work working workplace coworkers coworker manager boss employee employees teams supervisor reddit reddit-thread working-from-home hr smile

‘[I'll] smile for a raise': Boss messages his employee privately asking her to ‘smile more’ in their weekly teams video call; she refuses and hilarity ensues in the comments

'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

epic airport petty revenge travelling petty entitled reddit thread Reddit funny luggage airplane entitled people - 22624261

'[He] came back to get his carry on and realized it was missing': Man gets petty revenge on entitled passenger who tries to claim the overhead bin for himself

reddit thread bakery cake pregnant entitled entitled-people parents parenting toddler tantrum last aita

'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge petty revenge payback deserve boulder rock gardener gardening driver drive drivign boobytrap cutting-corners

'I'm still proud to this day': Suburban gardener gets back at a corner-cutting neighbor by boobytrapping their front lawn

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant won't serve them indoors

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Entitled diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant refuses to serve them indoors

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

‘Boy, did it feel good’: Customer service phone representative clocks out for good after satisfyingly going off on a Karen caller during her last day

pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit instant karma karma - 22619397

'I'll make it so you can't get out!': Hooligans drive up closed road, hunter traps them in

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

'I was going to give you my 2 week's notice today, but I'm just done': Non-profit director quits on the spot, provides manager with a list of all their incompetence

workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion petty-revenge-reddit job revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit employment in the workplace - 22619141

Terrible thieving boss tries to scapegoat sick worker, reaps the karma of her own actions

'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

'I've been doing hers last': Employee gets even with grudge-holding coworker who keeps sabotaging her by being too careful

reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge revenge petty malicious-compliance boss work supervisor employee fired payback deserved mc pro-revenge

'My replacement quit after I left... they didn't feel safe working for an untrustworthy boss': Loyal employee gets fired for no reason then wins a hefty lawsuit settlement, watching the company go up in flames afterwards

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee