workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace employment in the workplace remote remote work - 22327813

'Am I obligated to bring this to anyone's attention': Remote worker posts concerned question online after realizing that their employer has forgotten about them

You know it's going to be a juicy discussion when the user has deleted their account within hours of posting a viral thread… This worker landed themself a new job, working remotely , that offered them higher pay and greater responsibility. They found themself with little to do initially, which they found to be a little strange, but seeing as this isn't uncommon in a lot of jobs, which often allow workers to ease into their role, leaving additional tasks to be picked up as the worker gets into t…
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'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

This person is determined not to let their HOA stop them. As u/Endoman13 puts it, “I've never met anyone that said, ‘Oh good, an HOA.’” Home Owner's Associations are meant to keep neighborhoods clean and orderly… in theory. But in practice, these often end up as a cliquey group of busybodies who spend their time trying to fine their neighbors as many times as possible.
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'Take all of their right shoes. Leave only the left shoes': 20 ways people got back at their cheating exes

'Take all of their right shoes. Leave only the left shoes': 20 ways people got back at their cheating exes

Sure, the best payback is to live happily, but sometimes, in order to do that, you need to care of a few other things first. Now, I have never personally been cheated on (to my knowledge), but I know that if that were to happen to me, I would get petty really quickly. What can I say? I'm a Scorpio; it's in my nature. Now, based on the responses to the following r/AskReddit thread, there were plenty of wholesome comments about how futile being petty is, and that very well may be true. But this l…
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airport flight seating seats wife plane aisle passenger entitled middle flights airplane entitled people flying - 22325509

'Grandpa...asks me to switch my aisle seat to a middle seat': Entitled man demands anxious flyer give up their seat so he can sit next to his wife

Who deserves the aisle seat while flying? The answer is the person who paid for it… usually. However, this anxious flyer got asked to give up their seat for a different one, and they weren't happy about how the interaction played out. If you get anxious while flying, you're not alone. It's like an endurance test, with one stressful situation after another. First you have to book your trip, which is usually simple enough. But on the day of your flight, you have to get to the airport with several…
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'I decided to be petty': Guy's roommate keeps eating his food, so he tricks him using expired milk and non-hard boiled eggs

'I decided to be petty': Guy's roommate keeps eating his food, so he tricks him using expired milk and non-hard boiled eggs

Every roommate relationship requires a constant reestablishing of boundaries. However, no matter what you do to rectify whatever problems you and your roommate are having, there are some people out there who simply don't get it. These special individuals have no concept of boundaries, space, and mutual respect. Furthermore, there's an even more dangerous combination out there, which is the occasional scenario when this kind of roommate also just so happens to be a pathological liar. This means…
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reddit reddit-thread thread story true-story true petty-revenge neighbors neighbor neighborhood revenge petty drama suburbs sprinklers

'His passenger side will get blasted': Suburban man gets payback by installing 360° sprinklers to wreck his neighbor's sports car after he repeatedly drives through his lawn

The boundary between you and your neighbor is sacred. Whether you have a fence, hedges, a wall, or just a plain ol' property line, the duty of every neighbor is to respect and cherish the space in between. In a country ridden with kitschy ‘no trespassing’ signs that say "We don't call 911”, we take those boundaries pretty seriously– even in the suburbs, a place known for over-trimmed rose bushes, nosy HOA's, and passive aggression, neighborly feuds can arise quickly when the line is crossed...
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22348549

'No, I wasn't fired. I quit': Coworker quits, employer tells everyone that she was fired

It's often the case that an employer won't react well to an employee's departure, taking their act of leaving as an insult and personal affront. Even if the relationship was supposedly left on good terms, it won't be long before the departing worker's name brings nothing but derision. Should they return to the workplace, they'll find, that despite being a top performer at the company during their time there, they have been turned into a scapegoat with their name being used to lay blame on anyth…
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Update: 'It'll cost you $1.8 million': Business owner asks financial advisor to invest money for him, then will not pay his advisor's share

Update: 'It'll cost you $1.8 million': Business owner asks financial advisor to invest money for him, then refuses to pay advisor's share

A young business analyst saw an opportunity and didn't let it slip from their grasp. If you're looking to make a lot of money fast, you can certainly try the stock market. There are no guarantees in this game---you could also end up super broke or in debt. But if you play your cards right, just like u/TheBreakUp2013 did, you could net yourself some cold hard cash. This person provided a quick update to their much-beloved story about a deal with their boss that went wrong. They write that as a b…
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reddit reddit-story reddit-thread barista coffee customer-service service-industry shoes retail karen karens karens-in-the-wild drama tirade revenge petty payback

'Eye for an eye': Barista fights fire with fire when a customer throws her ‘incorrect’ coffee on the ground, finding the Karen at work and making a mess in her department as payback

Two can play this game.
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22329349

'It was probably somewhere close to 300 lbs [of meat]': Neighbor dents dude's car, dude tricks him into giving him a freezer full of meat

Community is essential, serving to lift up and better the existence of the individual through the support of the group through mutual aid and assistance. Of course, there's an implication of trust involved when it comes to building community. The individuals involved need to exhibit a certain amount of altruism for mutualism to exist. Take, for example, two neighbors who have established trust and understanding. Rather than asking someone else to come and take care of their house while they're…
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'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

When numerous employees leave a company in a short amount of time, you would think the boss would decide to start being nice. Unfortunately, that would require having faith that bosses had enough self-awareness to know that they might be part of the problem. It goes back to the classic “if everyone else is crazy, you're the one who is insane” saying. But of course, we cannot expect the horrible bosses of the world to wake up from their deluded simulation of reality and realize that their experi…
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Couple requests guests to foot $2k+ bill to attend their wedding

'Dream wedding? Get the guests to pay for it': Couple forces guests to pay $2k+ to attend their wedding

Have you ever daydreamed about a grand wedding, without the hefty price tag? Well, don't we all? It turns out some people actually have the audacity to ask their guests to foot the bill for their big day. And not just the usual gifts, but the whole shebang: venue, food, drinks, cake, flowers, entertainment, etc. How do they do it? By sending out invitations that look like invoices, demanding a minimum amount of money per person, AFTER the guest RSVP's ‘yes’. Sounds crazy, right? But it's true.…
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'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

The internet is totally divided over the case of two neighbors who are loudly feuding over the fence they share . In the age of social media, we often only see one side of the story. This leads to people being called out for their behavior, when there is missing information that adds more to our understanding of the story. This story of two neighbors is a perfect example of this, as the two sides have decided to battle it out both in person and through videos posted to social media . As you can…
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vacation travel traveling solo-vacation solo solo-trvel wife husband married booking airline hotel flights trip reddit reddit-thread reddit-story planning aita

‘I’m still going': Wife departs on a solo trip after her husband fails to complete one simple task to help with planning

Planning a vacation with your significant other is the first big step in any romantic relationship because it sets up your vacation expectations for the rest of your life. So what are you supposed to do if you accidentally married a total dud who can't help plan your next dream vacation? Well, go solo of course.
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance emt pto said-sick-leave sick-days leave underpaid paycheck payday employee holidays resignation quitting two-weeks notice sick

'I'm suddenly feeling feverish': EMT gives his 2-week notice then learns he will be shorted PTO, uses all of his sick days in his final two weeks

According to the Feds, employees are only allowed to get sick 3 days out of the year. At least, PTO and sick leave is intentionally convoluted and in America, some people actually feel guilty taking sick days (even when they ARE sick) because they have that vacation to Bermuda later in the year that they're saving those days for. But doesn't that defeat the purpose of a sick day? We should just call it what it really is: Floater days where you're paid to not work.
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meme collection FAIL list coworker memes funny memes Memes meme remote work memes meme list funny - 22311685

150+ memes, a gargantuan helping that's overflowing with laughter and that will bring purpose to your life

Yes, you read that right. No—it's not a typo that has been carelessly struck by an overworked and stressed-out writer who is frantically throwing these galleries together for your eyes to absorb. There are actually 150+ memes in this collection that are begging for your observance. Ok, so it's not like a collection of memes is actually going to restore a lack of purpose to your life—should your life be lacking one—but it's a darn sight better than not browsing a collection of memes at all. And,…
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