‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

reddit thread story work work-drama employee boss management out-of-touch ceo manager supervisor hr coworkers worker birthday pay quit

'It's voluntary, but has a "mandatory" vibe': Temp employee gets harangued for refusing to contribute a $25 donation for his boss's birthday lunch; goes straight to HR

friendship friendship drama aita drama friends reddit story etiquette reddit thread - 22308613

'[They] loved the bacon [flavored] popcorn until someone told them what it was': Couple feeds their vegan friends meat flavored snacks, wonders if they're wrong

'It was a glorified gymnasium with corn stapled to the walls': 30+ Tourist traps that these travellers would rate one star

'It was a glorified gymnasium with corn stapled to the walls': 30+ Terrible tourist traps that these travellers would rate one star

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss asks employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss insists employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'Choose your battles': Employee refuses to turn off light switch because he clocked out, gets criticized in the comments

'Choose your battles': Employee refuses to turn off light switch because he clocked out, gets called out in the comments

Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

'This is so embarrassing': Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22310149

'I sabotaged her bonus': Employee tanks boss's bonus after boss demands employees mandatory financial contribution to corporate scam,

'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night

'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night

cart-narc cart-narcs shopping cart carts shopping-carts grocery parking parking-lot lazy petty revenge reddit disabled

'Abandoned shopping carts are my pet peeve': Cart narcs unite when a disabled woman publicly shames a shopper by laboriously returning the stranger's cart

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22308357

'I got paid for a full day without working': Employee facing firing for being 1-minute late to work, goes home instead

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work it IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses Tech employment in the workplace - 22291461

'I don't understand it': IT guy yelled at by their boss over something they already fixed

terrible coworkers class workplace-stories jobs job classes work coworkers studio quit teacher Professors workplace coworker quitting yoga managers - 22288901

'My co-worker is running a yoga studio...instead of working': Professor debates telling on colleague who's making them "carry the burden"