball comedy or a total horror nightmare!
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Delivery drivers and taco bell haters should read this. I cost taco bell $1000

'Stop being upset at every little tiny thing and bothering managers': Delivery driver's pro revenge results in heavy fine for restaurant

This delivery driver was completely fed up with being put in her place by restaurant staff, so she decided to make a few phone calls to get revenge . Food delivery is a tough job, according to u/dadsabrat, who shared her story on r/ProRevenge. And it's made even more difficult by the whims of restaurant staff and managers , who the OP claims treat her and other drivers disrespectfully. There's not much they can do about it normally, but on this particular day, there was actually a safety concer…
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AITA for not wanting to pay for my girlfriend's car maintenance after I used it with permission once while pet sitting for her

'No one tricked you. You screwed up': Guy takes girlfriend's Porsche out for a spin without her permission and won't pay for the damage

This dude literally drove his girlfriend's Porsche into a field against her wishes and is confused as to why she's mad.
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pranks prank funny story friends neighbors good-neighbors university college college students

Neighbors pull furniture theft prank, goes sideways when they have to keep it

Good pranks are harmless fun that gets a laugh out of everyone. Great pranks get back at that original prank in a relevant way that maintains the fun while also ensuring the appropriate revenge is exacted. So, what should you do when you discover that your friends next door have taken all of your furniture? Well, let them keep it—of course! That's what these roommates did when they arrived home to discover that all of their furniture had disappeared; they decided to make the most of the situati…
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fired employee has chance to seek revenge, asks the internet if they should

'I'm feeling pretty bitter about being let go... [Should I do] a sort of revenge?': Recently Fired Employee Has Easy Way to Exact Revenge, Asks Reddit to Give the Go-Ahead

We have all been there, had that moment where the little devil and angel appear on our shoulders. You have a chance for revenge at the tip of your fingers and you could easily take it. But then again, you could be the bigger person and just move on. Uuuughhh what should you do?! Get justice or achieve inner peace?? When it comes to getting revenge on a toxic work environment, we all hope you choose justice. You'll never achieve inner peace by letting your toxic boss get away with walking all ov…
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DMing homebrew, vegan player demands a 'cruelty free world' need advice

'I'm not really sure if that's a reasonable request to make': New vegan DND player demands the world be 'cruelty free,' dividing players

As the dungeon master of a longstanding Dungeons & Dragons campaign, this person isn't sure how to respond after receiving a startling request from a brand new player. Using a throwaway account, u/EmotionalMacaroon169 wrote to the r/DND subreddit asking for some advice. The internet doesn't always provide the nuance needed in these scenarios, but people in the comments seemingly understood both sides of the issue. Is this vegan player wrong for demanding a universe that suits her needs at the e…
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