'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'The total is now $42,000': Funding department asks employees to share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

'The total is now $42,000': Funding department demands employees share hotel rooms and cars to save money, instead costs the company thousands of dollars

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when it backfires

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when employee maliciously complies

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'AITA for choosing our family dog over a friend hard on his luck?': Choosing beggar friend asks for a place to stay, demands family get rid of their dog first

'AITA for choosing our family dog over a friend hard on his luck?': Choosing beggar friend asks for a place to stay, demands family get rid of their dog first

'I will never forget the expression... on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends incorrect paperwork

'I will never forget the expression of defeat on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends the wrong paperwork

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

workplace-stories work stories workplace-story work client workplace jobs computers job bad jobs technology mistakes graphics dumb graphic design stupid - 21289221

'They literally said "The stars weren't aligned" for that date': 20+ Clients who had workers laughing behind their backs

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

‘Customers found the letters, and walked out before ordering': Employee attempts to tank boss's restaurant, hiding letters around entire restaurant, explaining why he quit

‘Customers found the letters, and walked out before ordering': Employee attempts to tank boss's restaurant, hiding letters around entire restaurant, explaining why he quit

'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

'They still scheduled me for that week': New employee mentions bereavement leave in interview, employer schedules them anyways

'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee with new hire

‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee who quits with new hire

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down