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37 Out-of-Office Memes to Send to Your Boss After They Deny Your PTO Request

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'[They said] I intentionally sabotaged their event': Client gets mad after touching the single button sound engineer told them not to press

'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

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'Fifty Shades of Grey. Worst books ever written': 15+ Fail Blog readers share the books they consider red flags

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'Mum wanted me to clean my room, I played a vacuum noise from YouTube': 35 Anonymous confessions that were revealed to the entire internet

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

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'So I dyed my hair blue': Rebellious line cook gets tired of being blamed for hairs found in the food, she retaliates by dying her hair bright blue

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'He's being paid "too much"': Horrified worker shares how company wants to fire valuable veteran worker to cut costs

'I offered a solution': Student requests algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'I offered a solution': Student demands algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

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'I wasn't playing games': Oil rig worker calls their boss's bluff and quits when they're denied the chance to go home and visit their family

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

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28 Silly Memes That Confirm That Your Boss is Just Thee Kids in a Trench Coat

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‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

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'She's now known as the Kangaroo Karen': Top Karens of the Week (October 10, 2023)