'I offered a solution': Student requests algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'I offered a solution': Student demands algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

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'I wasn't playing games': Oil rig worker calls their boss's bluff and quits when they're denied the chance to go home and visit their family

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

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28 Silly Memes That Confirm That Your Boss is Just Thee Kids in a Trench Coat

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'When I asked her about the differences in looks she had a meltdown': 20+ Singles share their experience being deceived and catfished by dates they met online

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‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

'She's now known as the Kangaroo Karen': Top Karens of the Week (October 10, 2023)

'She's now known as the Kangaroo Karen': Top Karens of the Week (October 10, 2023)

'[They] asked about who her shoe cobbler was': 20+ Subtle signs that you're talking to someone wealthy

'[They] asked about who her shoe cobbler was': 20+ Subtle signs that you're talking to someone wealthy

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

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'She screamed when she opened her door': Guy teaches sister a lesson for expecting him to petsit while she goes out with her friends

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'My dash cam was running the entire time': Family tries to pull scam after car accident they caused but guy has a dash cam

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

‘I still find it funny to this day’: Roommate gets voted off the island by petty roomies, repossess all of the lightbulbs and toilet paper in the house

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'I become 10 again anytime I hear any theme from Pokemon': 40+ Gamers share the games that hold a special place in their hearts

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Guy gets rejected, told the position has been filled, they come crawling back begging to him

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Job candidate gets rejected, they come crawling back begging to her a week later, she rejects them