Apparently booking a seat on a train is not a real booking if someone else decides to sit there.

'Loopholee becomes loopholer': Train passenger gets seat stolen, finds an extra petty loophole

Traveling by train can be so relaxing… but only if you're able to actually sit down and enjoy it. This guy was probably expecting a chill train voyage. U/Magnus_40 was traveling from Edinburgh to London , and they were ready to enjoy a great view with the window seat they'd booked. Train travel is absolutely one of the best ways to travel . Watching the view from the window makes time fly by. Plus, unlike airplanes, you're able to walk around pretty freely, and on lots of train lines, you can b…
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'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Cheap boss takes advantage of overworked employee, dangling a raise over her head and going back on his promises

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Boss goes back on promise to employee by dangling a raise over their head

Negotiating a raise is always a tough conversation. For employees who have a cheapo boss and have been taken advantage of their entire career, it's dang near impossible to get what you deserve when it comes to salary improvement.
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in-the-workplace fired work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers i quit petty revenge workplace job interview interview employment - 20178437

'I helped end his career': Boss forces worker out of job, worker forces boss out of industry

Sudden loss for a thing that was great about your life can cause grief—even when that thing was your job. Sometimes it will be a sudden change of ownership or leadership; sometimes, it is the same leaders making sweeping changes in policy to increase profits. Sometimes it's a smaller change within your team, maybe a coworker or boss you like leaving for a new role. This last scenario normally ends up with you working closely with someone who you like significantly less than the coworker they're…
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students malicious compliance grades Professors reddit thread Reddit college exams - 20175109

'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

Grading policies are meant to be followed; after all, that's all this student was doing! This college student had been performing well on all the previous assignments for a project and knew that the lowest grade would be dropped as that was what was written explicitly in the syllabus. Because of other upcoming finals, he had to make a tough decision and submit a subpar assignment (by subpar, we mean literally just the title page and a brief summary of the project) in order to prioritize the mor…
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I put salt in my drinks to find out who's been stealing them

'I will never forget the look on her face': Woman gets glorious revenge on coworker for stealing her drinks

Revenge is a dish best served salty!
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NO paid over time ? No worries |  Come payday my friend asks the boss where's the overtime pay. He gets the reply " we don't pay overtime anymore."  My friend replies" sure but remember I don't work for free"  The next day it comes knock off time and my friend is about an hour from the milk plant with a full load of milk.

'You can't do that': Company says no overtime, tanker driver threatens to abandon full load on side of road

Sometimes dealing with management is like dealing with a toddler: You can't just tell them their ideas are bad; you need to apply a negative stimulus — resulting from the idea itself — that shows them why their idea is bad. Trying to simply explain something to either a toddler or a manager is going to get you nowhere — and probably trigger an emotionally deregulated tantrum. That's what this tanker driver decided to do when their manager flat out told them that they weren't going to be paid fo…
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No OT but you won't swap me to day shift? Ok, boss.

'Ok, boss': Supervisor mandates no overtime but also mandates checking emails at home, guy charges it as overtime

Which is it? No overtime… or checking emails at home? You can't have both. Too many employers these days expect their employees to be always available —without receiving compensation for it. Anyone who has worked retail, or in a waged position, has had an employer who has made it as difficult as possible to claim overtime. The store closes at 6:30 pm, and you're only contracted for those hours. So in an inexplicably non-existent amount of time, you have to manage to round up all the customers,…
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pro revenge revenge workplace Horrible Bosses - 17345029

Wrongly Fired Worker Takes Entire International Division Down With Him

An epic tale of revenge via scorched earth policy.
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'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues in the Comments

'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues In the Comments

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toyota toyotathon public-freakout public freakout fight fighting street-fight fight-footage sales salesman salesmen sales-floor cars car car-dealership dealership msrp commission fist-fight new-car

'The war on Toyotathon starts earlier every year': Car salesman and his manager get in a fist fight at the dealership, hilarity ensues in the comment section

Let's go places
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corporate memes millennial misery work humor relatable boss manager overworked underpaid

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked

Memes and cold brew keep me sane
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customer service barista customers customer coffee entitled cafe entitled people service industry - 19148037

'She [...] told my mom [...] the milk would taste better anyways': Barista repeatedly gets an order wrong and refuses to use the correct milk

It can be incredibly frustrating when you repeatedly ask someone to do something, only for it to remain still undone or incorrectly finished… (or so my girlfriend tells me, at least.) Most of us will also agree that an incorrect or ruined food or drink order can ruin the one thing that was going to be great about your day. Now, most of us will probably be too diffident to do or say anything about our spoiled beverage, instead be resigned to our cup of overheated milk that has just the slightest…
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AITA for participating in my neighborhood's easter egg hunt that was meant for children?

'You're literally taking candy from babies': Enthusiastic egg-hunter angers her neighbors by joining kids-only activity

Want to make all your neighbors annoyed and wary of you instantly? Just do what this woman did! This woman asked r/AmItheA**hole what they thought about her Easter mishap . As u/madnewsbears wrote, she is a huge fan of the Easter holiday — especially egg hunts. The OP saw an opportunity after moving to a brand new city. She joined the city's Easter Eggstravaganza, an egg hunt for kids. That's right — the OP realized after signing up that this hunt was basically only for kids, and she was the on…
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manager Horrible Bosses - 17091333

Supervisor Told By Micromanaging Manager to Check Clock-Ins More Closely, Employees End Up With Massive Payout

It doesn't
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entitled parents malicious compliance kids nanny babysitting entitled reddit thread Reddit - 20172293

'I looked at her like are you serious?': Mom refuses to discipline tantrum-throwing kid, nanny complies, mom lives to regret it

This one goes out to all the nannies and babysitters out there!
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management antiwork toxic-workplace workplaces quit workplace quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 1832967

'I'm already approved to take off that weekend': Boss cancels employee's leave on Thanksgiving due to scheduling conflict, employee quits and cancels their employment

There's a certain sanctity that needs to be acknowledged when it comes to scheduled leave.
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