Daughter tells crazy story of her dad's spite cow | Do guys want hear about my dads SPITE COW OBVIOUSLY YES WANT KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT DAD YESSSSS OMG. about eat something real quick then l'll tell story about my dad adopting cow out spite didn't know could love someone so much without ever having conversation with them tbb.

Daughter Tells Story Of Her Dad's Crazy Spite Cow

Spite Cow Dad is a new level of petty.
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An employee gets fired over a BS reason, and ends up with a nice severance package | FullmoonCrystal Fire bs reason? Get ready pay up have been considering posting this lot, but finally decided do happened about year ago fall 2018. TL;DR will be at bottom.

Employee Gets Fired Over BS Reason, Ends Up With Nice Severance Package

The employee ended up getting what they deserved. Phew!
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A collection of funny and weird posts from the Denny's Tumblr account | Dennys dennys #1 tip be most popular kid school fill backpack/pencil box/locker/car with pancakes and offer them new friends

Times Denny's Tumblr Was Weird AF

Whoever runs the Denny's Tumblr account is on one.
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Guy buys wife a Roomba for Christmas and it backfires terribly, because she gets offended | AITA buying my wife Roomba Christmas? This happened last year but since still gets brought up during arguments every now and then and just discovered this Subreddit decided check guys think and my wife have two children (15F 11M My wife is stay at home mom since birth our second child 46M) work full time and earn six figure salary. My job is highly stressful, requires travel lot and mostly sleep hotels on

Guy Buys Wife A Roomba For Christmas, It Backfires Terribly

Leave the Roomba out of this!
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A collection of AskReddit replies about the most useless inventions that people have ever seen | pet rock. So useless and yet made millions dollars.

The Most Useless Inventions People Have Seen

The pet rock really caught on.
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A collection of clever comebacks that left the rest of the world quiet | tweet by Adolphine_ Personally, bad English is such turn off tweet by _Adunnss_ don't need put after writing "personally" is. Wtf is Outback Steakhouse planning reply by Satan Mind damn business

Spicy Clever Comebacks That Silenced The World

These clever comebacks were as accurate as they were purely brutal.
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People who think they are very smart | listening Mozart some people listen rap rather than Mozart is objective proof some people are stupid yupisaidit

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Covered The Internet With Their Supposed Genius

It's not a good look.
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An eBay exchange goes wrong when a buyer refuses to respond without anger |  Carhartt Men's Weathered Duck Cotton Detroit Jacket Black Large NWT Made In USA %3D <> Item: 233415581554 ebay tm (318 *) New message from: Hi L I have been traveling and haven't had a chance to log into Ebay, so haven't been able to ship out the jacket yet. I

eBay Exchange Goes Wrong With Unreasonable Seller

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Veteriniarians as a reindeer question on facebook and it gets bigger than that | Horse Vet Corner Maggie Knox have question our wonderful VETS only please. This is not an emergency by any means, and is bit unusual: My children are very concerned about Santa's reindeer getting laminitis due overeating candy canes, cookies, and carrots. Are caribou prone founder like horses been unable find any information on subject elsewhere on internet. Please delete this without thought if this question. Paula

Vets Around The World Responded To Kids' Question About Santa's Reindeer

Keeping the magic alive!
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A collection of myths that are untrue and infuriating about women | JARlaah women don't snore seriously, l've heard this loads and always baffles People breathe they sleep, sometimes makes some noise, male or female. Let em breathe.

Myths About Women That Are Totally Untrue

It's time for the myths to stop.
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cool physics awesome experiment science Video win - 101078529

Cooling Helium To The Point It Becomes A Superfluid

Liquifying helium to temperatures that challenge our normal state of reality.
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Joaquin Phoenix joker DC awesome movies villains superheroes - 101078785

Joker Stair Scene Recorded By Resident Living Next To Stairs

Can't imagine what this looked like to people without context.
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A collection of bizarre things that we should leave behind in 2019 | tweet by xpocathomas #BizarreThingsToLeaveln2019 Everything buy coming with bunch extra trash wrapped around SELECTED BANANAS

Bizarre Things To Leave In 2019

It's time to leave the worst of it behind to make room for 2020's curveballs.
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Twitter story of a guy's dad trying to spread ashes on a windy day | tweet by mitchfel hardest ever laughed my entire life few years ago at my grandma's ashes scattering ceremony Thread:

Dude's Sad And Hilarious Story Of Ash Spreading Gone Wrong

You sort of have to go where the wind takes you.
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Old people social media fails | PLEASE, could someone explain this picture am seeing everywhere and don't get screaming upset blonde woman and white cat with plate broccoli

Old People On Social Media Doing Their Best

They're trying.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the times that class clowns took things way too far | post by muddybuttbrew He tried pants teacher

Class Clowns That Took It Way Too Far

Even class clowns need to know their limit.
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