'Funniest wrong number text I've ever gotten': 25+ Failed text conversations that will make you facepalm

'Funniest wrong number text I've ever gotten': 25+ Failed text conversations that will make you facepalm

Texting is a must in these modern times — it's how basically everyone, from teens to the elderly, communicates with each other. That's probably why it's so funny when there are miscommunications over text. It happens a lot! And these fine folks posted their funniest texts online so that we can all share in the hilarity. One form of trolling that's pretty innocent and silly is people who get messages from wrong numbers and just run with it. They pretend to be the person the text was intended for…
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AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

If you've ever heard the tale of the prodigal son, you know that father's love their children no matter how financially irresponsible they are, but in reality, how far does that love go? Now, when you come from a rich family, that love is (unfortunately) quantifiable in the form of crisp dolla dolla bills. For some reason, rich children feel that they're entitled to the entirety of their parent's fortunes and don't ever realize the value.
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pro revenge karens planes revenge petty revenge pilots pilot entitled Karen-in-the-wild karen airplane entitled people - 19987461

'He kept going and going': Pilot puts an inexplicable plane Karen in her place

A Karen and a plane, name a more iconic duo… The frequency that the two can often be found together is regrettable. Having some entitled and insane individual with you when you're locked in a pressurized cylinder hurtling through the sky at nearly 600mph (for several uncomfortable hours) is not an ideal situation to be in. But it must be something about that uncomfortable situation of flying that causes these emotionally infantile people to lose their slightest semblance of sanity. You know Sam…
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court legal petty revenge petty ticket reddit thread Reddit parking - 19954181

'I've been waiting for someone to bring this up': Dude gets parking ticket for literally no valid reason, fights it in court and WINS

The determination of this guy is genuinely inspiring.
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Funny but Sadly Relatable-Meme Dump to Lift Your Grumpy Mood

Funny but Sadly Relatable Meme-Dump to Lift Your Grumpy Mood

Funny but sad
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I'm not leaving here without the Wii." Yes you are.

'I'm not leaving here without [the console]!': Entitled customer has a screaming fit over video game console, gets booted by security for freaking out

The hype around new gaming consoles can be so outrageous that people feel overly entitled to their new device. Whenever there's a new console release , there is a lot of hype. Gamers are psyched to try new games or play old ones on a brand new system. And let's face it, these consoles are not cheap whatsoever, with most of them costing hundreds of dollars. That was also the case with this cranky customer, who just wanted a new gaming console the second it was released. This customer clearly had…
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FAILS students adulting college humor Memes tweets funny college - 19945477

20 Nostalgic College Memes and Fails For Forever Procrastinators

it doesn't matter if you're a recent college grad or if your college years were back in the Pleistocene Era, but you never forget those four years of procrastination.
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20+ Flailing felines and overly-curious kitties who got caught by their owners

20+ Flailing felines and overly-curious kitties who got caught by their owners

Even though your cat wants to think they're a fierce and unstoppable predator, sometimes the little guys need to be rescued by their owners (like the fuzzy babies they really are).
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high school entitled reddit thread Reddit money entitled people vacation choosing beggar - 19941637

'The trip was awful': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pay her share of spring break trip, ruins whole vacation

We all know that one friend who always manages to "forget" their wallet.
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Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Pretty please?
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customer service karens idontworkherelady karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19961861

'I get in my car to drive off but she's standing in front of it': Karen accosts random customer after confusing them for an employee

Mistaking another customer for a worker can be an embarrassing, humbling experience… but not if you're so entitled that you are completely incapable of realizing you've made a mistake. In a thread posted to Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady subreddit community by Redditor u/Tactical-Pixie-1864, the original poster shared their tale of being accosted by a wild Karen when they were trying to pick up dinner after a shift. They worked as an EMT and were already at the frayed ends of sanity after their s…
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boss workplace-stories fired work stories toxic-workplace workplace - 19955973

'They fired me, I ruined their company': Boss refuses to give hard-working employee a raise, so this worker took him to court

Today's lesson is: get everything in writing. U/Subtosocksfor1 had a great story to share with r/pettycompliance about the time they refused to back down from their boss's demands. The OP's story is especially infuriating because they claim to work for this company and generate a lot of the income. If your employee is really generating 15%-20% of your company's revenue, a raise better be in the works for them! At least this OP seems to know their worth. However, the OP really did make a huge mi…
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‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

This HOA got more than they bargained for when they hired a towing company to ensure that cars parked fit the 'aesthetic' of their neighborhood. Correct, you read that right; the HOA president decided that parking was not allowed in front of townhomes because they were at the front of the subdivision, and he felt it was 'unsightly' to see cars parked at the curb when he drove by. So the HOA hired a towing company to make sure that cars that dared do so be towed. What the HOA didn't know (we ass…
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antiwork workplace-stories baby in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story job fatherhood bad jobs i quit giving birth workplace Horrible Bosses family quitting toxic-work-environment - 19962117

'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

The working relationship is built on respect, and that respect should go both ways. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, with some owners, executives, and managers seeing themselves as destined for greatness and, therefore, better than the rabble they employ. It's surprising and disappointing how prevalent this attitude and behavior is today—probably because it's still being encouraged by the executive-level relics from the 80s and their sycophants who worship their every move. But, contr…
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread video games Reddit karen entitled people - 19953925

'Don't tell me what I did or didn't see': Karen drums up conspiracy theory because she can't purchase the video game she wanted

Imagine being wired in such a way that when you can't get what you want, you come up with an elaborate conspiracy theory explaining why.
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family drama aita wedding drama destination wedding hawaii-wedding getting married Reddit - 19972357

‘She doesn’t want to celebrate your wedding, she wants Hawaii’: Entitled sister demands her family of 5 get to go on all-expenses paid destination wedding even though she originally RSVP'd ‘No’ when the wedding was local

Family drama comes in all shapes and sizes . It can definitely and is likely to be drudged up during a family member's weddings. For example, this woman one's story on Reddit. She posted to the subreddit r/AmItheA**hole (AITA) about her entitled sister. Originally, the poster and her fiancé planned a large wedding in the country, only a few hours drive from where the poster's sister lived. They saved up a good chunk of change to throw a huge extravagant wedding and celebrate with everyone. Howe…
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