workplace discussion ask reddit employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22644485

'Be here 15 minutes before shift starts': 20+ Workers share scams that have been normalized in the workplace

'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

'I just want to make sure I do my job correctly, ma'am': Video store clerk makes impatient customer wait while they scan 50 DVDs

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22645509

'I don't understand what's going on': Confrontation escalates when interviewer falsely accuses job seeker of parking in a handicap space

'No one at the top is returning my calls': Job revokes employee's work from home accommodations despite medical issues, learns they're trying to get him to quit

'No one at the top is returning my calls': Job revokes employee's work from home accommodations despite medical issues, learns they're trying to get him to quit

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'I called the rescue and told them': Cat lover thwarts their former friend's cat adoption after finding out she declawed and abandoned her last kitten

'Pilot. Every one I've known is a cheater': 20 jobs that are immediate red flags for single people

'Pilot. Every one I've known is a cheater': 20 jobs that are immediate red flags for single people

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss wants employee to ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss insists employee ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'Just figure it out!': Bridezilla demands sister risks losing her job and house to make it to her destination wedding

'Just figure it out!': Bridezilla demands sister risks losing her job and house to make it to her destination wedding

'I canNOT believe these texts': Landlord shuts off power to entire complex for 2 hours because he believes the emergency alert will make everyone 'spontaneously combust'

'I canNOT believe these texts': Landlord shuts off power to entire complex for 2 hours because he believes the emergency alert will make everyone 'spontaneously combust'

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'He's jealous of me': Boss wife bullies her own husband at work and tells their coworkers his secrets, wonders if she's the bad guy

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'[They] rev their sports car engine at 2AM': 20+ Loud and messy neighbors who are hard to live around

‘I had been sleeping in the office’: Software administrator rescues company's data from hackers, only gets $625 and is offered a below-market raise, so he quits

‘I had been sleeping in the office working nonstop’: Software administrator rescues company's data, only gets $625 and a below-market raise, so he quits

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22587141

Boss threatens sick worker's job, furious doctor gives worker more time off work

Update: 'He was fired for being 20 minutes late FOR HIS FIRST TIME EVER': Employees protest the firing of their coworker by collectively coming in late

Update: 'He was fired for being 20 minutes late FOR HIS FIRST TIME EVER': Employees protest the firing of their coworker by collectively coming in late

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

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'Steal my mail, I dare you': Landlord gets caught rummaging through his tenant's mail; tenant gets the last laugh with an extra special delivery