Son says that he hears bees at night, and the parents doubt him. They end up getting stung by hundreds from the attic | r/tifu posted by dudecheckthis TIFU by not believing my son heard bees Some really liked my FU about strip club with kids, so thought share another! Could probably have whole dad series, though not sure should brag about

Son Says He Hears Bees At Night, Parents Don't Believe Him, Stinging Ensues

Should've taken the kid more seriously!
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Funny kids being stupid and weird | Trev97 just remembered got my first dog 7 and he 1 (7 dog years) and cried he turned 2 because didnt think 14 year old dog would wanna hangout with

Moments That Show How Kids Are Dumb Little Wierdos

It's not necessarily their fault.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to people's biggest online dating fails | MattSouth Chatted with them year by phone, once met had nothing talk about and most awkward encounter my life.

People Share Their Biggest Online Dating Fails

The online dating world is no easy place to navigate.
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NHL player tweets at actress, multiple accounts sing his imaginative praises thanking him for lending them his expensive vehicles, saving animals and insinuating about the size of his jockstrap | Anthony Beauvillier @titobeauvi21 Hi @AnnaKendrick47

NHL Player Shoots His Shot With Anna Kendrick, Twitter Tries To Wingman Him

Sounds like quite the catch!
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FAIL cringe Awkward steve harvey funny Video - 101128449

Rob Gronkowski Spikes Steve Harvey's LEGO Head

Steve Harvey is not entertained.
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A collection of funny questions and comments from people on Quora | My son thinks he has 20 girlfriends can tell him anime girls do not actually exist and he needs find real girlfriend? He is 36 years old.

Insane Moments From The Curious World Of Quora

Quora never fails to make us go "yikes."
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the creepiest glitches people have experienced in the world | post by gninnep Lost my keys while over at friend's house and using spare almost week. Found them sitting driver's seat parked at my own place, miles away where lost them.

The Creepiest Glitches People Have Experienced

Nothing like a glitch in the matrix to turn your world upside down.
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Stories of times people got too much information | post by MylesWithay Ok, Starbucks barista here working drivethru and some lady comes asking an iced coffee with heavy cream pay no mind as 's not even close my weirdest order. She gets window and starts trying explain motifs behind getting this drink By way not getting this caffeine constipated

People Who Got Wild TMI from Near Strangers

Some folks are just more comfortable sharing, apparently.
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Guy tells a crazy story about his rollercoaster of a New Year's Eve | Andrew Kimmel @andrewkimmel Dear @AmericanAir, After arriving back LA Indonesia 275 EQDS under (yet 25K miles over maintaining status asked pay $1875 keep status, so instead booked 400 rt ticket Mexico 24 hrs. Here's my fucking night went

One Man's Wild New Year's Eve Story

This guy has a story to last him a lifetime.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to things people think are healthy, but actually aren't healthy | Low Fat 100% Fat Free

Unhealthy Things That People Think Are Healthy

People need to do their own research.
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Stories of people's dumb mistakes | PianoManGidley opening can food my cat, and some gravy got on my finger. My brain went on autopilot and licked my finger clean regretted immediately.

Dumb Moments That Made People Question Themselves

There are times when all you can do is wonder.
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An employee gets written up for something unreasonable by the company, but they end up getting the last laugh | r/pettyrevenge by Alamokok HR try hard find dirt, but have last laugh. Bit significant background, but necessary think

Employee Gets BS Write-Up, But They Have The Last Laugh

Can't put a price on how satisfying it is to get the last laugh.
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Funny Tumblr moments | sarahsquarah: So this lady came this morning and walked up front desk greet us before gasping loudly and saying forgot my dog" She forgot bring her dog with her vet

A Healthy Mish-Mash of Tumblr Gems

Weird premises, snowballing half-forgotten ideas and overly specific pop-culture lore.
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talk show jimmy fallon cringe ridiculous funny - 101079809

Compilation Of Jimmy Fallon Fake Laughing

It actually sounds like he has to laugh or something terrible will happen.
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scary wtf snow ice dangerous - 101079553

Big Scary Icicles Falling from Power Lines

Well that's terrifying.
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Autocorrect ends up inspiring a movie idea along with a bunch of puns | tweet by ChrisHewitt Autocorrect just changed Jesus Christ Jesus Heist and now, if excuse have go off write biggest movie 2021.

Autocorrect Sparks Film Idea And Tons Of Puns

All the makings of one truly absurd movie right here.
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