'You brought this on yourself': Entire team of employees left short-staffed after one worker persuades manager to enforce their suspension

'You brought this on yourself': Entire team of employees left short-staffed after one worker persuades manager to enforce their suspension

We will always be affected by favoritism. Parents make an effort to convince us that there is no such thing as favoritism and that people evaluate us based on our qualifications or lack thereof. As someone who has worked at over a dozen jobs, attended roughly six different schools during her life, and is one of twenty grandkids, I can vouch for the fact that favorites exist. The story below is of a strong single mother who is having a hard time providing for her kid. OP is a hard-working waitre…
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'Can’t you just unload around me?': Construction workers make parent wait after she tells them to 'chill'

'Can’t you just unload around me?': Construction workers make entitled parent wait after she tells them to 'take a chill pill'

This must've been the craziest day on the job for one group of construction workers . At every job, there will come a day that is so outrageous that it turns into a legend. Maybe someone gets in a public screaming match with the boss and tells them off in front of everyone. Or perhaps the serial food thief finally gets caught. Or maybe one employee flips out on a client. Days like these don't happen all the time, and when they do, it certainly breaks up the monotony. One group of construction w…
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'They fired me for not showing up to a shift they didn't schedule': New employee blamed for company's online training malfunction, fired before starting

'They fired me for not showing up to a shift they didn't schedule': New employee blamed for company's online training malfunction, fired before starting

Who wants to work at a company that can't even get their training program to work? Let's go a step further. Who wants to work at a company that blames new employees for their total dysfunction and lack of organization? Although the circumstances of this employee's dismissal were certainly not ideal, it's fair to say that they dodged a bullet early and that it's better this way. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, and folks in the comments section were quick to add suggestio…
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petty revenge reddit tradesman handyman blue-collar tradie work working job site worker workers employee borrow karma instant payback

'Always happy to help a fellow tradesman– but not this guy': Lazy handyman won't move his car to assist a fellow contractor, gets denied a ladder loan that complicates his own job

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Handymen and tradesmen have been living by this law for centuries and it's arguably one of the few industries left that follows the old-school, handshake contract traditions. Through the uncommunicated secret bond of fellow tradesmen, most blue-collar guys would go out of their way to help a guy out with their project, simply because they know that the good karma will come back to them at some point.
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not-invited-to-holiday-work-party, work-party, reddit, failblog, r-work, work-drama, grade-school-pettiness, grade-school-behaving-coworker

‘She [laughed] and hoped I was happy having to work alone': Employee is the only one not invited to the company holiday party due to grade school level pettiness, HR does nothing

Company holiday parties can be SO amazing if you work in a healthy environment. When your coworkers are petty, managers entitled, and HR useless, then holiday work parties can turn out to actually be a huge source of anxiety. Take this recent employee who came to vent on Reddit. She was having a normal day at work until she stepped out to refill her water bottle and came back to an empty office. She looked around and found only one manager still there. She asked what was going on and the manage…
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'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field':25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field': 25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

When it comes to pranks, I'm a big fan of the students who pranked a teacher with a strict phone policy. Apparently, this teacher had a policy that if a student's phone rang during class, the kid had to answer it on speak phone, in front of every other student. So one day, a girl decides to prank this teacher. Someone calls her during class, and she answers, and on speakerphone, the voice clarifies they're from a “pregnancy resource center. " The person on the phone cheerfully tells the student…
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corporate malicious compliance karen-customer client petty revenge reddit thread spam Reddit company payback oddly satisfying - 23527429

'The phone has been ringing every 5 to 10 minutes': Corporate imposes unexpected fees, clientele strikes back by enrolling the company in spam calls

There's nothing worse than hearing your phone ringing and scrambling to answer it, only to realize it's just another spam call. Seriously, how do these people even get our numbers? But let's face it, if you've got a cell phone, you're bound to get hit with spam calls every now and then. Some folks luck out and only get them once in a blue moon, while others seem to be on the receiving end multiple times a day . Some folks just get the short end of the stick. Well, have you ever thought about tu…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23563525

'I was fired [...] right before Christmas for sticking up for myself': Office manager instantly fired for reporting workplace harassment

Being a target of workplace bullying or harassment is almost always a no-win situation, particularly in a small organization. If the offending party is a long-time member of the organization or otherwise well-connected to the organization's decision-makers, reporting them for their behavior isn't going to do much of anything; in fact, it may cause them to turn on you instead in order to relieve themselves of “the problem.” Large corporations will have no tolerance for this type of behavior and…
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'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

Moving is already stressful enough; getting scammed during a move is about as low as a scammer can go. The closest I have ever been to getting scammed during a move would be during the apartment hunting process in New York City last summer. After applying and securing an apartment that was already near the top of our budget maximum, the listing agent decided that this place was in such high demand that he could then add a ton of extra fees on the place, none of which were communicated to use be…
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customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job server waiter work customers waiting i quit quit customer talesfromyourserver food service service workplace Horrible Bosses tales from your server quitting employment service industry in the workplace - 23565573

'The GM was an unbearable human': Server takes as many customer orders as possible before quitting and walking out

One thing's for sure: there's no greater relief than quitting a bad job, especially when you already have another one lined up and ready to go. Everyone, at one point or another, has dreamed of doing this—preferably in explosive fashion. One day, walking and just letting your honest feelings fly before walking out —never to be seen again—while everyone is still sitting there stunned and processing what has just occurred.
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'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

Isn't it annoying when you get asked to do something that is NOT in your job title without anything in return? If it's not part of your role, and you're not really getting paid for it, then why do it? I don't mean people shouldn't be innovative or try to move up in their line of work, but I am no stranger to employers taking advantage of their employees just to save money and time. Here, there's an incredibly devoted employer who was actually fine with taking on more responsibilities in his lin…
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'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

Many people say that working in retail builds resilience and character, but perhaps it just exposes you to the worst kind of people in this world. I guess in some sense, that builds resilience and character, but that has to be the only silver lining that comes with having to deal with entitled Karen customers on a daily basis. Otherwise, these workers deserve the kind of prizes and medals that heroes and soldiers receive because I'm sure it feels like every shift is an almost Sisyphean fight fo…
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'I believe that's the coldest I've ever been': Mom insists kid do a chore for her after the kid had just fallen in a river

'I believe that's the coldest I've ever been': Mom insists kid do a chore for her after the kid had just fallen in a river

One mom came to regret her phrasing when talking to her kid. On a snowy day, when you've been outside in the freezing cold , coming inside to warm up is a wonderful feeling. Whether it's sipping on a bowl of soup or holding a warm mug of tea, that feeling of getting warmth back into your shivering body is very much needed. Some people even put blankets in the dryer for a few minutes so that they're toasty warm. This sounds like pure luxury---what a cozy feeling that must be. This is especially…
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'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

What would you do if your neighbor kept using your address for food deliveries? For me, the answer is simple. Once is a total accident. Twice is allowed. If it happens more than three times, you have the right to eat that food yourself, especially if they are fully aware of their mistake at this point. In this scenario, we have a neighbor who lives in the basement of a nearby building and who decided that it was more convenient for him to set his delivery address as that of this Redditor, who s…
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reddit, failblog, karen-shut-down, abuelita-vs-karen, grocery-store-karen, supermarket-karen, r-idontworkherelady

'Mega Karen learns the terrifying power of Abuelita': 90 Lbs granny epically shuts down a Karen tantrum using a flipflop and a stern stare

If you had to bet your money on a large scary Karen versus a skinny old granny—always choose the granny. Karens are all bark and no bite. They think they're bite, but they're not the one with the flipflop throwing skills. Plus, have you ever stared into the eyes of an angry grandma? That stare will not only send chills down your back, it forces you to face your ego. It's quite impressive actually. Take for example the abuelita in this Reddit post . OP was at a grocery store when a Karen twice h…
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Boss manager supervisor pension work retire retiring retired employee worker fired quit reddit antiwork wholesome advice

'If I leave, my pension will be cut by two-thirds': With a $70k pension on the line, boss tries to get a loyal employee to quit by being insufferable in the workplace

Would you quit tomorrow if someone gave you $70,000 a year for the rest of your life? At that price you'd probably at least consider early retirement.
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