FAILS landlord email tenant scam reddit thread Reddit apartment - 20173829

'Rent increase mid-lease': Landlord tries to trick tenant, tenant disputes and wins

'I can't help you': Hotel guests demand front desk clerk update prepaid nonrefundable OTA reservation, clerk refuses

'I can't help you': Hotel guests demand front desk clerk update prepaid nonrefundable OTA reservation, clerk refuses

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'A very seriously unwarranted allegation': Card shop owner responds after absolute Karen leaves 1-star review accusing them of stealing the best cards

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'A Karen barged in': Woman demands to be served pizza at closed restaurant

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

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'He [decided] to power-trip': Boss gives worker disciplinary action for working too hard

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'Quit my job suddenly via email': Employee leaves without notice, boss insists on having face to face conversation, internet reacts

AITA for asking my daughter to uphold her end of the deal?

'You made a deal with a TWELVE YEAR OLD for THOUSANDS of DOLLARS?!?': Karen makes daughter pay for half of their swimming pool

Lost all my PTO. I will never give notice again.

'I will never give notice again': Company revokes all worker's earned PTO after they give notice

Karen leaves 1-star review after hailing the workers as heroes

'We are deeply saddened': Complete Karen leaves 1-star review after telling staff that they were "heroes," gets wrecked by the owner

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'Ex-boss texted me a few days [later]': Boss begs employee to cover shifts after firing them

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

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‘Her fault so she eats the cost’: Woman hires baker for gender reveal party, baker’s dog destroys the cupcakes

AITA for getting a better haircut than my friend?

'AITA for getting a better haircut than my friend?': Woman divides friend group over bizarre accusations that her new hairdo makes her an 'attention seeker'

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'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car