boss workplace-stories jobs tractor job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit driving workplace - 22263045

'Quit arguing, if you say another word you’re fired': Boss instructs employee to drive 8 ton backhoe down the highway at 15 miles per hour

It seems that farm machinery does not go very fast. Although it would be so sick to see a tractor flying by at 90 miles per hour, today we've learned that they max out at about 15 miles per hour. Just think how much more efficient farm work could be if we gave these tractors a boost. Picking fruits and veggies at slow speed is so last year, instead, let's see how many you can harvest while you're at maximum speed. This person didn't really care about their job, where they'd often drive farm mac…
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'People don't [know] what they want': 25+ candid reasons behind today's breakups

'People don't [know] what they want': 25+ candid reasons behind today's breakups

People are getting candid online about why their relationships are falling apart. No, the answer is not because Mercury is in retrograde, although if you haven't noticed, there have been an unusually high number of breakups and divorces this year among public figures and celebrities. If we look closer than astrology, which is not exactly my preferred method of analysis, there seems to be a disconnect among partnerships about how to even be in a partnership anymore. Part of that is because of th…
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landlord housing road parking space car legal landlords yard cars driving driver no parking parking apartment malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit grass - 22261509

'Landlord tries to keep [my] security deposit... um, no': Landlord tells tenants to 'park anywhere you want,' then fines them $1500

At one cheap apartment , this couple found themselves faced with massive fines. When you're young, sometimes the only housing you can afford is a cheap and tiny little room. Lots of landlords charge outrageous amounts of money for these little tiny shoeboxes of apartments. They seem to know that if you don't have a lot of money, you may also be low on housing options. Then, you end up signing paperwork that gives the landlord an advantage over you. This person, u/Clintosaurus_Rex, and their gir…
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'I have over 320 hours of annual leave banked': Boss wants employee to schedule surgery over Christmas so she doesn't have to take her PTO, employee claps back

'I have over 320 hours of annual leave banked': Boss wants employee to schedule surgery over Christmas so she doesn't have to take her PTO, employee claps back

This certainly won't be the last time a selfish boss makes an outlandish suggestion. This employee has been working at the company for nearly four years and has saved more than 320 hours of PTO, yet when they were scheduling their upcoming surgery for January 2024, their boss suddenly took major issue with this decision. First of all, let's all remind this Redditor that no matter how much control it may seem like her boss has, she is not your doctor and she has no right to make suggestions abou…
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'Enjoy never using it again': Callous neighbors make it impossible for senior dog to enjoy her last day on earth, grieving dog dad dishes out $15k to ruin their backyard

'Enjoy never using it again': Callous neighbors make it impossible for senior dog to enjoy her last day on earth, grieving dog dad dishes out $15k to ruin their backyard

We don't need to go into how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. It's one of the most heartbreaking experiences any pet owner will have to go through. So if there is anything a pet owner can do to make that day a little less the worst day ever, then you better believe they will do that. Only the coldest of hearts would make that kind of day worse for anyone. Unfortunately, those types of callous coldhearted people exist in the world—Recently, a guy who goes by u/valdev on Reddit shared…
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'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows customer to pump his own gas

'He panicked when I told him': Gas station attendant allows insistent customer to pump his own gas, customer ruins his boss's tractor

You want to learn the hard way? So be it. When you first begin working at a customer service job , you want to help every customer, and help them have a positive experience at your store. Once you've been there a while, and talked to a Karen or 3, you begin to realize that many people simply cannot be reasoned with. You might be a perfectly logical person, with a perfectly reasonable answer to the customer's queries, but they will not care. Customers will still blame you for things that aren't…
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pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge - 22266373

'[My chargeback] valued at more than the parking ticket': Woman wrongly ticketed by local parking enforcement is resolved to make them pay, submits chargeback for her original parking fee

Few government agencies carry out their tasks with as much zeal and reckless abandon as local parking enforcement. Park your vehicle in the wrong place, and you can guarantee that they'll be there—watching, waiting, with foam frothing around their mouth—you'll have a ticket on your windscreen faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind. But sometimes, it doesn't matter if you parked in the wrong place… Sometimes, you still get ticked despite doing everything you possibly could have. And, once th…
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'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

'I have a right to my opinion!': Top Karens of the Week (September 18, 2023)

Everyone might be entitled to their opinion, but it takes a special person to want to enforce their opinion on everyone around them. Obviously, there are certain environments in which an authority figure in the room is given that privilege, such as a boss or the manager of a store, etc. However, the Karens and Kevins of the world seem to think that it doesn't matter where they are, who they're with, and what they're doing. They are always right, which means that you are always wrong. This week'…
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Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

Top Times Unsupportive Tech Coworkers Finally Got Fired and Left with a Bang

We've all imagined at one point or another during a bad job, quitting and leaving with the most dramatic exit possible. You tell everyone you hated off and you throw everything off you desk and you reveal any secrets you know to everyone and you march out and slam the door and everyone is crying and regretting treating you poorly. Funny thing about that fun run-on sentence though is that, that's not how it happens. If you leave like that in the slightest way, you're burning a bridge and that ca…
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housing neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama apartments neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors apartment - 22258181

'Your couch caught on fire this morning': 25 Random notes neighbors left for each other

“This rooster is a serious problem," one person lamented in a note to their loud neighbors.
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'He thought he could convince me I was pregnant': 20+ ridiculous attempts exes made to get back together

'He thought he could convince me I was pregnant': 25+ ridiculous attempts exes made to get back together

Trying to get back together after you've burned a bridge is a lost cause. It's kind of a Sisyphean task and a pointless one at that. If your relationship crashed and burned, you must be in an even worse place if you're trying to get back together. There's no way you could be well-adjusted. If you were, you would have recognized that the damage is done and that it's just better for everyone involved if you walk away and stay away. Some of us, however, are not this smart. When I was in my early t…
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patient boss workplace-stories jobs child job kid kids bosses work coworkers doctor apology health workplace sick - 22254085

'I was called into a meeting with the big boss': Medical worker with sick child is that their days off are 'suspicious'

Whether you have a kid or not, parents deserve your empathy. Just ask any parent, and they'll tell you--- raising kids is hard, but it's worth it. When your children are little, they require attention basically 24/7. You are always on call, feeding them, soothing them, putting them down for naps, playing with them, and keeping them safe. Parents will also tell you that breaks are few and far between. Since it is such a big responsibility to have kids, some employers look down their noses at par…
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'My supervisor turns up unannounced': Guy's manager shows up at home while he's on sick leave to intimidate him

'My supervisor turns up unannounced': Guy's manager shows up at home while he's on sick leave to intimidate him

Calling an employee's sick leave into question is one of those toxic workplace traits one would hope would have been eradicated by now, but unfortunately, you can't stop horrible bosses from being horrible. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/BigJhed , who had been working as a civil engineer when he had to request three months off on sick leave while recovering from an unfortunate car accident. By the end of this period, his supervisor informed OP that his paid sick leave would expire at the…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit new job quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 21719557

'I quit': Worker quits after discovering their engineering role is actually that of a glorified janitor under a micromanaging boss

Oftentimes, when starting a new role, it doesn't end up being quite what you'd imagined. Delusions of grand inspiration fade like a mirage in the desert in the face of the reality of menial tasks and repetitive labor. After all, as we're consistently proclaiming, an interview is a two-way street, and the company is trying to sell themselves to the most desirable candidate they can get—often for as low of a price as possible—just as much as the candidates are trying to sell themselves to the com…
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'She's been pulling each of us aside during office hours to grill us': Employee pushes back against inquisitive general business manager

'She's been pulling each of us aside during office hours to grill us': Employee pushes back against 'nosy' general business manager

This manager is asking for advice about their own manager . Every work place is different, with its own customs and ideas about how things should be run. Some workplaces are super casual, while others value a strictly professional environment . But most are somewhere in between. When you spend 40 hours per week with the same colleagues, your relationships expand over time. You will probably get to know all about Kathryn's favorite TV series or Jonathan's weekend trips with the kids. Since you'r…
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‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

‘She stood up and went on absolutely unhinged’: Employee gets back at manager trying to get her fired in front of 40 big bosses and coworkers

Ring ring, it's petty revenge calling! There's nothing more satisfying at work then when you get away with the perfect revenge plot against an awful toxic manager/boss. It's not easy to pull off, but every now and then the planets align and everything works out perfectly. This short and sweet story is one of the most satisfying and perfect examples of work revenge . The Reddit poster worked at a company where the employees used in-house work cellphones. One day they came to work and couldn't fi…
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