'I have gotten at least a grand worth of free food': Top 40 Secret Confessions of the Week (February 23, 2023)

'I have gotten at least a grand worth of free food': Top 40 Secret Confessions of the Week (February 23, 2023)

These folks confessed anonymously to their most embarrassing and cringy moments. Every day people send dozens of submissions to @fesshole, the Twitter page based in Britain where you can submit your deepest darkest secrets . The page will post them up anonymously, and there are some that are truly shocking! We've gathered some of the most recent Fesshole posts that are shocking and face-palm inducing. There seem to be lots of husbands who confess to hiding things from their wives , and there ar…
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Top Pickup Lines That Backfired This Week (February 23, 2023)

Top Pickup Lines That Backfired This Week (February 23, 2023)

What even is a pickup line anymore?
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Cheeseburger with no cheese

'Self-inflicted stupid tax': One cashier's tiny slice of revenge on crabby Karens

Faced with hangry Karens one too many times, this cashier has had enough. As they wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, u/iceariina often rings up customers who don't quite know what they want. Lots of customers will come in to the burger joint they work at and order a cheeseburger, no cheese . But actually, you can save a quarter if you just order a hamburger. Does a Karen want to hear that? No, they never do! They just want a cheese-less cheeseburger. Since these Karens at the OP's workplace decide…
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Get me fired? It’s a small world, isn’t it?

'Witch #2 did not get hired': Employee gets revenge on former coworker after she tried to apply for a job at their current company

We all have daydreams about screwing over our former coworkers, right?
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'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

Some coworkers are intolerable for a number of reasons. Like when Jeff from IT forgets to reload paper into the printer or when Krista from upstairs chats too long in the elevator and makes you miss your floor– that kind of stuff in simply annoying, but doesn't violate acceptable work ethics and morality. Some work behavior, on the other hand, is completely unacceptable and make the workplace unbelievably toxic , like being a racist, xenophobic, and sexist jerk who makes the workplace toxic and…
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US Army commander toxic-workplace manager revenge military nuclear revenge petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses army toxic-work-environment - 19449093

US Army Company Clerk Gets Clerical Revenge On Toxic Commander and Ruins His Career

If there's one person you don't mess with… It's the person who is in charge of the books. This person has the capability to rock your world in ways that you really don't want it rocked. This was especially true in a time before the internet when there wasn't a thing called a “digital backup,” and often, backups weren't a thing at all. Even if the documents were important enough, were used, and did exist—they'd be at another physical location and would have to be mailed, which could take weeks .…
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Company-wide email + 30,000 emplovees + auto-responders

'The email systems melted down. Everything went offline': Completely clueless employee emails 30,000 people about an apartment, spawning thousands of emails

This dude told a hilarious story of email insanity, writing, “I witnessed this astounding IT meltdown around 2004 in a large academic organization…”
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‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

Oh no, the waiter isn't a babysitter, how terrible...
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance toxic coworkers horrible-management toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19466757

'You can't quit on a Friday': Company ignores employee's two-week notice, tries to fire him after he already left the company

This IT guy was working for a large firm as a contractor for their IT department. His experience was one that people often have within a giant, bloated corporate behemoth: The managers were unreliable, the expectations were too high, and the company had an odd culture that tried to give you more work, as congratulations for a job well done, rather than pay you fairly. That sounds like something that the owner or CEO thought of one day when they were sitting on the toilet, and all the "Yes Men"…
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"oh that was Katy's job" I'm not sure if this belongs on malicious compliance but I figured people will enjoy this

'Not my job, not my problem': Coworker gets fired for questioning policies, company suffers after no one takes on her work duties

This job seems to check all the boxes of a toxic work environment.
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21 Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

21 Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

It seems like there are barely any workplaces with adequately staffed teams of employees at this point. Everyone is wondering, ‘Huh, why don’t we have more workers?' when the answer is simple: People don't get paid enough to deal with rowdy, delinquent customers. Bank accounts all over are sitting on the same number, or recede slowly into negative zeros. People want to be compensated properly, but that obviously ain't happening in this economy. It can be jarring to deal with such negativity on…
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FAILS quit your bullshit wtf liar justice satisfying FAIL liars roasted funny called out - 19449349

20+ Liars who got called out and roasted for lying online (February 22, 2023)

These days everyone wants to be an influencer… chasing clout and fake internet points in order to feel that success they were taught to crave—to feel something, anything really. We're a society of individualists who are seeking to distinguish ourselves by proving to the rest of the world that we're better than everyone else and have something unique to offer in a space that's constantly drowning in the noise of every single person trying to do that exact same thing, giving their reaction to eve…
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boyfriend homewrecker university students KISS girlfriend theater Stage play college nta - 19445765

"I snapped, and... shouted at her, 'You sound incredibly desperate'": Woman flips out on student who has an obsession with her boyfriend

There's never any shortage of theatrics at in this university drama program — especially after this woman called out the woman who was brazenly flirting with her BF.
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AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy

'She LIED about the pregnancy': Woman makes fake pregnancy announcement at family gathering to steal her sister's thunder

Sibling rivalry has been and always will be juicy!
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AITA for telling my son he deserved his gf breaking up with him?

'He’s a proper mummy’s boy, I want him to just grow up': Dad upsets son after siding with his ex-GF

Parents, would you ever side with your child's partner over your actual child? One dad was put in that predicament himself, and went to r/AmItheA**hole asking for advice . U/inappropriatedress77 explained that his kid had been dating a woman for about two years, but the relationship was long-distance . Although the family loved when the GF visited, her BF would never fly to see her. He claimed it was because he was scared of flying because he's never done it. As a father, u/inappropriatedress77…
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Let me join the HONEYMOON!

'If it wasn't for me there would be no wedding': Entitled monster-in-law demands to join her son on his honeymoon

There's nothing more exhausting than a demanding mother-in-law
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