'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

As a parent, it's only natural to want your kids to be involved in your life. That's why things like “Bring your kid to work” day exist — so you can show your kiddo off to all your coworkers, and let them see what you're doing all day long while they're at school. This dad had a similar idea of sorts… but it majorly backfired on him. U/FlashyCow1 shared a story from their time working at a burger restaurant. This place had a pretty devastating recurring problem: a faulty fridge that was consist…
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

‘This is your job now': Car dealership manager sends worker to deliver paperwork, despite lack of approval by higher-ups; customer CCs whole department on matter

Customers rarely have our backs, but when you find a way to get them to complain without exposing what is happening in the background work-wise, you have struck gold. Just because somebody is working, does not mean they want to work. Moreover, it would probably be best if they didn't work at all, seeing as they can't even do one simple job right. Who am I going on about? Well, let's call him Jim. Jim was the OP's coworker, who happened to be a manager at the car dealership OP worked at. Jim was…
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'Fired for insubordination': CEO fires employee the day he files for paternity leave, claims he was insubordinate

'Fired for insubordination': CEO fires employee the day he files for paternity leave, claims he was insubordinate

We're pretty sure toxic bosses are not allowed to do this anymore… This boss decided it was appropriate to fire his hourly employee on the same day that the employee filed for more state-protected paternity leave, a privilege that his boss doesn't normally grant to his other employees as well. First of all, let's start by acknowledging that granting maternity and paternity leave should not be seen as a privilege in anyone's else, nor should workers be rewarded for not taking their full time off…
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‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

Working at a bakery is a dream come true for some, and honestly, what is not to like? The place smells like a literal heaven, and you get unlimited pastries. I might be exaggerating the ‘dream come true part’, because although the latter is true, there is still the pesky issue of the actual work. It can get repetitive, and the pay isn't great (in other words, don't expect to retire early), and to top it all off, you have annoying customers who have obviously never worked a day in their life, an…
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'Ma'am, we have it on camera': Guy seeks justice for hit and run accident using security camera footage and social media

'Ma'am, we have it on camera': Guy seeks justice for hit and run accident using security camera footage and social media

This guy's car got hit, and instead of leaving her insurance information, the other driver just drove off. This guy was forced to solve the mystery of who did a hit and run to his car. As he shared in a series of videos, he caught the culprit on video. Ian Leveton shared that he caught the accident on a surveillance camera. You can see a vehicle drive past his car and hit it on the driver's side. The car lurches forward, but the other driver speeds away as if she didn't just cause hundreds of d…
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aita reddit bride bridezilla entitled mother parenting summer parents parent mom pregnant dress-code

‘I cannot be in a long sleeve floor-length gown in the heat for 8 hours’: Mother-to-be stands up to an entitled bridezilla, refusing to abide by absurd dress code demands in order to protect her pregnancy

Some people have dreamed about their wedding day since they were a little kid. Childhood dreams of Cinderella dresses, clinking champagne flutes, and a black-tie affair can sail through a kid's mind without a second thought, but in the deep south, an outdoor, summertime, black-tie event is a little more complicated to plan than an enchanting Disney-style ball. Guests could lose more than a glass slipper in those hot n' sweaty conditions...
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'Guard dog expenses for... a chihuahua named Princess': 40 Items business owners tried to write off as a work expense

'Guard dog expenses for... a chihuahua named Princess': 40 Hilarious items business owners tried to write off as a work expense

Business expenses, what are they and how do they work?
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'He got laid off. An hour into his first day': 10+ wild workplace stories as told by HR

'He got laid off. An hour into his first day': 10+ wild workplace stories as told by HR

We often talk about how HR is not your friend here on FAIL Blog. That being said, there are always good apples everywhere, and you know with certainty that some of these HR professionals have seen some wild stuff. It could be during the hiring process, when HR employees and hiring managers end up hearing some pretty ridiculous demands or inappropriate remarks from potential job candidates. It could be a crazy story from a boss or CEO, who has pretty backward standards when it comes to workplace…
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'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

These family meals took an interesting turn thanks to a clumsy sister in law. Owning fine china is a point of pride for many people. In some families, china is passed down from generation to generation. It's pretty common for the dishes to be passed on from parent to their adult child, often after a wedding or moving into a new place. Aside from the sentimental nature of these items, they're often irreplaceable. If you break it , you might not be able to make your collection whole again. This p…
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'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

In every work environment, there tends to be a work mom, someone who isn't necessarily in charge but serves as an emotional support figure. However, apparently, not all work moms are universally supportive… In this instance, we have a work mom who may have started out that way but perhaps due to cultural differences or simply due to a false sense of superiority, she started to manipulate those around her with incessant insults and unkind comments. At first, the Redditor who shared this story th…
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'My hours were suddenly gone': Upper management revoke fast food worker's hours despite being in violation of company policy; worker demands reinstatement

'My hours were suddenly gone': Upper management revoke fast food worker's hours despite being in violation of company policy; worker demands reinstatement

Call me biased, but managers are never ‘in the wrong’. It is always the employees who get written up for their manager's mistakes, and this story is as infuriatingly accurate to that statement as it gets. Why upper management punishes its workers via breaking the law is beyond me, but not enough workers are suing them for it, so until they do, management continues to get away with it. In this frustrating case, the OP was working at a fast food place in Oregon for about 9 months, when one day, h…
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'It's fun to actually block someone once in a while': IT worker gets back at coworkers who cut the lunch line and force him to eat at his desk

'It's fun to actually block someone once in a while': IT worker gets back at coworkers who cut the lunch line and force him to eat at his desk

You should treat every single person with respect, especially all of your coworkers. The hierarchy of the company comes second to just being a decent human being. However, some people are filled with entitlement and forget that when it comes down to it, we're all just flesh and bones. So when one of these entitled colleagues disrespect a branch of the company that they think they're better than, you better believe they're gonna get a taste of their own medicine. This happened recently with an e…
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'She is making your birthday about her': Bride critiques SIL's birthday dress worn two weeks before bride's wedding

'She is making your birthday about her': Bride criticizes SIL's 'inappropriate' birthday dress worn two weeks before bride's wedding

This woman's 40th birthday has been overtaken by her soon-to-be sister in law.
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‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

‘I reported him to HOA until he moved': Resident devises 4-month plan to get back at pesky neighbor; after getting fined by HOA, neighbor moves out

The long game of revenge requires a lot of patience, so unless you are truly up for it, don't bother undertaking such a commitment. I'd expect you would have some pretty high expectations when moving into a house. Everything is always pink, rosy, shiny and new, before it turns grey, bitter, old and then black. You want the place to be nice, the street to be quiet, the neighbors to be invisible. Is that so much to ask, when paying the amount you need in order to pay for an actual house nowadays?…
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hoa neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories parenting mom homeowners association - 22021125

'Expose the fraudsters': Mother takes fraudulent HOA down from the inside

HOAs can be a modern nightmare—a group often run by meddling, pedantic busybodies who have nothing better to do than strictly enforce rules that they made and voted on themselves. But, while they might often be bored and overzealous, at least they're providing… something—right? Adding order to the orderless, civility to what would otherwise be a barbaric existence. Well, it turns out that's not always the case. It turns out that sometimes, or at least in this instance, your HOA may just be a sh…
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