my ex cheated with a married woman, so I turned a pic of them into an ad

'I snapped a picture of them [...] showing a little PDA:' Woman gets revenge on ex at the gym after catching him cheating with a married coworker

Sometimes, you're actively seeking revenge on your ex, but other times, the perfect recipe for revenge just falls right into your lap.
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crazy-roommates cat aita psycho roommate renting roommates Cats - 19397125

Woman Steals Roommate's Cat, Wonders if He's Wrong

Reddit's AITA subreddit often presents us with complicated social situations where different considerations and ethical reasoning could make the decision go in either direction. This is not one of those times. This woman saw fit to make off with his roommate's cat, citing the roommate's lack of attentiveness to the pet as her justification and reason. The internet has swiftly condemned her actions, calling her a thief and kidnapper and declaring her actions completely unjustified. The woman wri…
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Top 20 Impressively Terrible Designs of the Week (February 18, 2023)

Top 20 Impressively Terrible Designs of the Week (February 17, 2023)

What in the world were they thinking when they designed this stuff?
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Don't ask for spicy sizzling fajita's

'All we could taste was pain': Guy and his friend order spicy sizzling fajitas and instantly regret it when the smoke clears out the whole restaurant

All we can say is that these guys got what they ordered.
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rules gary cell phone workplace sign fail bad bosses - 19362053

"Consider yourself 'on call'": Worker encouraged to be maliciously compliant after company posts insane new rules

This person shared that their workplace is a toxic environment, and they had a photo to prove it.
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'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

Drunk people can be the worst sometimes– especially when you're sober. The worst thing about drunk folks can be their brash behavior and inability to recognize social cues, boundaries, and appropriate protocol. One man, a morning shift worker who was preparing for a 4AM shift , became the brunt of classic drunkard antics one Saturday evening, but quickly got his revenge. u/itzpiiz, let's call him 'Piz', got mercilessly hounded by a ditzy drunk girl one night. The drunkard had the wrong number a…
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AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash.

Wife Doesn’t Like Husband Bringing Dirt Into the House but Refuses To Give Him Soap To Clean Himself, Soap Opera Ensues!

At first, you might read this and assume the husband is ungrateful and wrong, but on second thought, he's actually way too patient for his own good.
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Getting our bags checked is costing me my time after almost every shift

Power-tripping boss forces employees to wait up to 20 minutes after their shift to get their bags checked

Certain companies have a knack for treating their employees in embarrassing and dehumanizing ways—toxic policies ensuring that you hate every second you spend on their premises. Checking bags and searching for personal belongings is one of these policies. There's no reason for it unless you're dealing with high-security clearance. Why are you so worried that an employee is going to steal a pair of sneakers that were produced at literal slave wages?
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funnies memes for cowboys and cowgirls

Funniest Rootin' Tootin' Yeehaw Memes Fresh From This Week for Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Hootin' and Hollerin' (February 17, 2023)

Well smack my knee and call me grandma, these memes are funny!
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Can't you just unload around me?

'Her face go[es] to shock as she realized she just did all of that in front of a police officer': Rude Karen dismisses construction workers, proceeds to ruin her own life in one afternoon

One Karen ruined her life in a spectacularly fast fashion after getting into a squabble with a construction crew who was just trying to keep a parking spot open. Lots of Karens mess around and find out, but this entitled mom was especially punished for her deeds! As the OP u/BBQLunch, wrote in a classic r/ProRevenge post, they work as a foreman on construction projects , and were working on a rather difficult project on the day of the incident. As they were trying to block off the street so tha…
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‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top 20 Funniest Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top 20 Funniest Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

A cringefest of stupid.
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories work coworkers workplace story employment - 19383045

Fake union representative thinks they're immune to consequences, learns the hard way otherwise

Some people think that they are above consequences, and this problem becomes worse when they're in a technically untouchable position and continually have their beliefs reinforced by successfully getting away with antisocial actions and behaviors. This delusional employee must have been binge-watching 80's action flicks because her entire stratagem is eerily similar to the bad guy's from Lethal Weapon 2, relying on that (razor-thin) diplomatic immunity to get away with anything and anything. Th…
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'Happy one year of you dumping me': 20+ Texting Fails From Your Exes

'Happy one year of you dumping me': 20+ Texting Fails From Your Exes

There's nothing quite like receiving a "hey stranger!" text from someone you dated years ago.
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20+ Unhealthy Obsessions

'Celebrity Worship' and 20+ Other Unhealthy Obsessions That Are Too Real

Social media, celebrities, pop culture, oh my!
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‘I’m Just Like You, You're Just Like Me...’ : 23 MEIRL That Define the Real ‘Us’ of the Week

‘I’m Just Like You, You're Just Like Me...’ : 23 MEIRL That Define the Real ‘Us’ of the Week

Why is this me
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story manager coworkers workplace employment - 19247877

'This is extremely inappropriate': Manager's stupid trauma-sharing "icebreaker" generates some unexpected results, leaves internet bewildered

Some things aren't meant to be discussed in a professional workplace setting, as any discussion around them could be found to be offensive or off-putting. Conversing on topics like politics, religion, sex, and drugs (along with any other highly personal, private, or polarizing discussions) is a surefire way to get yourself acquainted with your company's HR—who may not be all that happy about all the extra paperwork you've caused them. No… some topics—like sharing your worst trauma, are better s…
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