AITA for telling my boyfriend's friends I make twice what he does, when they called me a gold digger and he didn't defend me?

'I'm not a gold digger': Party bros make sexist jokes about woman, she embarrasses everyone by revealing her finances

After reading this, all we can say is, “Dump your boyfriend."
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AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

A landlord took to Reddit, asking their opinion on the fact he evicted new parents, giving them only 30 days to skedaddle. His reasoning was that their new baby made a lot of noise, and the neighbors had begun to complain. Is it insensitive? Yes. Is it illegal? We would think so, but apparently, he doesn't live in the US, and stated that it was actually completely legal for him to do so, as it landed under some sort of ‘noise pollution’ category. Babies are noisy creatures, duh. They cry, babbl…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs work stories toxic-workplace bad jobs true story time-to-take-a-break workplace Horrible Bosses story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 20038661

'I just quit my job': Boss confiscates worker's lunch break as punishment, they quit

Breaks are one of the most essential rights of your daily working life, and they're not something to be treated as a privilege that can be taken away as punishment—like a parent taking away their child's favorite toy. Yet it's astounding how many managers and small business owners try this—completely unaware of the legal framework they must operate within and intentionally hiding behind their ignorance to shield them from questioning their morals and ethics. Would it be too much to ask that emp…
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My boss watches me on the video cameras even on her days off so I’m quitting

'My boss watches me on the video cameras': Employee learns her boss is watching her every move

We all know that feeling when you're at work and you feel like you're being watched. Well, turns out this employee actually was being spied on at all times. Her boss was looking at the security cameras regardless of whether or not she was actually in the office. First of all, let's start our breakdown with the fact that this horrible boss needs to get a life of her own. You know there's a problem when people on Reddit are recommending that OP check her country's surveillance laws. As for the wo…
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cowgirl-memes ranchers funny-western-memes cowboy memes tennessee-memes funny memes funny-southern-memes Memes texas memes farmers blue collar american memes - 20033541

26 YeeHaw-est Memes of the Week for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh

Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee, the memes are hotter than a hoochie coochie!
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relatable memes list random memes fresh memes funny memes new meme viral meme Memes funny tweets tweet random tweets meme list - 20041733

40+ Fresh Memes and Tweets For Your Viewing Pleasure (April 7th 2023)

There's nothing like sitting back with a fresh cup of coffee in a soft, comfy chair as the warmth of the morning sun soaks into your skin. Basking in its scarlet radiance, you contemplate the ensuing day and where, on which paths, it might take you. Of course, most of us replace this idyllic morning routine with the instant gratification of doom scrolling social media… in a still dark room, immersed in the white light of a phone screen, our brains hooked into the dopamine stream before we're ev…
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Guy tips big to impress date but returns afterwards to take money back

'The man was staring daggers': Big tipper tries to take back $100, so waitress humiliates him in front of his date

This big spender was so sure he pulled a fast one on his dinner date , until his waitress foiled his plan. What's the biggest tip you've ever given? For most of us, it might be a $20 bill on a day you're feeling extra generous and flush with cash. It always helps out servers to tip, since their base pay is not usually very high. And of course, since servers rely so heavily on tips, big tippers make their entire day! This waitress rode an emotional roller coaster as she served this couple their…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager askreddit Horrible Bosses Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20014085

'He was always slacking off': 10+ stories of how folks got their bosses fired

At some point in your professional life, you have most likely had a fantasy of seeing your boss get fired.
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AITA for telling my fiancé's stepmother I am not his boss and am not tell him what he will do at our wedding?

'She called me a drama queen': Bride-to-be faces off with her step-MIL over fiancé's wedding plans

No wedding would be complete without a little family drama behind the scenes. This woman got into a spat with her step-mother-in-law before her nuptials. In fact, the OP wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to get some clarity on the situation before marrying her fiancé . As she tells it, she and her fiance are planning a summer wedding that will be casual and “not doing all the traditions." By that, she means that she's walking down the aisle with her sister, while her fiancé wants to walk down the aisle…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance reddit thread Reddit store toxic-work-environment - 20001541

'I'm changing back into my shorts': Employee forced to go home for 'violating' uniform, gets back at toxic boss using the employee handbook

You can't enforce rules that aren't there!
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'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

Have you ever worked for tips before? When you work a job where tips are your main source of income, that becomes the primary focus of each day capitalizing on how to get more tips. In some cheapskate states, restaurants are allowed to pay you LESS than minimum wage because it's expected that you'll be making more in tips on top of that, thus making restaurant work a minimum wage job again. * huge eye roll * As everyone knows, that's not guaranteed...
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'The Everglades fear this man': Florida man DGAFs his way through menacing swamps, spooking gators, booping venomous snakes, and giving everyone the heebie jeebies

'The Everglades fear this man': Florida man DGAFs his way through menacing swamps, spooking gators, booping venomous snakes, and giving everyone the heebie jeebies

* casually grabs insanely venomous snakes *
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work-story horrible work stories coworkers employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment bridesmaids wedding bridesmaid weddings - 2054663

'My boss claimed I had never requested time off': Boss tries to gaslight worker into not taking their scheduled leave, they take sick leave, then leave

Leave is as much a part of working as the work itself. It's important to have the opportunity to step away from your daily demands once in a while and take an extended time to relax or spend time with your friends and family. Workers who don't have this chance are more likely to face burnout and a general lack of motivation; workers who do will generally be more motivated and more productive, thanks to an improved work-life balance.
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Owners didn't want to give me what I deserved, now they are about to lose a $3M contract because I resigned.

'They don't have anyone to replace me': Boss tells employee to 'know his worth,' so employee finds a company who values them

Every employee thinks or hopes they're irreplaceable, but that's almost never the case.
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‘I found a way to get paid 50% while doing nothing': New boss revokes trucker's ‘home daily’ rights, demands employees confirm trucking loads, cue malicious compliance

‘I found a way to get paid 50% while doing nothing': New boss revokes trucker's ‘home daily’ rights, demands employees confirm trucking loads, cue malicious compliance

Managers obviously play a crucial role in ensuring that employees are happy to come to work. Unfortunately, not all managers got the memo, nor do they possess the necessary skills, let alone temperament to be successful in their roles. One such example is of a manager who sporadically decided to revoke his employees' ‘home daily' rights, resulting in some pretty unhappy workers. Not only that, but the manager also demanded that these employees begin confirming their loads, even though it was ge…
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boss work-story workplace-stories employee fired manager i quit april fools employer employees april workplace Horrible Bosses story April Fools Day employment - 20041221

'My boss told me I was fired...': Boss gets real fired after pretending to fire workers as an April Fool's Day prank

This boss must have attended the "Michael Scott School of Business Management" because this is a joke taken right out of his playbook and, just like Michael Scott, he let this joke go on for way too long. This employee wasn't having any of it and decided to file grievances against the boss. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit on the evening of April Fool's Day. The poster u/--Savathun-- told the story of the cruel prank that their boss pulled by telling them, in a way that s…
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