'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows customer to pump his own gas

'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows insistent customer to pump his own gas, customer ruins his boss's tractor

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'[My chargeback] valued at more than the parking ticket': Woman wrongly ticketed by local parking enforcement is resolved to make them pay, submits chargeback for her original parking fee

'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

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'Your couch caught on fire this morning': 25 Random notes neighbors left for each other

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'He thought he could convince me I was pregnant': 25+ ridiculous attempts exes made to get back together

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'I was called into a meeting with the big boss': Medical worker with sick child is that their days off are 'suspicious'

'My supervisor turns up unannounced': Guy's manager shows up at home while he's on sick leave to intimidate him

'My supervisor turns up unannounced': Guy's manager shows up at home while he's on sick leave to intimidate him

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'I quit': Worker quits after discovering their engineering role is actually that of a glorified janitor under a micromanaging boss

'She's been pulling each of us aside during office hours to grill us': Employee pushes back against inquisitive general business manager

'She's been pulling each of us aside during office hours to grill us': Employee pushes back against 'nosy' general business manager

‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

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'He doesn't know how to access the project': Micromanaging boss wants remote access to worker's private computer to view the project they're working on

'My boss threatened to call my new job': Employee gives notice, boss holds grudge, tries to get new employers to revoke their offer

'My boss threatened to call my new job': Employee gives notice, boss holds grudge, tries to get new employer to revoke their offer

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'She went first... and I went home': Guy breaks up with a cheating girlfriend moments after she got his initials tattooed

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‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

‘I [had] to see whatever hilarity this was going to lead to’: Guy confused as Target employee gets dragged to company meeting, takes advantage of catering and discounts

‘I [had] to see whatever hilarity this was going to lead to’: Guy confused as Target employee gets dragged to company meeting, takes advantage of catering and discounts