People share the dumbest thing they've heard someone say | post by ImReallySorryMom Friend high school told he didn't take SAT because he heard 's easier second time does make fucking sense

Wildly Dumb Things People Were Told

Not everyone's brain is working all the time.
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A collection of the year's most brutal revenge cases | r/NuclearRevenge post by PerfectHamburger812 Steal my money, take my house, put into debt. Now 's time ruin life

The Most Nuclear Revenge Cases Of The Year

Nuclear revenge cases are as ruthless as it gets.
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Person pops out false eye to prove that they didn't see someone in line | post by rde42 really, really didn't see oc s This just about qualifies as malicious compliance think. Backstory back 2010 had my left eye removed, due cancer s no big problem but obviously my field vision on side is not quite

Guy Pops Out False Eye to Prove He Didn't See Other Customer

It works to be direct.
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Entitled dad wants free babysitting and art | Seriously can even use us as an example and can post online bet get sales and help each othrt way Are going pay babysitting 4 kids this week not seeing this as very fair deal and feel trying take advantage knows my current situation and sure she'd understand can't spend 30hrs+ and using material can't currently replace free sorry hope this is joke

Entitled Dad Wants Free Art and Babysitting, Gets Neither

The nerve on this guy.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the strangest things people's co-workers have done | post by DigitalLD woman at my company has decided instead paying on her student loans, she will simply get more degrees. She's 40 on her 4th masters degree, and does nothing but complain about school work all day. Probably at least hundred k debt. No comprendo.

The Weirdest Things People's Co-Workers Have Done

AskReddit users share stories of their weirdest co-workers!
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Bride wants to pay for her wedding with Instagram exposure, and proceeds to get mocked over it | Hi yall! As know n David afe getribg married! Soon will be Mrs. David believe can lol deserve can are blessed David's godmother has invited us have her wedding at her estate Maine share some photos later but its gorgeous and its historical landmark, which means my wedding is going be historic!lol

Bride Wants To Pay For Wedding With Exposure, Gets Mocked

The delusions here are next level.
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An art drama captured in a Tumblr thread | tweet by stuartsemple If truly stan need help made new blackest black Black 3.0 can order now help us share with everyone really is black hole bottle usual restrictions apply

An Art Drama Ballad Of Epic Proportions

Tumblr user explains famous feud between artists over rare colors.
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A health insurance exec's Twitter thread on health insurance reform goes viral | tweet by Wendell Potter O @wendellpotter Lately I've noticed some Democratic politicians defending the current healthcare system by saying it preserves "choice" for Americans. As a former health insurance exec who helped draft this talking point, I need to come clean on its back story, and why it's wrong and a trap

Health Insurance Exec's Twitter Thread On Healthcare Goes Viral

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Guys take advantage of stupid printing policy | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/UrPokemon get 250 pages print per semester. My roommate and attend university where are given 250 pages per semester print as part our attendance. Well hardly used since have our own printer, so went over print room and asked them if could have our ~500 pages. They said pages were only printing and not quantity letter paper were entitled So said okay.

Guys Make Full Use of Their School's Stupid Printing Policy

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Funny and stupid design fails from people who had one job | yellow cat inflating bouncing castle badly designed so that kids enter it through a slit at the front. shopping bag printed with an image of a flamingo in a way that looks like the person holding the bag is choking the bird/

Design Fails That Were Someone's One Job

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A collection of AskReddit replies to bilinguals sharing their experiences with overhearing people | post by cmichael00 high school spoke Spanish fairly well not common time and my area family buying groceries, and as ringing up items father said "he has not seen stuff on bottom, dont get rank up on belt, and sat there, after few moments asked about stuff on bottom. They would not look at next 2 mins or so transaction.

Bilinguals That Overheard People Without Them Knowing

If there's one valuable lesson in this particular form of "overheards", it's that you never know who's listening!
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Funny dad jokes and dad memes | Person - Not Evan @actuallynotevan ur dad finds ur extensions Twitter actuallynotevan | Animal - airhead mere @merestromb Got my dad's house and he showing all food he has snack on and he goes "and have guacamole ball s guacamole ball ask? well will tell an avocado. He has an avocado.

Rad Dad Memes to Achieve Dad Dreams

We gotta hand it to the dads out there, who try so hard to make us laugh with terrible jokes.
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boss mob mafia threat Video - 101044993

Ex-Mob Boss Explains How He Extorted Pro Athletes Without Threats

This guy should narrate every mob documentary!
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cringe shark tank pyramid scheme ridiculous scam Video stupid - 101044737

Two Men Try To Sell Pyramid Scheme On British Shark Tank

Best to not use the word "pyramid" when you're pitching investors.
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video of guy who discovers how to get free food at mcdonalds

Guys Discover How To Get Free Food From McDonald's

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A collection of AskReddit replies to how people ended up remarrying their ex spouses | dirtyrango not but this guy who works one our rural offices has married and divorced same woman literally 6 times. Im not sure they're logic is but whatever.

People That Remarried Their Ex Spouses

It actually works out for some people.
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