'[My boss] never called past 5 p.m. again:' Banker uses the time difference to his advantage to make his boss respect his work hours

'[My boss] never called past 5 p.m. again:' Banker uses the time difference to his advantage to make his boss respect his work hours

'I just smiled at him and drove off': Guy gets a job at the place handling the contracts of his ex-coworkers who got him fired, so he gets them fired

'I just smiled at him and drove off': Guy gets a job at the place handling the contracts of his ex-coworkers who got him fired, so he gets them fired

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

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'Guerilla warflowers': Guy gets payback by scattering thousands of wildflower seeds on their neighbor's lawn after she reports them to the HOA for having an ugly yard

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'[They] decided to [...] remove the fence': Karen goes on the offensive over damaged fence, guy removes it entirely

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

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'The pizza is CRAWLING with ants': Blind guy accidentally eats leftover pizza with a few extra toppings

‘Now I am working a job that pays me almost 50% more’: Manager scoffs at request for a raise, so employee leaves him high and dry

‘Now I am working a job that pays me almost 50% more’: Manager scoffs at request for a raise, so employee leaves him high and dry

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' of the Week (September 4, 2023)

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' This Week (September 4, 2023)

'We won the... grand prize': 25+ People who witnessed instant karma play out right in front of their eyes

'We won the... grand prize': 25+ People who witnessed instant karma play out right in front of their eyes

'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

'I'll only be a minute': Driver satisfyingly sticks it to a Karen in a parking lot after she steals his spot

'I'll only be a minute': Driver satisfyingly sticks it to a Karen in a parking lot after she steals his spot

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'[My boss] was walked out by two cops': Thieving fraudster retail manager gets arrested when their employee finally gets even

"We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours

'We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours after they insult staff members

'Win win for [me], not the company': Consultant finagles freebee PTO days when manager insist they work on impossible days

'Win win for [me], not the company': Consultant finagles freebee PTO days when manager insist they work on impossible days