karens messages customers blanket entitled karen entitled people wool buy selling - 22420229

'You could probably get the yarn for a LOT less': Customer advises blanket creator to lower prices and respond to messages faster

Some crafty folks enjoy selling their creations, but their customers seem to feel entitled to every step of the process. In the social media era, it's never been easier to feel closer to your favorite artist. The common adage is that people are attracted to the process of creating art, and lots of social media savvy creators are now showing their processes publically. This especially draws attention if your artwork involves dripping lots of paint down a canvas or frosting a cake at 5x speed. Th…
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance frosty karen fast-food manager boss refund employee customer-service talk-back backtalk karens karens-in-the-wild work

'Her food [got] as cold as my Frosty heart': Karen insults a fast food manager, forcing them to double check her refund; ends up getting $4.13 instead of $12.99

When you work is customer service, sometimes it's easier to hook it up for a customer just to get rid of them. We all know that there's a certain leeway that managers are privy to extend to clients, but that of course is at their discretion. If all of the sudden a snarky Karen starts insulting the manager personally, things might not go as planned for their 'oh-so-important' refund.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22435077

'What do I do?': Candidate told after "multiple interviews" that the salary range listed was incorrect

The interview process is unique because of the high stakes involved for both parties; the implications of ending up with a dud candidate can be disastrous for an organization or workgroup of any size, and a candidate ending up in a job that's not the right fit can be a huge misstep for them as well in their career. Likewise, the interview process is hugely resource-consuming for both parties, so wasting the other party's time with missed or rescheduled interviews and misleading promises or expe…
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'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

Overprotective parents are known to go the extra mile in the name of keeping an eye on their children, but tracking the nanny outside of work hours is way too far. You would think that any employer would know that this would be a clear invasion of privacy, yet apparently, some folks need to be reminded of decent human behavior. Just because we live in an age where it's easy to stalk someone doesn't mean you should. Again, this should be self-explanatory, but as it turns out, this basic sense of…
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‘Go to HR, then’: Boss refuses to give worker 1 week PTO to spend time with newborn baby due to being 'shortstaffed', worker counters by filing for 12 weeks paternity leave

‘Go to HR, then’: Boss refuses to give worker 1 week PTO to spend time with newborn baby due to being 'shortstaffed', worker counters by filing for 12 weeks paternity leave

One boss was forced to sheepishly backtrack after initially refusing to give a worker one week off once their wife gave birth to their newborn baby. Management really outdid themselves with this one… It seems ridiculously unfair to think that some bosses will not willingly give their workers requested time off, especially when it is well within the workers' rights to receive it. In this case, u/P4ddyC4ke, the OP, told the story of when his boss told him that because they were short-staffed, OP…
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'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

This Karen had absolutely no idea that she was making a scene at the wrong nail salon. Not only was the business owner adamant that the prices are made crystal clear before services are provided, but also the other customers were fiercely loyal and defensive of the business owner and the establishment in general. Clearly, this Karen was not paying attention when she kept asking for additional services while getting a manicure and threw a fit when she learned how much those services cost after t…
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school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say revenge teachers petty revenge teacher parenting back to school dad family elementary teacher-stories mom parents Father - 22420485

'Mom was going to keep having her arrested as long as she could': Disgruntled family gets back at tyrant school principal by having her "arrested"

You might wish sometimes that you could lock up your antagonists for good or maybe entomb them “The Cask of Amontillado” style.
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'Your manager just enabled her': Hardware store supervisor gives in to Karen pressure, disappointing employees and sparking an online debate

'Your manager just enabled her': Hardware store supervisor gives in to Karen pressure, disappointing employees and sparking an online debate

Everybody who has done their own DIY paint job knows that the paint you choose is going to look different once it's dry. That's just how paint works. You get a dark purple, it will probably dry lighter. You get a pale yellow, it will probably dry brighter, etc. Plus, the paint looks different in the sunlight, so if you have a sunny room, that's important to know. So always keep that in mind when you're picking your paint. Of course, there are DIYers who go into their projects not doing any rese…
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'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

HR might not be your friend, but they can certainly hear and see everything. Let's take a moment to consider the good HR reps out there and to think about all the unnecessary drama they have witnessed. Most of these folks do not take any pleasure in cleaning up everyone else's mess. Sometimes, these messes can be a result of tension among coworkers; other times, they can be physical messes. These ridiculous and cringeworthy stories have been compiled from this r/AskReddit thread, and they certa…
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'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left leaves on their neighbor's curb

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left their leaves on their neighbor's curb

This person has a lot of leaves to put out, but the leaf removal company they hired is being so picky about removing them. If you hire a company to do a service, you'd be shocked if they just decided not to do that. How useless of them! This place has created some pretty strict rules for how their leaf pickup has to go, but the rules are comically picky. This person has way more than your average share of leaves. While many of us find ourselves raking up the leaves of a couple trees on the prop…
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'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

'He paid for a pound, he's going to get what he paid for': Customer claims his wing order wasn't a full pound, turns out it's over a pound, server tosses extra wings

Entitled customers need to be careful with the battles they choose. If they are not certain that they're in the right, the result could be embarrassing and, in this case, far less than what they wanted. When you order a pound of wings at a restaurant, do you fully expect everything to be carefully weighed to the exact desired amount? What kind of establishment do you think this is, sir? You're ordering wings , not caviar! This Redditor , who worked as a cook at said wing establishment, watched…
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work work-memes workplace coworkerd coworker happy-hour friday friday-vibes vibes vibe end-of-the-week week weekend

30 'Friday Vibes' Work Memes for Employees Who Live for the Weekend

Memes to send to your favorite coworker before happy hour
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22420741

'[The shift] wasn't even mine': Worker gets written up after missing shift due to a family emergency, gets a new job and quits next day

Getting written up for a bogus reason in the workplace can be unfair, and being written up for a family emergency that caused you to miss a shift (that wasn't even yours in the first place) really fits the bill. Unfortunately, in most circumstances, you'd probably be stuck in the role for quite some time, especially if your life was already at a precarious point due to the aforementioned emergency. In fact, your power-tripping boss is probably counting on it.
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'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

What would you do if your boss asked you to print the whole internet page by page? Or what if they asked you to water the plants while it was literally raining outside? These people shared stories of the absolute dumbest things their bosses have ever done---including those two examples above! Some bosses rely heavily on their employees to keep things running. For example, in some offices, the assistants will be the first ones in and the last ones out, tasked with answering phones, working with…
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reddit reddit-thread landlord tenant landlords rent renter renters living house apartment moving moving-out laundry washer appliances dryer

'Call the police... see what happens': Landlord blows his gasket when ex-tenant moves out and takes the appliances she purchased with her

Landlords are the scum of the Earth. They hike up the rent 10% every month, they paint over your electrical outlets, and they're clearly under the impression that the entire world exists for their profit. They'll scam their tenants out of anything if it means making an extra buck– At the risk of losing our residence, is there any way for us tenants to retaliate?
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace Horrible Bosses - 22435333

'OK, I'll take more breaks then': Manager tells worker not to drink at their desk, worker leaves their desk more often

Employers are determined to replace workers with machines, and, sure, automation and specialized machinery lead to more efficiency, but it's not like the productive workers see any of that increased cash flow anyway. While employers might hope to one day replace certain roles with automation, AI hasn't come that far yet. Just ask anyone who has gotten stuck talking to an AI on a “customer care” line or ended up messaging a robot that has no idea how to solve your problem and keeps redirecting y…
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